ENG_Invictus Games Lesson 1

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Slide 1: Diapositive
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Cette leçon contient 19 diapositives, avec diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 60 min


The Invictus Games are an international sporting event for active military personnel and veterans. Similar to the Olympics, many countries compete. This year’s Invictus Games will be held on April 16 to 22 in The Hague, Netherlands. Will you join us? ‘Invictus’ means ‘invincible’ in ancient Latin. Isn’t that something? Let’s get invincible! These two lessons for 10- to 13-year-old students are about the significance of sport, discovering one’s true strength, and working together. In order to be truly invincible, you need to be part of a super team… So get ready for some action! Providing an insight into the significance of fighting for your country, freedom or justice, these lessons also address questions about the possibility of becoming injured as a result. Could you imagine this happening to you? Sports can help you become physically and mentally more resilient. In sports, it’s all about determination and what you CAN do; whether you are visually impaired, in a wheelchair, or physically or mentally challenged in any other way. NOTE: Please be aware that students in your class might come from a conflict- or war zone. These lessons could be graphic and confrontational for that reason. All lesson material can be adjusted at your professional discretion. Also, groups tend to progress at a different pace. For that purpose, it could be desirable to divide this lesson into two parts, in which case we advise slides 1-10 for the first session. Slide number 10 could be used as a starting point for the second session.


Instructions and attachments
  • Instruction sheet
  • Work sheet 3-steps interview (1 per student)
  • Invitation to the Invictus Games The Hague, April 2022. If you are an International School in The Netherlands, you can attend with your class! Forms are in Dutch.
  • Work sheet with ‘Energisers’, for getting started with positive, physical energy in your classroom.

Getting students acquainted with the Invictus Games, the military and veterans. Underscoring and discussing the significance of physical and mental health, after which students participate in activities involving team invincibility. Exploring and discovering personal assets and qualities, within themselves as well as in others.

Instructive setup
Group instruction, film clips and 3 steps interview

Skills and competencies
Cooperation, reflection, forming and giving an opinion, listening to others, empathy, recognising emotions and qualities of self and others


Feuilles de travail

Éléments de cette leçon

Slide 1 - Diapositive


The Invictus Games are an international sporting event for active military personnel and veterans. Similar to the Olympics, many countries compete.
This year’s Invictus Games will be held on April 16 to 22 in The Hague, Netherlands. Will you join us?

‘Invictus’ means ‘invincible’ in ancient Latin. Isn’t that something? Let’s get down to brass tacks!

These two lessons are about the significance of sport, discovering one’s true strength, and working together. In order to be truly invincible, you need to be part of a super team, so get ready for some action!

Providing an insight into the significance of fighting for your country, freedom or justice, these lessons also address questions about the possibility of becoming injured as a result. Could you imagine this happening to you?

Sports can help you become physically and mentally more resilient. In sports, it’s all about determination and what you CAN do; whether you are visually impaired, in a wheelchair, or physically or mentally challenged in any other way.

NOTE: groups tend to progress at a different pace. For that purpose, it could be convenient to divide this lesson into two parts, in which case we advise slides 1-10 for the first session. Slide number 10 could be used as a starting point for the second session.

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What are the Invictus Games?

The Invictus Games are the Olympic equivalent for military and veterans, who have become mentally or physically injured during the course of their duty.
Sports can help you become physically and mentally more resilient. In sports, it’s all about determination and what you CAN do; whether you are visually impaired, in a wheelchair, or physically or mentally challenged in any other way.

PS. The 2020 edition of the Invictus Games The Hague has been postponed to 2022. This is why the year 2020 is mentioned on the website and in the film clips.

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Have a look!

Watch both clips and then decide which is most suited for your class.

Option 1- clip Invictus
Opening sequence of Invictus Games The Hague.
It features one of the athletes who’s lost a leg. Clip also contains images from military missions.

Suggested questions clip 1:
  • How do you feel about this clip?
  • What is the message of this commercial?
  • What is the impact of the music?
  • How do you think you would deal with the loss of a leg?

Option 2: Clip ‘We Are Invictus’
This is a promotional clip showing all the different sports, competing countries and previous editions.
Please note that the clip is in English, but without subtitles. However, it is informative.


Suggested questions clip 2:
  • Can you name some of the activities in this clip?
  • What sports did you see?
  • How does this clip make you feel?
  • What is the purpose of this clip?
  • Are you active in a sport?

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Prince Harry

British Prince Harry is the initiator for the Invictus Games. He was inspired by the American Warrior Games, which is a similar event.

The first edition of the Invictus Games was held in England, in 2014. Since then, there have been editions in the United States, Canada and Australia. In 2020, the Invictus Games were supposed to have been organised in The Hague, Netherlands. However, due to corona this event has been moved twice. This year, in April 2022, it is finally going to happen! Teams from well over 16 countries will be coming to The Hague to compete.

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Why the Invictus Games?

The word invictus, meaning invincible, appears to be most appropriate as it reflects the idea of never giving up and always overcoming adversity, whatever the situation.

Invictus Games utilises the power of sports to stimulate recovery, support rehabilitation, and create a better understanding and deeper respect for those who served their country, or are still doing so.

