year 2 - 2H - GPW 1

Year 2 - 2H
1 / 26
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 2

In deze les zitten 26 slides, met tekstslides.

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Year 2 - 2H

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

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Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Part 1 - vocab
Please do Self-test exercises A + B in your workbook now.
(page 31)

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Self-test A
1 inwoner, burger
2 explore
3 bay
4 queue
4 exhausting
6 wander
7 Model answer: If you show your card, you can get a discount.
8 Model answer: We moved yesterday; I am now officially a resident of London.

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Self-test B
1 c
2 upcoming
3 exercise
4 impressive
5 urban
6 packed
7 suburb; the other words are all connected to travel
8 landmark; the other words are all connected to transport

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the present simple

I + infinitive
you + infinitive
he/she/it + infinitive + (e)s
we + infinitive
you + infinitive
they + infinitive

Negative sentence
I don’t + infinitive
you don’t + infinitive
he/she/it doesn’t + infinitive
we don’t + infinitive
you don’t + infinitive
they don’t + infinitive
Do I + infinitive
Do you + infinitive
Does he/she/it + infinitive
Do we + infinitive
Do you + infinitive
Do they + infinitive 


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Self-test C
1 Three of the following words: always, never, often, usually, regularly, sometimes,
hardly ever
2 Does ... want
3 pushes
4 don’t write
5 goes
6 does ... listen
7 flies
8 mixes
9 Model answer: I update my apps on Saturdays.
10 Model answer: Carl always uses a pencil instead of a pen.

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

the genetive

You have to choose between:
- ‘
- ‘S
- Of
You use ‘ / ‘S when the owners are persons or animals.
You use OF when the owners are NOT persons or animals.
Also take in front of you grammar 1.4 on page 93

spelling tips

Persons / animals - singular
You always add an apostrophe + s to the “owner”      ex. John’s cat 

Persons / animals - plural
The noun doesn’t end with an S
Add an apostrophe + s to the “owner”
old people’s names
Persons / animals - plural
The noun ends with an S
Add an apostrophe to the “owner”
The girls’ coats


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personal pronouns and
my book                It is mine.
your book             It is yours.
his book                It is his.
her book                It is hers.
its book                  -
our books             It is ours.
your books           It is yours.
their books           It is theirs.
That is a book of mine.
That is a book of yours.
That is a book of his.
That is a book of hers.
Those are books of ours.
Those are books of yours.
Those are books of theirs.

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Self-test F
1 ... of ... bij dingen, plaatsen of landen / ’s bij personen enkelvoud/ s’ bij meervoud dat eindigt op een s
2 He's his friend. / He's his. / He's a friend of his.
3 mine
4 of theirs
5 Chris’s
6 neighbours’
7 Sophie’s
8 its
9 Model answer: Peter is a very good friend of ours.
10 Model answer: We forgot to close the windows of the house during the rain.

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the tag
1) Repeat the auxiliary verb(=hulpwerkwoord)  (if there’s no auxiliary verb - use do/does/did)
2) Repeat the subject - make sure you use a personal pronoun
3) - statement positive, tag negative
- statement negative, tag positive

Aux verbs: can. may. must, shall, will, to be (in combination with another verb: to have + to do)
exception: I am old, aren't I?


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Self-test G
1 don’t we?
2 can’t she?
3 won’t it?
4 shall we?
5 aren’t we?
6 can they?
7 Model answer: The hotel looks good, doesn't it?
8 Model answer: Your brothers aren't home, are they?

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Take Coursebook pages 97 + 98 in front of you and do exercise H

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first part of exercise H
1 I guess that you will land early in the morning.
2 What time would suit you?
3 Sounds like the weather isn't going to be very warm.
4 You just need to keep going after the traffic lights.
5 I must make up my mind about the trip!

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second part of exercise H
6 Model answer: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the nearest bus stop, please?
7 Model answer: Sure, just follow this road and turn right at the traffic lights.
8 Model answer: Hi Genevieve, can you confirm your  arrival time and flight number,
please? I will meet you in the coffee bar near exit 1.                                         There is more on the next page...

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present continuous
When we use the Present Continuous, we are talking about things that are happening right now:
I am walking to school right now.

When we make the Present Continuous we first choose between am/are/is. Then we add the verb + ing. When the verb ends with an -e we delete that to make space for the -ing.
Do exercise 7 on page 86 of your workbook

Slide 16 - Tekstslide

exc 7 - page 86
1 Is ... struggling
2 're winning / are winning
3 'm not paying / am not paying
4 's donating / is donating
5 are not travelling / aren't travelling
6 are running
7 's opening / is opening
8 Are supporting

Slide 17 - Tekstslide

present simple vs present continuous
present simple: habit + fact (always, never, every ..)
+ he/she/it + infinitive + (e)s    - all the other forms: infinitive
- don't / doesn't + infinitive
? Do / Does + infinitive

present continuous:  now (at the moment, Look!, ...)
am/is/are + infinitive + ing                     WB, exc C - page 108

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WB exc C - page 108
1 Je gebruikt de present simple als iets altijd, nooit of regelmatig gebeurt
en de present continuous om aan te geven dat iets nu bezig of aan de gang is.
2 watches
3 Are ... washing
4 forget
5 is putting
6 Do ... waste
7 aren't making / are not making
8 doesn't solve
9 Model answer: I usually spend my pocket money very quickly.
10 Model answer: My sister is phoning a friend right now.

Slide 19 - Tekstslide

some or any 

You use some in
* Affirmative sentences (+)      ex. I have got some homework.                   * Questions when you know the answer is YES     
ex. I am hungry. Can I have something to eat?

You use any in
* Negative sentences                ex. He hasn’t got any sisters or brothers.
* Questions when the answer is NO or you don’t know the answer
Are you going anywhere today?           WB, exc E - page 109


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Wb exc E - page 109
1 Je gebruikt some in bevestigende zinnen en in vragen als je het antwoord ja verwacht.
2 anything                                  6 anywhere
3 anywhere                                7 something
4 anybody                                  8 somewhere
5 somebody

9 Model answer: Can I have something to drink?
10 Model answer: I can't find my school bag anywhere

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much - many - (a) few - (a) little
Much / many (veel)  + Few / little (weinig)  + a few (een paar)  + A little ( een beetje) 

You use much / (a) little for singular nouns.
Much work
(a) little time

You use many / (a) few for plural nouns.
Many children
(a) few books                  WB exc G - page 148


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wb exc G - page  148
1 many pupils
2 little room / space
3 a few countries
4 much homework
5 a little milk
6 many hobbies
7 Few people
8 much time

Slide 23 - Tekstslide

position of adverbs
Adverbs of frequency (always, never, usually, often, sometimes, etc)
When there is 1 verb: the adverb goes before the verb.  - I often drink coffee.
When there is 1 verb and that verb is ‘to be’, it goes after the verb ‘to be’.  - He is usually late.
When there are 2 or more verbs, it goes after the 1st verb. - It will usually rain.

Adverbs of place and time
1st - WHERE
2nd - WHEN
He left home (where) at seven o’clock (when). Do the extra exercises in Google Classroom

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Do now
eDition - Magister - Leermiddelen
do now:
unit 1 - catch up - all exercises - vocab + grammar + phrases (Not: grammar 2A + 2B + 3)
unit 3 - catch up - grammar 1A + 1B + 3A + 3B
unit 4 - grammar 5A + 5B 

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