5H - Reading Topics

For the final exam you'll be reading a lot. 
In order to prepare you'll do some research into the different topics and sources that come up during exams.

Because you can use dictionaries, but the more knowledge about the topic and the vocabulary you already have, the better. 
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Slide 1: Diapositive
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 5

Cette leçon contient 23 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

For the final exam you'll be reading a lot. 
In order to prepare you'll do some research into the different topics and sources that come up during exams.

Because you can use dictionaries, but the more knowledge about the topic and the vocabulary you already have, the better. 

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1) Form groups of 3-4. 
No more and no less. This is not a solo assignment, nor one I want you to do with just your bff. 

2) Make sure at least 1 or 2 of you have an iPad and the rest has pen and paper. 
NO Phones allowed for this one.

3) Put your tables in such a way that you can see everyone's face without having to turn your head like a possessed person.
So 4 tables facing one another like you're actually doing this as a group instead of two pairs of two. 

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Who are in your group? (Don't forget to include your own name!)

Slide 3 - Question ouverte

Test Topics
So now that you're all ready to get started.

You're going to find out what topics are common on the final exams. 

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First, what do you think some common topics for exam texts are?

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Now you can be very specific, but most final exam texts can be decided into several general topics. 

Think of things like 

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Now find out if you're correct. 
Don't forget the "tweede tijdvak" aka "de herkansing". Maybe there's even a third for some.

For each text name 3 topics. 

Create an overview of how many different topics were used during those tests AND how often some topics appeared. 
Je kan dit doen door het onderwerp op te schrijven en er een getal of streepjes achter te noteren.

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Some topic suggestions
Holiday/ Leisure Time - Entertainment (Film, TV, Music)
Love & Relationships - Technology/ Science
Work/ Business - Nature/ Environment/ Animals
Famous people - History
Health (Physical & Mental) - Brands
Education / Learning - Culture & Society
Finances - Geography / Transportation
Food & Restaurants - Social Media

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Hand in a picture of your overview of topics.

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Answer these questions individually. 
1) What topics are you an expert in (or just know a lot about)? (Name 3; at least)
2) What topics would you prefer not to have on your exam?
(Name 3; at least)
3) Compare with your group members. Is there a top 3 of topics that you all like or dislike?

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Hand in your group's like and dislike top 3 here.

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There are several reasons why you might dislike a certain topic. Maybe you just find it boring, but it but sometimes it can be be because you don't know enough about it or the relevant vocabulary.

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Where do these texts come from?
Make a list of the sources from all those texts as well.

Where do all these texts come from?
Are those sources you've used or read things from before?

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Here you can hand in a picture of your top 10 most commonly used exam sources.

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Now your group is going to work on some tasks based on the data you have collected. 

You'll have until the end of the week to complete these tasks with your group and can work on them during today's and the following lessons.

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Vocabulary Assignment (Part 1)
Depending on your group size, you grab either 3 or 4 sheets of paper. On two of the sheets of paper you write the 1st and 2nd most common topics according to your research (one per paper). On the other one (or two) you write the 1st (and 2nd) most disliked topics within your group. Make sure all topics are different.

Each group member has to take one of these pieces of paper and have 2 minutes (use a phone stopwatch to time yourself) to write down as many English words as you can think of that have to do with the topic. If you don't know the word in English, write the Dutch version. 
After two minutes you switch papers and repeat the process until everyone has written down words for each topic. Duplicates are not allowed. 

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Vocabulary Assignment (Part 2)
Look up the translation for all of the Dutch words remaining.
Discuss with your group:
- Are there any important/common words missing?
- Are the translations correct?


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Hand in a picture of the mindmap for your first topic.

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Hand in a picture of the mindmap for your second topic.

Slide 19 - Question ouverte

Hand in a picture of the mindmap for your third topic.

Slide 20 - Question ouverte

Hand in a picture of the mindmap for your fourth topic. (If you had one)

Slide 21 - Question ouverte

Reading Assignment (Part 1)
Look up a text from the top 3 (or 4) sources used for the final exam texts. Each person in the group uses a different source.

Read the text and create questions similar to those on the exam. Copy the text itself so that you have both the text and questions in the same document. Make sure you have at least one of each type of question:
- Multiple Choice
- True False (minimum of 3 different statements)
- Open question
- Gap question

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Reading Assignment (Part 2)
Share your exam text and questions with your group members.
You answer the questions for the 2-3 texts you've been given. 
Then check the answers after. 

Hand in your text and questions + answers in on Magister -> Opdrachten. 

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