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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 2

Cette leçon contient 11 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 60 min

Éléments de cette leçon


Slide 1 - Diapositive

 Today's plan
  • Can you follow instructions?
  • Exam practice - Look at 4 questions together
  • Exam practice - Make half a practice exam - Reading
  • Discussion in groups

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Take a piece of paper and follow below instructions.
1. Read all directions before beginning.
2. Write down your name in the top left corner
3. Underline your name.
4. Draw a box in the middle of the paper and draw three stars inside.
5. 33 x 3 = ___ Write the answer on top of the box,

6 Turn your paper upside down.
7. Write out today’s day using all capital letters at the top.
8. Draw a circle around your name.
9. Fold your paper in half.
10. Ignore directions two through nine (so don't do any of them). All you have to do is write 'Got it' in the Teams classroom chat.

Slide 3 - Diapositive

What is the purpose of this activity?
What is the purpose of this last activity?

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Remember this
  • Always look for proof in the text! (bewijs)

  • Read the question and instructions carefully

  • Don't understand an important word? Look it up in the dictionary

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Google FACET
MBO Engels B1 2021-2022 Oefenexamen
Answer question 1 -20

Finished? Click on OVERZICHT and INLEVEREN
You will see the numer of correct answers
Take your laptop and show me your results.
  • Google the word FACET and click on the website. 
  • Go to MBO - Examens oefenen - Engels B1 
  • Choose MBO Engels B1 2021-2022 voorbeeldexamen_oefen

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Slide 7 - Lien

Google FACET
MBO Engels B1 2021-2022 Oefenexamen
Answer question 1 -20

Finished? Click on OVERZICHT and INLEVEREN
You will see the numer of correct answers
Take your laptop and show me your results.
Answer question 1 -20 (Reading)
Finished? Click on OVERZICHT and INLEVEREN
You will see the numer of correct answers out of the 20 questions that you have answered. 
Take your laptop and show your teacher your results. 

Google the word FACET and click on the website. 
Go to MBO - Examens oefenen - Engels B1 
Choose MBO Engels B1 2021-2022 voorbeeldexamen_oefen (not the DOS one)

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Google FACET
MBO Engels B1 2021-2022 Oefenexamen
Answer question 1 -20

Finished? Click on OVERZICHT and INLEVEREN
You will see the numer of correct answers
Take your laptop and show me your results.
Answer question 1-40 
Finished? Click on OVERZICHT and INLEVEREN
You will see the numer of correct answers out of the 20 questions that you have answered. 
Take your laptop and show your teacher your results. 

Google the word FACET and click on the website. 
Go to MBO - Examens oefenen - Engels B1 
Choose MBO Engels B1 2023-2024 voorbeeldexamen_oefen

Slide 9 - Diapositive

Group discussion
  1. Welke Engelse vaardigheden hebben jullie wellicht nodig in een baan in Marketing & Communicatie?
  2. Welke Engelse vaardigheden zijn zowieso goed om te hebben?
  3. Hoe willen jullie dat de Engelse lessen eruit zien?

Maak aantekeningen van de discussie. 

Zit in groepjes van 3 of 4 personen en gebruik de komende 30 minuten om het volgende te bespreken:
Groep discussie
in het Nederlands

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Group discussion
Wat wil jij leren qua Engels?
Hoe wil je dit leren?
Individuele opdracht

Slide 11 - Diapositive