4. Urie Bronfenbrenner (1917–2005) – Ecological Systems Theory
Key Ideas:
Children's development is influenced by multiple systems:
Microsystem – Family, caregivers, teachers, friends.
Mesosystem – Interactions between different parts of a child’s world (e.g., school-home relationships).
Exosystem – External environments affecting the child indirectly (e.g., parents’ work).
Macrosystem – Cultural values, policies, and laws.
Impact on Practice:
Highlights the role of family, society, and culture in learning.
Encourages strong home-school links and parent partnerships.
Influences multi-agency working in safeguarding and child protection.
5. Howard Gardner (1943–Present) – Multiple Intelligences Theory
Key Ideas:
Challenges traditional intelligence tests, proposing eight types of intelligence:
Linguistic – Word-smart
Logical-Mathematical – Number-smart
Musical – Sound-smart
Bodily-Kinesthetic – Movement-smart
Spatial – Picture-smart
Interpersonal – People-smart
Intrapersonal – Self-smart
Naturalistic – Nature-smart
Impact on Practice:
Encourages diverse teaching methods to support different learning styles.
Supports personalised learning plans in early years settings.
Reinforces the importance of holistic development in the EYFS.