21 lessons History primary education
Looking for interactive lesson materials History for primary education? Browse ideas for online lessons History from other educators.
Μελέτη Περίπτωσης - Επιχείρηση SISO
- Lesson with 16 slides by SEA SHEPHERD
EnglishGeography+4Primary EducationAge 8-11
Λαθραλιεία Μπακαλιάρου (Primary)
- Lesson with 31 slides by SEA SHEPHERD
HistoryScience+3Primary EducationAge 8-12
Μελέτη Περίπτωσης - Επιχείρηση Icefish (Primary)
- Lesson with 14 slides by SEA SHEPHERD
GreekHistory+3Primary EducationAge 8-11
Φαλαινοθηρία (Primary)
- Lesson with 36 slides by SEA SHEPHERD
ScienceMathematics+3Primary EducationAge 8-12
Λαθροθηρία Θαλάσσιας Χελώνας (Primary)
- Lesson with 30 slides by SEA SHEPHERD
GeographySocial science+3Primary EducationAge 8-12
Μελέτη Περίπτωσης - Επιχείρηση Sola Stella (Primary)
- Lesson with 17 slides by SEA SHEPHERD
ScienceGeography+3Primary EducationAge 8-11
Μελέτη Περίπτωσης - Apex Harmony-Ανατολικό Τιμόρ (Primary)
- Lesson with 12 slides by SEA SHEPHERD
GreekHistory+3Primary EducationAge 8-11
ΠΛΑ Αλιεία - Μάθημα 3ο (Primary)
- Lesson with 32 slides by SEA SHEPHERD
GeographySocial science+3Primary EducationAge 8-10
ΠΛΑ Αλιεία - Μάθημα 2ο (Primary)
- Lesson with 24 slides by SEA SHEPHERD
HistoryScience+3Primary EducationAge 8-10
Μελέτη Περίπτωσης - Επιχείρηση Jairo (Primary)
- Lesson with 18 slides by SEA SHEPHERD
ScienceGeography+3Primary EducationAge 8-11
Μελέτη Περίπτωσης - Επιχείρηση Nyamba (Primary)
- Lesson with 13 slides by SEA SHEPHERD
ScienceGeography+3Primary EducationAge 8-11
Μελέτη Περίπτωσης - Νησιά Γκαλαπάγκος (Primary)
- Lesson with 18 slides by SEA SHEPHERD
ScienceGeography+3Primary EducationAge 8-11
Εγκαταλελειμμένα, Χαμένα και Απορριφθέντα Εργαλεία (Primary)
- Lesson with 34 slides by SEA SHEPHERD
GeographySocial science+3Primary EducationAge 8-12
Μελέτη Περίπτωσης - Επιχείρηση Driftnet (Primary)
- Lesson with 11 slides by SEA SHEPHERD
GreekHistory+3Primary EducationAge 8-11
Μελέτη Περίπτωσης - Επιχείρηση Dolphin By-Catch (Primary)
- Lesson with 13 slides by SEA SHEPHERD
GreekHistory+3Primary EducationAge 8-11
Μελέτη Περίπτωσης - Επιχείρηση Milagro (Primary)
- Lesson with 17 slides by SEA SHEPHERD
ScienceGeography+3Primary EducationAge 8-11
Λαθροθηρία Καρχαριών (Primary)
- Lesson with 28 slides by SEA SHEPHERD
HistoryScience+3Primary EducationAge 8-10
ΠΛΑ Αλιεία - Μάθημα 1ο (Primary)
- Lesson with 29 slides by SEA SHEPHERD
GeographySocial science+3Primary EducationAge 8-10
Μελέτη Περίπτωσης - Υπεράσπιση των φαλαινών της Ανταρκτικής
- Lesson with 16 slides by SEA SHEPHERD
EnglishGeography+4Primary EducationAge 8-11