1.2 Hunter-gatherers (part 1)

1.2 Hunter-gatherers (part 1)
1.2 Jagers en verzamelaars
1 / 43
Slide 1: Tekstslide
GeschiedenisMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 1

In deze les zitten 43 slides, met interactieve quizzen, tekstslides en 1 video.

time-iconLesduur is: 70 min

Onderdelen in deze les

1.2 Hunter-gatherers (part 1)
1.2 Jagers en verzamelaars

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Planning for this lesson
  • Looking back on last lesson
  • Instruction 1.2 Hunter-gatherers
  • Assignments 1.2
  • Time left? -> verhaal van Nederland

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

About last lesson: Drag ABC to the correct numbers
Sleep ABC naar de correcte cijfers
10 years
100 years
1000 years

Slide 3 - Sleepvraag

About last lesson: Which of these logos is of the First Age (Hunters and farmers)?
Welk van deze logo's past bij het eerste tijdvak (jagers en verzamelaars)?


Slide 4 - Quizvraag

1.2 ''People lived as nomads'' What is a nomad?
1.2: 'Mensen leefden als nomaden' Wat zijn nomaden?

Slide 5 - Open vraag

Planning for this lesson
  • Looking back on last lesson
  • Instruction 1.2 Hunter-gatherers
  • Assignments 1.2
  • Time left? -> verhaal van Nederland

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Explanation of symbols
If you click on this symbol you can figure out what you are looking at
If you click on this symbol next to a word or sentence you can see a translation
If you see this symbol you need to make notes of the text
This is extra information you don't need to write down but is still relevant to the subject
This symbol is sometimes used to show important quotes

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Planning for this lesson
  • Looking back on last lesson
  • Structure of LessonUp
  • Instruction 1.2 Hunter-gatherers
  • Assignments 1.2
  • Time left? -> verhaal van Nederland

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

Goals for this lesson
At the end of this lesson you...
  • understand the lifestyle of hunter-gatherers.
  • understand how we got our knowledge about prehistory.


Aan het einde van de les kan jij...
-begrijpen hoe de jagers en verzamelaars leefden.
-begrijpen hoe wij aan onze kennis van de prehistorie komen.

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

1.2 Hunter-gatherers
1.2 Jagers en verzamelaars

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

Discuss with you neighbour what you see in this image
Bespreek met jouw buren wat je in deze afbeelding ziet

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

How do we know how mammoths were hunted?
Hoe weten wij hoe er op mammoeten werd gejaagd?

Slide 12 - Open vraag

How much percent of your food comes from the supermarket?

Slide 13 - Poll

Cave paintings
  • = paintings that show how hunter-gatherers lived.
  • Most are thousands of years old.
  • Most famous: Lascaux in France. 
In 1940 four boys and a dog discovered the caves at Lascaux (France). 
The caves are estimated to be 10.000 - 17.500  years old.
= schildering dat laat zien hoe de jagerverzamelaars leefden.
De meesten zijn duizenden jaren oud.
Bekendste: Grotten van Lascaux in Frankrijk

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

What can future historians use to learn about our time?

Slide 15 - Woordweb

Slide 16 - Video

  • = Time before people were able to write.
  •  All knowledge we have from this period comes from objects.
André Molenaar (14 years old) finds in 1971 in Culemborg a firestone axe.
= Tijd voordat mensen konden schrijven.
Alle kennis die wij hebben van de prehistorie komt van voorwerpen.

Slide 17 - Tekstslide

Drag the names of prehistoric sites  to the images.
Sleep de namen van prehistorische plekken naar de afbeeldingen.
Statues of Easter Island
Hunebedden of Drenthe
Stonehenge in England

Slide 18 - Sleepvraag

  • = Findings from the past that give information about a certain time.
  • Two types: written and unwritten sources. 
= vondsten uit het verleden die ons iets kunnen vertellen over een bepaalde tijd.
Twee soorten: geschreven en ongeschreven bronnen.

Slide 19 - Tekstslide

Drag the sources:
Unwritten sources
Written sources

Slide 20 - Sleepvraag

Give two examples of unwritten sources from your bedroom that can tell future historians about your life in 2024.

Slide 21 - Open vraag

  • Hunters hunted wild animals with spears or bows.
  • They fished in rivers or on the coast.
  • Women also hunted.
-Jagers jaagden op wilde dieren met speren of pijl en boog.
-Ze visten ook in rivieren en langs de kust.

Slide 22 - Tekstslide

Slide 23 - Tekstslide

  • Mostly women stayed near huts/tents.
  • They spent their time gathering firewood and edible plants and looking after the children. 
Voornamelijk vrouwen bleven bij de hutten/tenten
Ze besteedden hun tijd aan het verzamelen van hout en eetbare planten en aan het zorgen voor de kinderen.

Slide 24 - Tekstslide

Planning for this lesson
  • Looking back on last lesson
  • Instruction 1.2 Hunter-gatherers
  • Assignments 1.2
  • Time left? -> Verhaal van Nederland

Slide 25 - Tekstslide

Three types of assignments
You need some extra practice with the subject.
You can follow the level of this lesson.
You want some extra challenge.

Slide 26 - Tekstslide

Prehistory is the period before...
people lived on the earth
people lived in one place
people started writing
people became the dominant species

Slide 27 - Quizvraag

Two statements about prehistory:
1. There are some written sources from prehistory.
2. Prehistory is the time before writing was introduced.
1 and 2 are true
1 and 2 are false
1= true; 2= false
1= false; 2= true

Slide 28 - Quizvraag

Explain the difference between prehistory and history in your own words.

Slide 29 - Open vraag

What type of events are depicted in cave paintings?

Slide 30 - Open vraag

Give a conclusion you can draw about hunter-gatherers from the cave paintings?

Slide 31 - Open vraag

Give your theory for why hunter-gatherers made cave paintings.

Slide 32 - Open vraag

Drag the activity to the correct category.

Slide 33 - Sleepvraag

Drag activities that fit the lifestyle in the box.
The lifestyle of hunter-gatherers
Shearing sheep
Fishing in the river
Gathering firewood
Harvesting crops
Building a defensive wall
Building huts 

Slide 34 - Sleepvraag

Describe in a few sentences the average day of a hunter-gatherer.

Slide 35 - Open vraag

Someone that does not live in one place is a ....

Slide 36 - Quizvraag

What is a nomadic lifestyle?

Slide 37 - Open vraag

Are there still people living a nomadic lifestyle? If yes, give an example.

Slide 38 - Open vraag

Planning for this lesson
  • Looking back on last lesson
  • Instruction 1.2 Hunter-gatherers
  • Short Assignment 1.2
  • Time left? -> Verhaal van Nederland

Slide 39 - Tekstslide

Slide 40 - Link

Write down three things you learned during this lesson.

Slide 41 - Open vraag

Goals for this lesson
At the end of this lesson you...
  • understand the lifestyle of hunter-gatherers.
  • understand how we got our knowledge about prehistory.


Aan het einde van de les kan jij...
-begrijpen hoe de jagers en verzamelaars leefden.
-begrijpen hoe wij aan onze kennis van de prehistorie komen.

Slide 42 - Tekstslide

1.2 Hunter-gatherers (part 1)
1.2 Jagers en verzamelaars

Slide 43 - Tekstslide