I will give an example first and then you can try 2 times to draw a picture of the Chindogu.
Slide 8 - Diapositive
I will describe the Chindogu and you will draw it in the app KidsDoodle. Like this picture. These ladies shoes have umbrellas, so my feet do not get wet.
Slide 9 - Diapositive
Here is the drawing of the Chindogu, I made it in the app Kids Doodle.
Now I will describe a Chindogu and you try to draw it!
Slide 10 - Diapositive
This machine looks like a big coffee mug and you can use it to make butter into spaghetti. By turning the bottom like a pepper mill. Describe in your own words how you can use this invention?
Slide 11 - Diapositive
This helmet has 4 lights on it, so you can see in the dark and others can see you very well. Would you use this invention and when would you use it?
Slide 12 - Diapositive
- Now you, draw your own Chindogu or look for pictures on the internet.
-Work in pairs and describe your Chindogu to your classmate and how the invention is used.
-The other listens and tries to draw the invention.