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Who are the military?

The Invictus Games is an international event involving military athletes from multiple disciplines, who have been physically or mentally injured during their duties or missions.

Ask your class what they think of when hearing the word ‘military’
Do a brainstorm session, and take notes on the blackboard/whiteboard.

What do you think of when hearing the term ‘military’?

TIP: for the sake of comparison, use one half of the board for this exercise. Use the other half for notes on the concept of ‘ veteran’, which is the next slide.

Guiding questions:
  • Who are the military and what is it that you do?
  • What do you fight for?
  • Are there different types of military personnel
  • Does anyone know someone in the military?
  • Etc.

Military personnel is responsible for peacekeeping and security within, as well as outside the kingdom of the Netherlands. They can be deployed to crisis areas anywhere in the world. Deployment may involve peacekeeping missions, as well as humanitarian missions. Humanitarian refers to the wellbeing of people.
Extra information regarding Department of Defence and the military:
The Department of Defence protects what is dear to us. The military defend and protect the kingdom of the Netherlands, its (economic) interests and allies.

Dutch military
The Dutch military is divided into 4 disciplines:
  •  Army (land-based security)
  •  Navy (sea-based security)
  •  Airforce (airspace security)
  •  Military police (Marechaussee, a police corps within the military. Staff holds both civilian and military status)

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Who are veterans?

Do a brainstorm session, and take notes on the blackboard/whiteboard. Use the other half of the board.
What do you think of when hearing the term ‘veterans’?

Guiding questions:
  • What’s a veteran and what does he do?
  • What do you think a veteran looks like?
  • What is the difference between a veteran and someone who’s not been in a war?
  • Does anyone know a veteran?

Dutch veterans are military personnel with Dutch nationality who served the kingdom of the Netherlands during circumstances of war, conflict, or during any concurrent situation, such as (international) peacekeeping missions. This does not only apply to conflicts such as World War II, but also entails operations in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Angola, Haiti, and former Yugoslavia.

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Injured! Physically/Mentally

Being in the military can be hazardous. It sometimes means putting your own life at risk in order to protect others. During missions there’s a chance of becoming injured.

Fortunately, we live in peace in the Netherlands. However, the Netherlands too, have armed forces that assist during missions abroad from time to time. This applies to countries that are unsafe or countries that pose a threat.

When on a mission, you need to be careful sometimes not to get shot, or inadvertently get hurt by a bomb or landmine. Besides the risk of physical harm, being in a war does something to the way you think and feel. Some veterans will experience a lot of difficulties with that once they’ve returned home.

The next slide contains a clip about Joyce, and her guide dog Rhone.

Slide 9 - Diapositive

Film clip Joyce and dog Rhône.
Please watch the clip.

Reflection questions:
  • What did you think of this clip?
  • What is Joyce’s condition?
  • What does Rhone do for Joyce?
  • Would you like to own an guide dog?
  • How does swimming help Joyce?
  • What sport are you involved in?
  • When you’re feeling down, what picks you up?

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Sports can help (It’s helping Joyce)

Joyce returned from her mission mentally injured. Besides Rhône, who has been a tremendous help, swimming has proven to give Joyce new energy and purpose.

Questions to for the class:
  • Do you remember not feeling comfortable in your own skin?
  • Do you think exercise or sports would be helpful?
  •  Do you know someone who couldn’t do without sports?

TIP: try giving personal examples, if you can.

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Inner strength

Being involved in sports can help you become physically stronger and fitter, but did you know that your mind is a incredibly powerful thing?

We can’t really fully explain why, but people say that if you put your mind to it, there’s nothing you can’t do!

Slide 12 - Diapositive

What’s your power?

Do you know what your power is? You might be good at running. But what about your mind? For instance, are you a good listener? Are you a true go-getter, or perhaps you always look carefully before you leap?

We are going to do interviews and ask about each other’s powers, both mentally and physically!

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3-step interview

Hand out the work sheets. One per student. We are going to do the 3- step interview!

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Step 1

Use the sheet to write down things you’re really good at. Describe two physical and two mental strengths.

Try giving examples.

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Step 2

In pairs
Step 2: Students will do interviews in pairs of two. Use the auxiliary questions on the sheet and take notes. You will want to be able to summarise afterwards!

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Step 3

In groups of four
Step 3:
pair two duos. Each student from each duo will tell the other duo what their classmate is really good at. The goal is not to talk about one’s own qualities, but the qualities of the other.

Use the spaces to write down the other duo’s qualities.

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What did you hear?

Oh my, such talents and strengths!

Discuss with the class:
  • Who would like to share their thoughts on this assignment?
  • Did you anything that really surprised you?
  • Did you recognise yourself in others?
  • Did you hear many different strengths?
  • What was it like talking about the other person?

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Invictus class!

Oh my, so much talent and strength in one class! Write down different strengths on the board. You’ll have a board full of talents!

What if you were to combine all of these strengths, that would make you.. invincible. Invictus!

We’ll get to work on your talents later on, so hang on to your sheets! Hand them in with your teacher or collect them and keep in one spot in the classroom.
Will you be watching the Invictus Games on tv? Stay tuned!

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