Periode 4-Week 5

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EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

This lesson contains 10 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 100 min

Items in this lesson


Slide 1 - Slide

To Do:

  • Planning periode 4
  • Taalblokken: Spelling & Grammatica A2: werkwoorden + trappen van vergelijking
  • Presentatie: uitleg

Slide 2 - Slide

Planning periode 4

Slide 3 - Slide

Werkwoorden: tijden
  • present simple:  hele werkwoord / SHIT-regel
  • present continuous: am/is/ are + werkwoord + ing
  • past simple: werkwoord + ed / eigen vorm
  • present perfect: have/has + werkwoord + ed  of have/has + eigen vorm
  • future: will / going to / present continuous/ present simple

Slide 4 - Slide

Trappen van vergelijking
(not) as .... as:      as tall as / not as tall as
korte woorden:   woord + er                          smarter  (than)
                                   woord + est             (the) smartest

lange woorden:  more + woord             more beautiful (than)
                                   most + woord         (the) most beautiful

eigen vorm:  good - better -best / bad -worse -worst / etc

Slide 5 - Slide

Trappen van vergelijking
1. Joe is ................................than Ed. (short)
2. Al is the ........................................(short)
3. Ed is the........................................ (thin)
4. Joe is ......................................... than Al. (thin)
5. Al has the.....................................  clothes. (colourful)
6. Al is ................................................... than Joe. (heavy)
7. Ed is the................................................. (light)
8. Joe is.........................................  than Ed. (happy)
9. Ed is the ........................................ (mysterious)
10. Joe is .............................................than Ed. (energetic)

Slide 6 - Slide

Spelling en Grammatica A2: 
2.1 Zelfstandige naamwoorden
2.2 Werkwoorden
2.3 Trappen van vergelijking
2.4 Bijwoorden

Slide 7 - Slide

Task: presentation about a city
What are you going to do?
You are going to give a presentation about a city of your choice.  (4-6 minutes)  

Whom are you going to work with?   
You will give the presentation to the teacher and  one classmate. Your classmate will observe you and will fill out a feedback form. When you've finished the presentation, you switch roles with your classmate.   

What do you need to hand in to your teacher?   
The completed feedback form your classmate filled in for you.   


Slide 8 - Slide

Task: presentation about a city

2) Instructions   
Make sure your presentation contains the following information: 
- Introduction: introduce yourself and the topic.  
- Factual information about the city, such as location, climate, history, population, interesting facts.  
- Description of transport and facilities, such as airports, public transport, schools, parks, libraries, churches, recreational facilities.  
- Description of attractions. Discuss three attractions in the city. 

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