2B 5.3

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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo k, g, tLeerjaar 1

Cette leçon contient 35 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 30 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Slide 1 - Diapositive

First things first
Let's check who didn't do their homework (test yourself 5.2 + word trainer 5.3).

Open up your laptop go to All Right online and show me and mr. Steuns that you did the homework. Then go to lessonUp and type in the code.

Slide 2 - Diapositive


Slide 3 - Diapositive

Last week we discussed the grammar part will and shall.

Who remembers why we use will and shall?
Answer in English.

''I will go to the Bahamas one day''.

Slide 4 - Carte mentale

Will/ shall gebruik je voor:
  • Om aan te geven dat iets in de toekomst gaat gebeuren. 

  • Mr. Oranje will see us again -- bevestigend
  • Mr. Oranje won't see us again -- negatief/ontkennend

Slide 5 - Diapositive

I remember when to use shall.

Slide 6 - Sondage


Bij vragen zet je 'will' voor het onderwerp.
Will he see us again?

Bij vragen met 'I' en 'we' gebruik je 'shall' in plaats van 'will'.
Shall we go on a date?

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Close your laptop halfway.

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Lesson Plan

 4rd period

- Discuss the goals

- Do speaking activity (5.3)

- Evaluate 

6th period

- Learn how to write an e-mail in English.

- Evaluate 

Slide 9 - Diapositive

  • At the end of the lesson you will know how to formally greet  someone and and say goodbye.

  • At the end of the lesson you will know how to formally invite someone and how to respond to an invitation.

  • At the end of the lesson you will know how to formally apologize to someone and how to respond to an apology.

Slide 10 - Diapositive

How would you greet someone / introduce yourself?

Write a full sentence in English.

Slide 11 - Question ouverte

How would you say goodbye to someone?

Write a full sentence in English.

Slide 12 - Question ouverte

Formal ways to greet someone or to say goodbye.
My name is Hanine (formal).                            vs        I am Hanine (informal).

Hello, I don't think we've met (formal).        vs      Hi,  I don't know you (informal).

Thankyou for your time (formal).                   vs        Thankyou (informal).

It was a pleasure meeting you (formal).     vs        Goodbye (informal).

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Drag the sentences to the right box.
Inviting someone in a formal way.
Responding to an invitation in a formal way.
Inviting someone in a informal way.
I would like to invite you to....
Join us. 
I'd love to come. 
Thankyou for inviting us.
Come to the party. It's on friday. 
Would you care to join us?

Slide 14 - Question de remorquage

How would you apologize to someone in a formal way ?

Write a full sentence in English.

Slide 15 - Question ouverte

How would you respond if someone said: I am so sorry, something went wrong.

Write a full sentence in English.

Slide 16 - Question ouverte

Formal ways to apologize and to respond to an apology
Ways to apologize
I am really sorry about this(formal).                vs        Sorry, my bad.
I think there has been a mistake (formal).    vs      Something went wrong.                                                                                                                   
Responding to an apology
Don't worry about this (formal).                       vs        It's fine.
It is not your fault (formal).                                 vs        It's okay.

Slide 17 - Diapositive

Slide 18 - Diapositive

  • At the end of the lesson you will know how to formally greet  someone and and say goodbye.

  • At the end of the lesson you will know how to formally invite someone and how to respond to an invitation.

  • At the end of the lesson you will know how to formally apologize to someone and how to respond to an apology.

Slide 19 - Diapositive

Speaking activity
What: Read speaking card 7a and 7b. One of you is going to be 7a and the other one is going to be 7b. Have the conversation and switch roles if you are done. 

How: In pairs with your neighbour. If you do not have a neighbour I will choose a partner for you. 

Where: In class

Time: 5 minutes 
Help: Teachers, help sheet

Done?  go to All Right online and do 5.3 exercise 2, 4 and 6.

Slide 20 - Diapositive

Time to evaluate

Slide 21 - Diapositive

Did you use any of the sentences that are written on your help sheet?

Thumbs up = Yes
Thumbs down = No

Slide 22 - Sondage

Which sentence did you use to greet your neighbour and how did you say goodbye?

Answer in English.

Slide 23 - Question ouverte

Did you achieve this goal?
''At the end of the lesson you will know how to formally invite someone and how to respond to an invitation''.

How did you achieve this or why didn't you achieve this goal.

Slide 24 - Question ouverte

6th period

- Learn how to write an formal email/letter in English.

- Evaluate 

Slide 25 - Diapositive

Slide 26 - Diapositive

At the end of this lesson you know how to start and end a formal email/letter.

Slide 27 - Diapositive

With what word(s) do you start and end when you are writing a formal letter or email.

Slide 28 - Question ouverte

With what should you start and end when writing an email/letter.

Slide 29 - Diapositive

Slide 30 - Diapositive

                                   Writing activity
What: Je hebt een film geproduceerd en je wilt dat je film op Netflix komt. Je gaat een formele e-mail sturen naar de CEO van Netflix om hem uit te nodigen voor een gesprek.

1. Begin de e-mail op gepaste wijze.

2. Stel jezelf voor.
3.  Vertel dat je een film geproduceerd hebt en deze graag op Netflix wilt.

4. Schrijf dat je hem wilt uitnodigen om een gesprek te voeren over het plaatsen van de film op Netflix.
5. Schrijf wanneer, hoe laat en waar het gesprek zal plaatsvinden.

6. Schrijf dat je hoopt hem daar te zien.

7. Sluit de e-mail netjes af.
How: Alone 

Where: In google documents

Time: 20 minutes 

Help: Teachers, help sheet

1.   Download your document and hand it in in         google classroom under ''writing an email''.

2.  Go to All Right online and do 5.3 exercise 2,        4 and 6.

Slide 31 - Diapositive

Time to evaluate

Slide 32 - Diapositive

Writing an email was easy.


Slide 33 - Sondage

Why was writing an email easy or difficult?

You are allowed to answer in Dutch.

Slide 34 - Question ouverte

Homework for next wednesday: 
Do 5.3 exercise 2,3,4,6 and 7

Test information
Test of Unit 5 will take place on the 19th of April (Wednesday)--see magister

Slide 35 - Diapositive