Independent Study: Preparation reading test

Welcome to today's English Lesson!

With Ms Frijns
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 28 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

Welcome to today's English Lesson!

With Ms Frijns

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By the end of this lesson, you...
...know which questions you can expect on the reading test. 
...know how you can go about answering these questions. 
...are prepared for the reading test!

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What are you going to do?
You are going to work on the Lesson Up by yourself. 
During this lesson-up, you are going to practice with the different kind of questions you can expect on the test in the testweek. For every type of question, you first get an explanation of how the question works. Do this seriously and in silence. 
Good luck!

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Vraagsoort 1: multiple choice

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Multiple choice questions
Wat zie je?
Bij multiple choice questions die je een vraag staan met daaronder 3 mogelijke antwoorden (a,b,c). 

Wat doe je?
Je kiest welk antwoord correct is.

Let goed op details. Vaak lijken twee antwoorden veel op elkaar.
Waarom begon men met her vieren van docenten dag?
a. Om docenten te prijzen op hun goede uitleg. 
b. Om docenten te bedanken omdat ze ons de wereld uitleggen en helpen leren.
c. Om docenten te helpen leren.

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What is World Teachers' Day?
World Teachers' Day celebrates the amazing work done by teachers every day in and out of classrooms.It started in 1994 as a special way to thank teachers all over the world for helping us learn and explaining the world to us.Every year it has a new theme, which is set by Unesco.
Om docenten te prijzen op hun goede uitleg.
Om docenten te bedanken omdat ze ons de wereld uitleggen en helpen leren.
Om docenten te helpen leren.

Slide 6 - Quiz

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It started in 1994 as a special way to thank teachers all over the world for helping us learn and explaining the world to us.

Je ziet hier dat, hoewel docenten goed uitleggen (a), er details worden benoemd in de tekst waardoor het antwoord "b" is. Let dus goed op details!


Choose the correct answer.
Waarom begon men met her vieren van docenten dag?

a. Om docenten te prijzen op hun goede uitleg. 
b. Om docenten te bedanken omdat ze ons de wereld uitleggen en helpen leren.
c. Om docenten te helpen leren. 
Multiple choice questions

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Vraagsoort 2: True or false

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True or false
Wat zie je?
Bij een "true or false" vraag zie je verschillende stellingen staan die horen bij een text. Achter de stellingen staat "T/F". 

Wat doe je?
Omcirkel op de toets "T" (true) als je denkt dat de stelling klopt, of "F" (false) als je denkt dat de stelling niet klopt. 

De Rangers staan 2e in de Champions League.                    T/F

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Liverpool defeated Rangers 2-0 on Tuesday night, bringing Liverpool to second place in their Champions League group. This is the first time that Rangers and Liverpool have played each other competitively in their long history, though they have played in friendlies over the years. Fans of Liverpool will have been relieved to see a decisive victory against the Glaswegian side, after last year's Champions League finalists have struggled in a few of their Premier League matches.

Stelling: De Rangers staan 2e in de Champions League.

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Uitleg antwoord
Liverpool defeated Rangers 2-0 on Tuesday night, bringing Liverpool to second place in their Champions League group. This is the first time that Rangers and Liverpool have played each other competitively in their long history, though they have played in friendlies over the years. Fans of Liverpool will have been relieved to see a decisive victory against the Glaswegian side,  after last year's Champions League finalists have struggled in a few of their Premier League matches.

Stelling: De Rangers staan 2e in de Champions League. <-- False

Liverpool heeft gewonnen. 

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Liverpool defeated Rangers 2-0 on Tuesday night, bringing Liverpool to second place in their Champions League group. This is the first time that Rangers and Liverpool have played each other competitively in their long history, though they have played in friendlies over the years. Fans of Liverpool will have been relieved to see a decisive victory against the Glaswegian side, after last year's Champions League finalists have struggled in a few of their Premier League matches.

Stelling: Dit is de eerste keer dat Liverpool en Rangers tegen elkaar been wedstrijd hebben gespeeld.

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Uitleg antwoord
Liverpool defeated Rangers 2-0 on Tuesday night, bringing Liverpool to second place in their Champions League group. This is the first time that Rangers and Liverpool have played each other competitively in their long history, though they have played in friendlies over the years. Fans of Liverpool will have been relieved to see a decisive victory against the Glaswegian side,  after last year's Champions League finalists have struggled in a few of their Premier League matches.

Stelling: Dit is de eerste keer dat Liverpool en Rangers tegen elkaar been wedstrijd hebben gespeeld. <-- False

Liverpool en Rangers hebben nooit competatief tegen elkaar gespeeld, maar well vriendschappelijk. 

