Unit 3: The Netherlands through time

Unit 3: The Netherlands through time
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Slide 1: Diapositive
NederlandsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 5

Cette leçon contient 35 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 60 min

Éléments de cette leçon

Unit 3: The Netherlands through time

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 1 February
1. Getting started with the unit
- Formatives and summatives
- New folder in the drive
- Quizlet list 

2. Task: The Canon of The Netherlands 

Unit 3: The Netherlands through time

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Name events/persons that you already know from the Dutch history

Slide 3 - Carte mentale

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Task: Canon van Nederland
1. Go to the website: www.entoen.nu
2. Select your language: Phase 1: English / Phase 2 & 3: Dutch
3. Choose an item which you think is interesting
4. Read the article
5. Summarize in a few sentences what the article is about
(Phase 1: English / Phase 2 and 3: Dutch)
6. Add 10 new Dutch words about your article to the Quizlet list: Unit 3 
7. Explain what you've read about to another student of your phase (next lesson)

Slide 6 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 3 February
1. Grammatica: De verleden tijd
(Past tense) 

2. Inoefenen
- Opdrachtenblad
- Samen een verhaal vertellen

3. Opdracht: Schrijf een verhaal in de verleden tijd (=HW) 

Unit 3: The Netherlands through time
Lesdoel: Ik kan een verhaal vertellen in de verleden tijd

Slide 7 - Diapositive

Verhaal: Een groot feest
Afgelopen weekend gaf Daniel een groot feest voor zijn verjaardag. Hij nodigde alle leerlingen van MYP3 uit. De jongens en meisjes uit Antwerpen hadden er veel zin in, maar er was een probleem. Daniel woont in Breda en s’ avonds reed er geen taxi. Toen bedacht Diva een oplossing. Ze gingen allemaal op de fiets! Riyan zorgde voor drinken en Aaryan kocht eten voor onderweg. De leerlingen fietsten drie uur lang naar Breda. Onderweg regende het hard. Eindelijk arriveerden ze in Breda! Daniel gaf iedereen droge kleren en Alec was de dj op het feest. Iedereen danste de hele avond. De volgende dag gingen de leerlingen weer naar Antwerpen. Aashvi regelde tickets voor de bus want niemand wilde meer fietsen.
Het einde!
1. Schrijf alle werkwoorden in de verleden tijd op.
2. Onderstreep alle regelmatige werkwoorden. 

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 24 February
Phase 1: Exercises book 

Phase 2&3: Grammatica: De verleden tijd (Past tense) 
- Opdrachtenblad nakijken
- Opdracht: Schrijf een verhaal in de verleden tijd 

Unit 3: The Netherlands through time
Lesdoel: Ik kan een verhaal vertellen in de verleden tijd

Slide 9 - Diapositive

De verleden tijd: Past tense
  1. When do we use the past tense?
 In Dutch you have different ways to talk about the past. You can use the perfect tense (voltooide tijd) or the past tense (verleden tijd).
You use the perfect tense to name a single action in the past.
You use the past tense to describe the past.
  • Ik heb gisteren een kaartje voor het concert gekocht.  (perfect tense)
  • Ik kocht gisteren een kaartje voor het concert (past tense) 
In sentence 1. The focus is on the action or the result of that action. You bought a ticket and that's it.
In sentence 2. The sentence seems to describe the situation in the past. We expect a story to come. 

Slide 10 - Diapositive

2. How do we use the past tense?
  • Irregular verbs: memorise! 

  • Regular verbs: ik - vorm + te (n) / de (n)
When do we use -te(n) and when do we use      -de(n)? 
--> Start with the whole verb
--> Remove -en 
--> Look at the last letter
--> Is the last letter in SoFT KeTCHuP ?
--> +te (n)

--> Is the last letter not in SoFT KeTCHuP?
--> +de (n)
3. Examples 

Fietsen --> Ik fietste 

Voelen --> Ik voelde 

Luisteren --> ...

Werken --> ...

Betalen --> ...

Regenen --> ...

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Opdracht: Schrijf een verhaal in de verleden tijd
Situatie: Vandaag had je een online les Nederlands, maar je was niet in de les. Er gebeurde iets thuis waardoor je niet bij de les kon zijn. Je stuurt een e-mail naar mij om uit te leggen waarom je niet in de les was. Bedenk zelf een verhaal waarom je niet in de les was. Je mag creatief zijn. Natuurlijk schrijf je de mail in de verleden tijd.

  • Typ de mail in je ‘classwork’ document van Unit 3.
  • Start de mail met ‘Beste mevrouw Jansen’ en eindig je mail met ‘Groetjes, je naam’
  • Maak de mail af tegen volgende week maandag als huiswerk.

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 1 March
1. Willem van Oranje: Vader des vaderlands 

2. Listening exercise: Video Willem van Oranje with questions 

Unit 3: The Netherlands through time

Inquiry question: Which events of the Dutch history had an important influence on the country?

