VR Speaking lesson

Virtual reality immersion - Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
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EngelsMBOStudiejaar 4

Cette leçon contient 30 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs, diapositives de texte et 1 vidéo.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 60 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Virtual reality immersion - Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

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Lesson objectives
At the end of this lesson: 
  • You can give and receive instructions under pressure. ​
  • You will learn how VR-equipment functions and you know how to take care of it.​
  • You wil learned the difference between AR and VR.
  • Learn how VR is relevant to the aviation industry.
  • You will be able to decipher cryptic information from a special type of ‘manual’
  • Practice giving instruction and using descriptive vocabulary
  • Practice your English speaking skills
  • You can give feedback to your classmates about their communicative performance during the game (debriefing)

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Teacher notes: 

At the start of the lesson encourage the students by using enthuasiasm as medium. Students will be more engaged if the instructor/teacher evokes the essential energy when starting a gamified lesson. 

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What does AR stand for?
Augmented reality is an changed version of the digital world that is achieved through the use of digital visual elements, sound, or other sensory stimuli delivered via technology.
Augmented reality is an enhanced version of the real physical world that is achieved through the use of digital visual elements, sound, or other sensory stimuli delivered via technology.

Slide 4 - Quiz

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What does VR stand for?
Virtual reality is an artificial environment that is created with a software that provide a game-like environment that can immerse individuals into deep web.
Virtual reality is an artificial environment that is created with software and presented to the user in such a way that the user suspends belief and accepts it as a real environment.

Slide 5 - Quiz

Teacher notes: 

An energizer like a lightning round not only prepares students for the lesson, but provides the gamified setting that will encourage consistent student engagement. 
What is the difference between AR and VR?
Augmented reality (AR) augments your surroundings by adding digital elements to a live view, often by using the camera on a smartphone. Virtual reality (VR) is a completely immersive experience that replaces a real-life environment with a simulated one.
Augmented reality (AR) is a completely immersive experience that replaces a real-life environment with a simulated one. . Virtual reality (VR) augments your surroundings by adding digital elements to a live view, often by using the camera on a smartphone.

Slide 6 - Quiz

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Why is AR/VR relevant to your study?

Slide 7 - Carte mentale

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Slide 8 - Lien

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(Recap)AR/VR: Why is this relevant for you? ​
Class discussion: Explain in your own words why AR and VR important is in your career!

What does AR and VR stand for?
  • AR = Augmented (vermeerderd) Reality​
  • VR = Virtual (Virtuele) Reality

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It is essential to always link to pre-knowledge and with the method of CLIL when introducing and teaching new topic and/or lesson series. It caters to students interest.

can provide training for flight deck crew in skills for better handling of the aircraft, rapid adaptation, and handling of different situations & emergencies. For the engineering and aviation industry such as repair instructions, navigation information or diagnostic data.

AR can also help the deck crew with necessary information and guidance while in flight. It will also increase the overall safety of the flight.

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The mission briefing

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The goal of the game!
The goal of the game is to keep talking (in English) to decipher the puzzles and eventually defuse the bomb!
How do you do this? 
  1. Decide who is going to be a defuser and who is going to be a instructor
  2. Find out which module (puzzle) you're working with so you (the defuser) can describe this to the instructor.
  3. Speak clearly in English and communicate well with each other. (If you speak any other language you lose a point).
  4. Write down your remaining time when you succeeded in defusing a bomb!

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Slide 13 - Vidéo

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Warm-up Exercise 1
1. What is a module? ​

  • each of a set of standardized parts or independent units that can be used to construct a more complex structure, such as a building or a bomb. ​

2. Translate this word, SEQUENCE: “Next one, the wire-sequence where there are three wires.”​
  • Volgorde​​
3. What are some helpful tips that Chuck (the guy with the manual) is applying? ​
  • Taking (or removing) notes​
  • Repeating information​
  • Decision making

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VR Safety

  • Stay in your seat at all times
  • Calibrate your Oculus
  • Make sure to handle the VR goggles gently
  • Think of your and your classmates safety
  • Check to see if the volume is low
1. Make sure that the VR goggles are stored with their charge input on the right side
2. Make sure the VR goggles are over the controllers strings
3. Connect the charging cabel to de VR Goggles so it can charge for the next group ​
4. Double check to see if everything is stored away properly

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Exercise 2 - Recap
 Work with a parther for the entire lesson. ​

  • Read the Manual on how to defuse the modules of the bomb. ​
  • May seem overwhelming, so stick to reading the instructions. ​

Translate important or challenging words that you don’t understand. ​
  •  At least complete ‘Section 1’ (p. 16) of the manual. ​
  • If there is any time left you can try the needy modules.​ ( aka hard mode)

 5 minutes in total to check the manual with your partner (or group).

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The game scoring system
You and your partner are going to compete against the other teams.
The rules are simple:
Best remaining time wins! (so remember to write it down and share it with the game master)

If you finish within....
4 minutes - 3 points
3 minutes - 2 points
2 minutes - 1,5 point 
1 minute - 1 point

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The rules of the game!
  •   Pick up a VR Goggle and write down which number goes with which duo.​
  •  Divide roles, 1 instructor & 1 defuser ​
  •  Each team gets 20 minutes to gather points​
  •  Each member must try to defuse at least (2 or) 3 ‘bombs then switch.
  •  Only communicate in English​ (lose 0,5 points if you use another language)
  •  Want a challenge? Check out the NEEDY section in the menu of the game (1 points extra if you complete one round)

 ​Have fun! 

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The tutorials are a means to differentiate with students that are more visual learners than theory learners. 

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Exercise 2 - Discussing
 Which important words were translated? ​

  • (to) Disarm - Onschadelijk maken​
  • Appendix - Bijlage​
  • (to) Detonate - Ontploffen​
  • (to ) Determine - Bepalen​
  • Corresponding - Overeenkomen​
  • Occurence - Voorkomen ​

Explain the module ‘on the Subject of the Mazes’. ​
Find the maze with matching circular                   markings. ​
The defuser must navigate the white light to the red triangle               using the arrow buttons. ​

WARNING: Do not cross the lines shown in the maze. These lines are invisible on the bomb. 

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The winners are...
1st place

2nd place

3rd place

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Use a whiteboard or smartboard to make a leaderboard so that students can see their progress and achievements. This can provides more incentive for them to do better. 

Also, providing a prize at the end is a great incentive to keep students interest and engagement. 
Coming down from (VR) immersion

1. Controller aan de rechterkant van de haak​
2. VR-Bril over het controllerdraad​
3. Stroom koppelen zodat de volgende klas direct aan de slag kan ​
4. Dubbelcheck of het materiaal veilig en correct is opgeborgen ​

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Exercise 2 - VR Safety

  • The VR-worksheet​
  • Stay in your seat at all times
  • Calibrate your Oculus
  • Make sure to handle the VR goggles gently
  • Think of your and your classmates safety
  • Check to see if the volume is low
1. Make sure that the VR goggles are stored with their charge input on the right side
2. Make sure the VR goggles are over the controllers strings
3. Connect the charging cabel to de VR Goggles so it can charge for the next group ​
4. Double check to see if everything is stored away properly

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Mission debriefing
Take turns and discuss with your team how their performance was. 
  • What did you notice that they did right? (Give some examples)
  • In which areas can they improve? (Give some tips)

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Debriefing is a great narrative to encourage students to engage in a meaningful interaction. 

Students are more inclined to share their thoughts if its in a game setting. 
Also, this promotes student autonomy, peer intervision and assessment. 

Tutorial videos about modules
Having trouble understanding the game? 
Don't know how to approach the module?
Click on the red button to start the tutorial

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