Work experience

Unit 7 - Work experience
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
Travel and tourimsHigher Education (non-degree)

In deze les zitten 10 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 90 min

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Unit 7 - Work experience

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

  • Understand LO1
  • Understand why Work experiance is a good thing
  • Produce a email regarding possible work experience placements
  • We are going to pick 5 possible company's for placement
  • Send email out to placements
  • Recap

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Slide 3 - Tekstslide

How to Succeed at Work Experience
Preparation for Work Experience
Preparation for work placement will make your experience much smoother than if you arrive at your first day having done none. Not only will it help your nerves, but it will display impressive qualities like organisation and proactivity to your employer.

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Why work experience is important
Choosing what to do in your career may seem easier if you know what you want to be in the future. You can look for opportunities that will help you to develop skills for that career. This could be through a work placement.

It's an opportunity for you to:
  • test out your career ideas
  • improve your skills
  • show your commitment and enthusiasm

If you do not know what job you want, or you cannot get your perfect placement, any work experience is better than none. Whatever job you try, you’ll learn more about yourself and working life.
You'll also gain skills in the process. It may even lead to more suitable experience with the same company. It could be good preparation for another opportunity that’s closer to what you want to do.
Try not to worry about where you could go to get work experience. Concentrate on what you could learn or improve on.

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Use work experience as research
  • Work experience is a chance for you to:
  • find out more about yourself
  • find out what inspires you
  • come up with career ideas and try them out
  • discover your strengths, values, motivations and interests
  • meet new people and build your network of contacts
  • identify any reasonable adjustments you may need because of a disability or long term health condition
  • It can also help you to rule out options, which can help to focus your career ideas

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Research the company
Find out four key facts about the company where you are going to undertake work
experience. Use the company’s website (if available) to research:
• The company’s key customers/users
• The industry they operate in
• The company’s competitors
• The key people involved in the company

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Write a letter or formal email to your employer
Compose a letter introducing yourself to your work experience placement supervisor. Ensure you express yourself in a professional manner, and show that you are prepared for your placement.  
You can follow this template:
Dear [supervisor’s name incl. appropriate title] or To whom it may concern
Paragraph 1:
[Introductory sentence including name, school, dates of work placement, thanks
for acceptance into work placement programme]
[1-2 sentences to express why you are looking forward to work placement
(personal interests, skills, opportunities)]

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Paragraph 2:
[1-2 sentences to tell your supervisor what you are doing/will do to prepare for
work placement]
[2-3 questions about what else you can do to prepare]

Sign off:
I look forward to meeting you/starting work placement at [company name] on
[day of the week/date].
Regards or Yours sincerely or Thank you,
[Your full name]

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Plan your route
Use Google Maps or another transport app to plan your way to and from the
placement and your home.

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