Have you ever lied about something that happend on holiday or at a party, or exaggerated something a bit? Why (not)?
Slide 12 - Carte mentale
Have you ever altered a picture you were in and posted it on social media?
Yes, all the time!
I don't know what that even means
Never, and would never
Nope, I don't post photos
Slide 13 - Sondage
Reading - Fake-actions
Pre- Reading
ex. 42 a/b
After Reading
ex. 42c1-8 + ex. 44
Homework: G Reading pg. 75 +
irr. verbs "to do" - "to fly" (21-30 pg. 219)
Slide 14 - Diapositive
How much of the text on fake vacations did you understand?
Slide 15 - Sondage
Thursday 8 September- VWO 2
- I can use the past continuous correctly.
Lesson Overview
Homework Check
Let's find out the rule
Grammar explanation
Practice + Checking answers
Slide 16 - Diapositive
Check your answers page 63
Slide 17 - Diapositive
Fill in the past simple of the verb. I ______ (to draw) a lovely picture for my sister, but she didn't want it.
Slide 18 - Question ouverte
Fill in the past simple of the verb. While I was walking home, I ______ (to fall) over a stick. I ______ (to feel) so embarrassed because other people _____ (to see).
Slide 19 - Question ouverte
Past Continuous: figure it out on page 68
Slide 20 - Diapositive
What is the past continuous and when do we use it?
Slide 21 - Carte mentale
Past Continuous page 69
To do:
exercise 53 e (top of page 69)
exercise 54
Slide 22 - Diapositive
Are you able to get into Numo?
Slide 23 - Sondage
Friday 9 September- VWO 2
- I know the difference between past continuous and past simple.
Lesson Overview
Homework Check
Grammar Review
Grammar Explanation
Vocabulary game
Slide 24 - Diapositive
Homework Check - page 69
were you doing
was checking
Were you looking
was feeling
were drinking
was playing
were having
Slide 25 - Diapositive
How many of the irregular verbs have you studied on page 215? (should be already 1-30)
More than the first 30
I've studied 1-30
I've studied up to 1-20
I've studied the first 15
I've studied the first 10
I've studied the first 5
I glanced at it
I've not started
idk what you're talking about
Slide 26 - Sondage
Past Simple Irregular Verbs Check Point
Slide 27 - Diapositive
Change the verb so it is in the past simple. I _____ (to choose) to take the bus today, because it was raining.
Slide 28 - Question ouverte
Change the verb so it is in the past continuous. Yesterday, a squirrel _____ (to dig) a hole for it's food right in my garden!
Slide 29 - Question ouverte
Change the verb so it is in the past simple. I ______ (to draw) a picture for my brother, but he didn't want it.
Slide 30 - Question ouverte
Grammar Review:
Past Continuous
Slide 31 - Diapositive
Which sentence is in past continuous?
I go home.
I went home.
I was going home.
I went going home.
Slide 32 - Quiz
What is the form of past continuous?
irregular verbs
was + verb + ing
was/were + verb + ing
Slide 33 - Quiz
Change the verb so it is in the past continuous. They _________ (to study) for their final exams.
Slide 34 - Question ouverte
Change the verb so it is in the past continuous. She ________ (to fix) her bike when it started to rain.
Slide 35 - Question ouverte
Past Continuous vs. Past Simple page 69
You can use these two tenses together in one sentence.
longer activity = past continuous
shorter activity = past simple
Example sentences:
I was cooking dinner when my brother hit his head on the open kitchen cabinet.
My friend and I were dancing for a tic tok video when my mom walked into the room!
She was walking her dog when the cat attacked them!
Slide 36 - Diapositive
Write out the whole sentence. Change the verb so it is past continuous or past simple.
We ________ (to talk) to each other when the thief ______ (to grab) my purse!
Slide 37 - Question ouverte
Write out the whole sentence. Change the verb so it is past continuous or past simple.
My mom _________ (to call) while I ________ (to sit) in class.