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Slide 14 - Diapositive

Listening exercise: Questions
Watch the episode about Willem van Oranje. (Phase 1: English subtitles, Phase 2: Dutch subtitles, Phase 3: no subtitles)
1. What does the national anthem of The Netherlands have to do with Willem van Oranje? 
2. Explain why the friendship between Willem and Filips ended?
3. Explain what happened in 1566? 
4. Explain who the murderer was of Willem, why he did it and how he did it. 
5. Why did Willem van Oranje eventually become the national hero? 
6. When did The Netherlands get their independence? 

Slide 15 - Diapositive

Task: Timeline history of The Netherlands
- Make a new document with the name: Timeline history of The Netherlands in your unit 3 folder.
- Make a timeline from the year 1500 until 2000. 
- Use the article 'Willem van Oranje' on the website entoen.nu for the most important dates during the Dutch revolt and add them to your timeline
- Write a short explanation (1 sentence) for every date you added under the timeline
- During this unit you will add more important dates to this timeline

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 4 March
1. Phase 2+3: Reading exercise: Willem van oranje

2. Phase 1: Exercises from book 'Zeg't eens'

HW: Watch 'het jeugdjournaal'
Unit 3: The Netherlands through time

Inquiry question: Which events of the Dutch history had an important influence on the country?

Slide 17 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 6 February 
1. Project: De gouden eeuw 
- Mixed (phases) groups
- Assessed as a formative (C)
- Preparation for the summative 
- Product: Video 

  • Inquiry question: Why was the 17th century a golden age for The Netherlands? 

Unit 3: The Netherlands through time

Inquiry question: Which events of the Dutch history had an important influence on the country?

Slide 18 - Diapositive

Slide 19 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 25th March 
1. Reading exercise: Slavernij 
--> Keti Koti 

HW: Finish the reading exercise

Unit 3: The Netherlands through time

Inquiry question: Which events of the Dutch history had an important influence on the country?

Slide 20 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 31 March
1. Feedback reading exercise (Slavernij/Keti Koti) per phase 

2. Website: nt2taalmenu.nl
--> Practise reading

Unit 3: The Netherlands through time

Inquiry question: Which events of the Dutch history had an important influence on the country?

Slide 21 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 6 April
1. Canon van Nederland: WWII in The Netherlands 

2. Reading exercise: Anne Frank 

HW: Watch  'Het jeugdjournaal'

Unit 3: The Netherlands through time

Inquiry question: Which events of the Dutch history had an important influence on the country?

Slide 22 - Diapositive

When did Germany invade The Netherlands?
May 1945
May 1939
May 1940

Slide 23 - Quiz

Which piece of furniture hid the secret room where Anne Frank and her family lived?
A wardrobe
A bookcase
A cupboard with porcelain tableware

Slide 24 - Quiz

What name did Anne Frank give her diary?

Slide 25 - Quiz

What did Anne want to become when she grew up?

Slide 26 - Quiz

When did Anne die in a concentration camp?
March 1944, she was 14 years old
March 1945, she was 15 years old
March 1946, she was 16 years old

Slide 27 - Quiz

Which family member was the only one to survive the war and the person who published the diary?
Her mother, Edith
Her sister, Margot
Her father, Otto Frank

Slide 28 - Quiz

Reading exercise: Anne Frank
  • In the drive (Dutch B - Student documents) in Unit 3 you will find a text about Anne Frank and questions.
  • Read the text and try to understand as much as possible. Phase 1 + 2 may use a translation website (words only!) 
  • Answer the questions in your classwork document
  • Phase 2 + 3: answer all the questions
  • Phase 1: Only answer questions 1 - 3 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 10 
  • All answers in English

Slide 29 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 4 March  
1. Reading formative: Rembrandt

2. Done? Reading exercise: Anne Frank 

HW: (Monday) --> Finish reading exercise Anne Frank

Unit 3: The Netherlands through time

Inquiry question: Which events of the Dutch history had an important influence on the country?

Slide 30 - Diapositive

Speaking exercises: Important events
  • On the next slide you will see 3 pictures that have something to do with The Netherlands during WW2
  • Every phase will present their own picture in small groups in Dutch
  • First describe what you see in the picture, then explain what the picture has to do with the topic
  • You may research and use google translate to translate a few words
  • The following sentences can help you: 
Op de foto zie ik....  (be detailed about what you see) 
Deze foto heeft te maken met de Tweede Wereldoorlog want... 

Slide 31 - Diapositive

Phase 1: Joodse wijk 
Phase 2: Hongerwinter
Phase 3: Verzet

Slide 32 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 9 March  
1. Feedback reading exercise: Anne Frank

2. Listening exercise: https://www.hetklokhuis.nl/tv-...
- Pase 1&2: English subtitles
- Phase 3: Dutch/No subtitles
Task: Add 10 new Dutch words to the Quizlet list


Unit 3: The Netherlands through time

Inquiry question: Which events of the Dutch history had an important influence on the country?

Slide 33 - Diapositive

Lesson plan: 11 March  
1. The Netherlands during WW2

2. Reading exerise (Preparation summative)
--> On the drive in unit 3 you will find a document with reading exercises (Leestrainer)

3. Gimkit: Vocabulary 

Unit 3: The Netherlands through time

Inquiry question: Which events of the Dutch history had an important influence on the country?

Slide 34 - Diapositive

The Netherlands during WW2: Vocabulary

Slide 35 - Carte mentale