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Liverpool defeated Rangers 2-0 on Tuesday night, bringing Liverpool to second place in their Champions League group. This is the first time that Rangers and Liverpool have played each other competitively in their long history, though they have played in friendlies over the years. Fans of Liverpool will have been relieved to see a decisive victory against the Glaswegian side, after last year's Champions League finalists have struggled in a few of their Premier League matches.

Stelling: Omdat Liverpool tijdens de Premier League some niet goed speelde, zullen fans opgelucht zijn met de overwinning

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Vraagsoort 3: Choose the correct alternative

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Choose the correct alternative
Wat zie je?
Bij dit soort vraag zie je zinnen met twee dikgedrukte woorden erin met een "/" ertussen. 

Wat doe je?
Het is aan jou om het juiste woord te onderstrepen om de zin kloppend te maken op basis van de tekst. 


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Windrush Day takes place on 22 June, remembering the day when around 500 migrants from the Caribbean arrived at Tilbury Docks in Essex in 1948. Britain was just starting to recover from World War Two back then. Thousands of buildings had been bombed, lots of houses had been destroyed and it all needed to be rebuilt. In the Caribbean, lots of young men and women had served in the British armed forces because at the time, many Caribbean countries were still under British rule and not yet independent. After the war, some of these people answered an advert to come to Britain where there were lots of different jobs to do. 
When the immigrants arrived in Essex, Britain was recovered from / was rebuilding after WWII. 
was recovered from
was rebuilding after

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Windrush Day takes place on 22 June, remembering the day when around 500 migrants from the Caribbean arrived at Tilbury Docks in Essex in 1948. Britain was just starting to recover from World War Two back then. Thousands of buildings had been bombed, lots of houses had been destroyed and it all needed to be rebuilt. In the Caribbean, lots of young men and women had served in the British armed forces because at the time, many Caribbean countries were still under British rule and not yet independent. After the war, some of these people answered an advert to come to Britain where there were lots of different jobs to do. 
A lot of Carribean countries were under rule of/ independent from Britain during WW2.
under rule of
independent from

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Vraagsoort 4: Complete the sentences

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Complete the sentences
Wat zie je?
Bij dit soort vraag zie je een citaat uit de tekst. Daaronder staat een onafgemaakte zin. 

Wat doe je?
Gebruik het citaat om een zin afmaken. De zinnen gaan vaak over de rede waarom het citaat in de tekst staat of de context waar het citaat staat. 


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Let op!
Bij de volgende vragen moet je op het "Text" icoontje drukken om de tekst te lezen. Om de tekst weg te halen klik je opnieuw op het icoontje. 

hier staat dan de tekst

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'This is not an easy task.'

De schrijver zegt dit omdat _________________________

Slide 22 - Open question

Ed Sheeran will be going to trial in the United States following a claim that his hit song Thinking Out Loud copied another artist's track.The pop star's lawyers had tried to convince the judge to reject the copyright lawsuit, but the judge said there was "no bright-line rule" for the case. This means that the judge believes that whether Ed Sheeran copied the other artist's track or not should be decided by a jury after hearing evidence from both sides of the case.
'They hope that foster care will mean pets...'

'They' in deze zin verwijst naar _________________________

Slide 23 - Open question

Ed Sheeran will be going to trial in the United States following a claim that his hit song Thinking Out Loud copied another artist's track.The pop star's lawyers had tried to convince the judge to reject the copyright lawsuit, but the judge said there was "no bright-line rule" for the case. This means that the judge believes that whether Ed Sheeran copied the other artist's track or not should be decided by a jury after hearing evidence from both sides of the case.
Vraagsoort 5: Choose the correct statements

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Choose the correct statements
Wat zie je?
Bij dit soort vraag zie je...
...ofwel een open vraag: een citaat of zin met betrekking tot de tekst.
...ofwel een gesloten vraag: een gesloten vraag met 4 mogelijke antwoorden.

Wat doe je?
Open vraag: geef de informatie die gevraagd wordt (bijvoorbeeld: leg iets uit of vertaal een term)
Gesloten vraag: kruis het goede antwoord aan op basis van de tekst.

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"Carbon dating" is a method used to...
find old footprints
find animal footprints
find out how old footprints are
to clean footprints

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Waarom is animal foster care nodig? Leg uit.

Slide 27 - Open question

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Over to you...
Well done! Now you know what kind of questions you can expect on the test. 

Now, choose how you are going to study for the test (in silence!):
  • Start on Unit 2, lesson 1 of New Interface. This is a reading text.
  • Study the 1000 Most Common Words (on Classroom).

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