My name is Ms Biloro, I am 26 years old, and I am an English teacher at VISTA College. Today in class we (1) _____ (discuss) new year’s resolutions. I have some resolutions myself.
Firstly, I (2) _____ (go) to the gym more often. I (4)______ (attend) more lessons and I (5)____ (go) at least 3 times a week instead of 1. I (6)____ (exercise) later today. My goal is to get more fit and to get stronger.
Secondly, I (7)____ (visit) my grandparents more often. I (8)____ (call) them during my break and plan something. I think it’s important to plan ahead, otherwise it (9)___ (not happen).
Thirdly, and lastly, I (10)____ (spend) more time with friends. I am often tired, and then I (11)____ (cancel) my plans. I (12)____ (push) through and just go anyways.
I hope I have inspired you, and that you will come up with some resolutions as well!