What Makes a Great Lesson- Session 2

What Makes a Great Lesson
Empowering ECTs

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Primary EducationLower Secondary (Key Stage 3)Upper Secondary (Key Stage 4)Further Education (Key Stage 5)

Cette leçon contient 30 diapositives, avec quiz interactifs et diapositives de texte.

time-iconLa durée de la leçon est: 15 min

Éléments de cette leçon

What Makes a Great Lesson
Empowering ECTs

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- Education Specialist for LessonUp
- Experienced teacher and headteacher
- ITT Link Tutor and ECT lead
Claire Coates

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Introducing host for the ECT webinar series and quick biography.
What is LessonUp?
LessonUp has been built for teachers:

  • Equip yourself to teach your best
  • Create lessons to look forward to
  • Let’s inspire and support each other

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Goed om aan te geven dat LessonUp niet alleen een platform is om lessen te maken. LessonUp bestaat uit drie onderdelen:

- Create lessons to look forward to (lessen van kanalen)
- Let’s inspire and support each other (de community, in de breedste zin van het woord)
- Equip yourself to teach your best (de tool Lessonup)

Examples how to use digital tools into your daily teaching
Links to educational theory and the ECT framework
Opportunities to try out the ideas via 'gap tasks'
Empowering ECTs

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A quick overview of the programme for the year.
Recap from Session One:
What is Edtech?
How to gather student views with a poll
A quick overview of some of the ready made 'icebreaker' materials.

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Today we will look at:
How tech can support you to structure effective lessons
How to activate prior knowledge using a quiz
How to gather student responses, using our open question slide.

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Outcomes for this session:
  • How to gather student ideas (and keep them) using an interactive mindmap
  • How to collect snapshots of student understanding (using a poll)
  • How to take existing resources and add in an interactive element (uploading powerpoints)
 Structure Effective Lessons

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Activate Prior Knowledge
Opportunity to practise and consolidate
Feedback and Evaluation
  • Using a 'hook'
  • Quick quiz
  • Concept mindmapping
  • Think-pair-share
  • Scaffolding
  • Clarity of expectation
  • Set clear objectives
  • Short retrieval activities
  • Longer application activities
  • Polls
  • Exit questions
  • Think pair share 
  • One minute papers

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In this slide, we will look at the learning phases which take place in a good lesson and why they are important.
Learning Phases in LessonUp
Show Learning Phases

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Learning Phases in LessonUp
Show Slide Overview
Learning Phase Prompt

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A Checklist
What do the students already know?
How can you support them to prove what they have learnt?
What do you specifically need them to know by the end of the lesson?
How are you going to check that the students do not already have misconceptions?
How will you ensure that they don't pick up misconceptions along the way?
How will you ensure that all students can access the learning objective.
How does the lesson enable your students to take the next step within the longer term scheme of learning?

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What do the students already know?
What should students know by the end of the lesson?
How can you help them to prove what they have learnt?
A Checklist 
For Knowledge

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How will you ensure 
that they don't pick up misconceptions along 
the way?
How are you going to check that the students do not already have misconceptions?
A Checklist 
For Misconceptions

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How does the lesson enable your students to take the next step within the longer term scheme of learning?
How will you ensure that all students can access the learning objective?
A Checklist 
For Learning

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Activating Prior Knowledge

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Quiz Questions
Give a snapshot of understanding
Clear and easily understood
Easily adapted to suit your cohort

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How many moons does Jupiter have?
How many moons does Jupiter have?
Over 60

Slide 17 - Quiz

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The email shown may be what type of attack?


Slide 18 - Quiz

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Gather Student Responses

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Open Questions
Allow for longer form responses
Can activate thoughts and feelings around a topic, as well as factual understanding
Can offer the teacher insignt into their students

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You have 2 minutes to write down everything
 you know about The Roman Empire

Slide 21 - Question ouverte

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Early Career Framework
Standard 4 - Plan and teach well structured lessons

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Effective teachers introduce new material in
steps, explicitly linking new ideas to what has
been previously studied and learned.

(ECF 2019)

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Consider standard 4. 
Which phrases link to activation of prior learning?

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 Try This in Your Classroom

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Try This In Your Own Classroom
  • Create a quiz question or an open question to test your students' knowledge

  • Save and use an inspiration lesson which can be found in the ECT resource channel 

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Show the participants the gap task folder. Explain that this can be used and saved in their own personal folders and that they can add in the mindmap to their own lesson, using upload powerpoint function.
Summarise your key learning from this session and plan your next step.
What is the:
  • Impact on key students
  • Impact on your class
  • Impact on your teaching
  • Impact on your wellbeing

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Any Questions?

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Thanks for joining. 
See you next session.

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Enkele Amsterdamse vrouwen zagen dat er een schip vol aardappelen in een van de grachten lag. Ze gingen erop af en plunderden het schip: hun schorten vol aardappelen. De dag erna waren er meer plunderaars. Pas nadat zes mensen door het leger werden doodgeschoten, keerde de rust terug

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Plus de leçons comme celle-ci