Say 'present' in chat - from now onwards: presence and HV in Magister
Revision Grammar U6
The Passive
Get/have something done
1 / 13
Slide 1: Slide
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This lesson contains 13 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.
Items in this lesson
Say 'present' in chat - from now onwards: presence and HV in Magister
Revision Grammar U6
The Passive
Get/have something done
Slide 1 - Slide
Present simple
Present continuous
Past simple
Past continuous
Present perfect
Past perfect
Future simple
They like going on holiday.
She hasn't seen him yet.
By the time he arrived, we had already finished the work.
They got bored.
At 3 p.m. I was reading my novel.
My cat jumps on my lap every time I am typing an answer.
Next time I will be better prepared.
Slide 2 - Drag question
Present simple p
Present continuous p
Past simple p
Past continuous p
Present perfect p
Past perfect p
Future simple p
The new measurements will be announced soon.
She has been given a leave of absence.
By the time he arrived, the work had been finished.
We were given new puzzles to solve.
When she was walking down the street, she had no idea she was being watched.
The kitchen is being cleaned so I cannot make a sandwich.
He is loved.
Slide 3 - Drag question
How can/should I know this?
There is not much to understand about it. If you do not know this, it is not in your head. All you can do is memorise it.
Slide 4 - Slide
She was already being helped (by someone else) so I decided not to help her.
They were disliked (by everyone) because of their lame jokes.
The birthday cake had already been eaten by the time we arrived, unfortunately.
A vaccine against the corona virus will hopefully be developed soon.
I have already been told about that so you don't have to repeat it again now.
Grammar Explanation
We use the passive tense or 'get/have something done' when we are more interested in the action than the person performing the action or we do not know, do not want to show or do not care who performs the action.
Action > Subject
Subject = ?
Look at sentences
- Focus on that she was already being helped = action
- Focus on that they were disliked = action
- Focus on development of vaccine = action
- Focus on having been told = action
Slide 5 - Slide
Active - Passive
(Subject) (Present Perfect) (Object)
(Object) (Present Perfect Pasive) (by + original subject)
She has helped him.
He has been helped by her.
Slide 6 - Slide
Active -> Passive
Present Simple P: am/is/are + past participle
Present Continuous P:am/is/are being + past participle
Past Simple P:was/were + past participle
Past Continuous P: was/were being + past participle
Present Perfect P:has/have been + past participle
Past Perfect P:had been + past participle
Future Simple P:will be + past participle
Slide 7 - Slide
How can/should I know this?
There is not much to understand about it. If you do not know this, it is not in your head. All you can do is memorise it.
Slide 8 - Slide
Questions, though?
Slide 9 - Slide
Grammar Explanation
Pay attention: somebody else is reparing my shoes for me! Or fixing my car for me, or something else. We use it to say that we are using a service (which we then often pay for, of course)
Get + object + past participle
Have + object + past participle
Have = formal occassions
Get = (more informal occassions)
The expression have/get something done can be used to say that somebody else is doing something for you.
(to get) + object + past participle of a verb
(to have) + object + past participle of a verb
I got my shoes repaired (last week).
I have got my shoes repaired.
I am having my shoes repaired (at the moment).
I was getting my shoes repaired (when my uncle also walked into the shoe repair shop).
I had got my shoes repaired (by the time I saw her again).
Slide 10 - Slide
How can/should I know this?
If you do not know this, it is not in your head. All you can do is memorise it.
Slide 11 - Slide
Slide 12 - Slide
End of Lesson
This is it for today. These are the tasks that you need to finish before 4pm today:
Do the Google Form on classroom to practise 'have+something+done'
Learn the passive structures by heart - memorise them!