TM Lesson 3

Did you have time to try out aims and SCs with a group?

Did you have time to decide what/ when you will teach for this module?

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Slide 1: Slide
TaalHBOStudiejaar 4

This lesson contains 22 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 60 min

Items in this lesson

Did you have time to try out aims and SCs with a group?

Did you have time to decide what/ when you will teach for this module?

Slide 1 - Slide

Aim and SC
WALT(aim): Before the end of the lesson, students can design Phase 2 of the FE loop for an English language activity.

- Students can describe Phase 2 of the 5 Phase Cycle
- Students can list at least three informal and three formal ways of Checking For Understanding
- Students can list three functions of C4Us
- Students can list the different types of information a teacher should look for when checking
   for understanding

Slide 2 - Slide

I can list the five phases of the FE loop

Slide 3 - Poll

Collect evidence of learning
Collect evidence of HOW students reach the aim.
C4Us = Checks for Understanding
Suggestions for the example of 5 sentences about yourself?
Analyse evidence of learning
Describe and explain observations of the collected evidence of learning. What went well? Why? Where is room for improvement?
Discuss findings/analysis with students
Providing students with feedback. Informing them about your findings. How do you do that so their learning can benefit from your feedback?
Improve your teaching and the students' learning
If you had to teach the same again, what would you do differently? Why? Which activities can you come up with to make sure your students reach the aim set in phase 1?
Aims and success criteria (SC)
AIM(S) = WHAT do you want your students to learn?
SC = HOW will your students reach the aim?

Example AIM: Students can introduce themselves in 5 sentences.

Slide 4 - Slide

Give the definition of phase 1 in the FE loop.

Slide 5 - Open question

True or false: In phase 1, the teacher always sets the aim and decides on the success criteria (SC) him/herself.

Slide 6 - Poll

If your answer was 'true':
Watch the third video uploaded as prep work in BS last week, because the teacher does not always set the aim and decide on the SC him/herself. Students can do that as well. 

The teacher needs to make sure they tick all the boxes, though, so are they SMART and do they all show student learning: Do  all SC lead to achieving the aim?

Slide 7 - Slide

If needed: Watch info about Phase 1 in Dutch (from SLO)

Slide 8 - Slide

What did we take from that clip?
  • we need clear aims and SC
  • SCs should be understood by both learners/students and teacher
  • We need to be able to make learning visible (CLT > output)
  • We need checks for understanding to monitor understanding

Slide 9 - Slide

After our last TM session, I made an aim and SC for at least one lesson and tried them out.

Slide 10 - Poll

SLO animation: Phase 2
(watch until 1.53)

     Choose the level of your students
     and check out samples on the site

Slide 11 - Slide

Students can apply the structure of a formal email. 
Students can write polite sentences to respond to a customer who wrote a complaint email. 
Students can use linking words to link paragraphs correctly. 
Success Criteria
At the end of the lesson series, B1 students can write a formal email of 140-160 words, answering a customer's complaint and offering appropriate compensation. 

Slide 12 - Drag question

What would be ways to make these SCs visible?

Slide 13 - Open question

Phase 2: Ways to collect
of student learning

Slide 14 - Mind map

Gathering evidence of student learning
  • teacher asks students to write on paper
  • teacher records verbal responses
  • teacher uses digital tools 
  • teacher asks students to use self-assessment
  • teacher asks students to give peer-feedback

Self-assessment & peer-feedback will be discussed in the upcoming weeks

Slide 15 - Slide

Again: what does C4U stand for?
See for yourself
comprehension for u
Check for understanding
care for u

Slide 16 - Quiz

Think-pair-share assignment (10 mins)
Browse the sites and write down:
  • 3 informal C4Us which would work for your students and 1 which wouldn't. 
  • 2 formal C4Us which would work for your students and 1 which wouldn't.
  • Explain your choices to your group members.
  • Be prepared to share with the entire class afterwards.

Slide 18 - Slide

Module guide
Please go over to the module guide - Page 17

The lesson plan is meant to help you structure your lessons in the lesson series. It will not be graded. By adding theory in the right column while making your plan, you will save yourself time when you need to justify choices by linking them to theory in your final assignment. 

The lesson plan is only an appendix, so all information you want to include in your final assignment must be shared in your paper/video for the TM teacher to assess. The 3 rows and 3 lessons are a suggestion. Please add more rows or lessons if necessary.

Slide 19 - Slide

Exit ticket: What have I learnt today that I can use in my lesson design for this module?

Slide 20 - Open question

How are you feeling at the end of this session?

Slide 21 - Quiz

If enough time: Group assignment (15mins)
  • Choose a class of one of the group members. Write down  CEFR level, age, relevant backround info.
  • Think of an activity and formulate an aim and suitable SC for it 
  • Decide how to collect evidence of student learning.
  • Choose 2 informal C4Us and 1 formal C4U to check if the students have understood the assignment and have got sufficient knowledge to get started.

Slide 22 - Slide