§3.2 Rich and poor in Dubai part 1

§3.2 Rich and poor in Dubai part 1

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Slide 1: Slide
aardrijkskundeMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 30 slides, with text slides and 2 videos.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

§3.2 Rich and poor in Dubai part 1

Slide 1 - Slide

Recap- what do you remember?- Write on the whiteboard
Unequal population spreading
One cultural area?
Natural resources: good or bad?

Slide 2 - Slide

What should you be able to do at the end of class
  • You can explain the concepts of prosperity and well-being and that prosperity affects well-being
  • You can name differences in welfare between countries in the Middle East
  • You can tell what social inequalities there are within countries in the Middle East

Slide 3 - Slide

Slide 4 - Video

Slide 5 - Slide

Slide 6 - Slide

Celebs spotted in Dubai

Slide 7 - Slide

Slide 8 - Slide

Slide 9 - Slide

Sociale ongelijkheid

Slide 10 - Slide

Prosperity in ME
  • Social inequality
  • GDP per capita very high in some areas
  • Even in rich countries there is sometimes still a lot of poverty!

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The wealth you have also helps determine your well-being

= Extent to which a person has access to basic needs. Is about being able to live happily and healthy

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What does this picture tell you?

Slide 13 - Slide

Behind the scenes
Dubai is not just home to Arabs
70% of the people are Asian

How can this be?

These are guest workers who work in the region. They sent money to their homes

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Slide 15 - Slide

Emerging countries
BRICS countries-
Brazil, Russia, India, China and South africa

Embrace free markets. GDP is still low and they have a high level of social and regional equality

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Economic power blocks
EU-Is strong because of all the GDP's of members together
US- biggest economy in the world
China- second biggest economy in the world

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Global shift 
China will take over 1st place
US in 2nd place, India 3rd. China and India are examples of emerging countries in Asia.

Global economic centre of gravity
- in the past: Europe
- then: US
- today: countries around the Pacific Ocean

global shift = change in the economic centre of gravity.

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Human development index

Inkomen – BNP

Onderwijs – analfabetisme, aantal jaren scholing

Gezondheidszorg – levensverwachting, zuigelingensterfte, artsendichtheid

Slide 21 - Slide

BNP= Bruto Nationaal Product
Totale productie van goederen en diensten in een land in een jaar uitgedrukt in geld. Of gewoon…het inkomen.

Je meet het gemiddelde per inwoner. Dit geeft een  vertekend beeld.

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Region inequality vs Social inequality- A Note!!!!
Region inequality: Differences in the standard of living between regions

Social inequality: Differences in proserity and development opportunities between social groups

Ready? Start with 2.2 exercise 4

Slide 24 - Slide

Slide 25 - Slide

To do:
Paragraph 2.2 finished
Mindmap Paragraph 2.2

Slide 26 - Slide

Slide 27 - Video

Lets do a test

Slide 28 - Slide

Slide 29 - Link

From §3.2, make assignments 2, 3, 4 and 5

Slide 30 - Slide