Art and Philosophy

Art and Philosophy 1
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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsWOStudiejaar 4

Cette leçon contient 19 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 50 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Art and Philosophy 1

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Karel Appel
Made for the former restaurant of Stedelijk 
Art and Philosophy Assignment

To attract more teenagers to the museum, they have asked you to make something that connects a piece from their collection with a philosopher. 

This could be an accompanying video, a recording for an audio guide, or something else that you propose (check your idea with your teacher).

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Assignment details
  • Choose a philosopher from the list, or if you want to choose another, please ask your teacher. 
  • While visiting the museum choose a piece of art to explore further for your assignment. Each of your group members picks a different piece. 
  • Take a selfie with your chosen object. This should end up in your final product. 
  • Do a short interview about your artwork of choice with another visitor (not a classmate). Ask them what they think of it. Then share the ideas of your philosopher and ask them if they can relate those ideas to the artwork.

  • Deadline end of class in week 6
  • Hand in a 5-7 minute video via youtube url.

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Looking at art

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Get familiar in Stedelijk

  • Explore the museum's collection online.
  • Choose an art work that speaks to you (this doesn't have to be the piece that you are going to use in your video).
  • Write a post on Padlet in which you add a picture and explain what you think makes this piece stand out.
  • Add your name in your post!

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Art and Philosophy 2

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Duchamp: questioning what art can be (is everything an artist does in their studio art?)

Rothko: how does the viewer experience the art work? (colour/size/texture)

Banksy: questioning the worth of art and capitalism of art market
Practise Art and Philosophy
  • What do you see see? (colors, shapes, materials, mood)

  • What message or emotion do you think the artist is conveying? 
  • How does it make you feel? 
  • What can you find online about this art work? Do you agree?

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 'In the World But Don’t Know the World' (2009) 
El Anatsui

'Who’s Afraid of Red, Yellow and Blue III' (1967-1968) Barnett Newman
 'Ushering in Banality' (1988) Jeff Koons
 'TV Buddha' (1974) 
Nam June Paik

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Practise Art and Philosophy

Compare your chosen artwork to one of the philosophical quotes.

Write a short response (150-200 words, in full sentences):
  • How does the artwork relate to the quote?
  • Does the artwork support or challenge the idea expressed by the philosopher?

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Philosophy and Art
Plato "Art is a shadow of the truth."

Kant "Beauty is the symbol of morality."

Nietzsche "Art is the highest task and the proper metaphysical activity of this life."

Sartre "Man is nothing else but what he makes of himself."

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Art and Philosophy
Share in groups
  • In groups of 3–4, share your chosen artwork, quote, and analysis.
  • Discuss differences in interpretations and connections.

Report back to class
  • How do different people interpret the same artwork or quote differently?
  • Can art and philosophy provide similar insights into life?

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Art and Philosophy 3

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  • The unexamined life is not worth living (Socrates)

  • The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless. (Rousseau)

  • To be a good human being is to have a kind of openness to the world, an ability to trust uncertain things beyond your own control. (Nussbaum)

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Assignment details
  • Choose a philosopher from the list, or if you want to choose another, please ask your teacher. 
  • While visiting the museum choose a piece of art to explore further for your assignment. Each of your group members picks a different piece. 
  • Take a selfie with your chosen object. This should end up in your final product. 
  • Do a short interview about your artwork of choice with another visitor (not a classmate). Ask them what they think of it. Then share the ideas of your philosopher and ask them if they can relate those ideas to the artwork.

  • Deadline end of class in week 6
  • Hand in a 5-7 minute video on Moodle via youtube url.

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Art and Philosophy
  • Study the reader in Moodle.
  • Choose a philosopher and find a quote or idea that you want to use for your assignment.
  • Describe the idea in your own words so you are able to explain it to someone who is not familiar with it yet.

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