DfI Skills Academy - Day 11 - Building Strong Foundations - Teamwork & Collaboration

Building Strong Foundations
DfI Skill Academy
Day 11

Tutor: Melody Beattie
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
ConstructionHigher Education (non-degree)

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Building Strong Foundations
DfI Skill Academy
Day 11

Tutor: Melody Beattie

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  1. Team Roles - An Intro to Belbin
  2. Goal Setting for Teams and Individuals

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Session 1:
Introduction to Belbin's Team Roles

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  • Understand the foundational concepts of Belbin's Team Roles framework.
  • Identify the nine distinct team roles as defined by Belbin
  • Reflect on their own team role preferences through the Belbin Team Roles Questionnaire.

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Have you heard of Belbin's Team Roles? If so, have you seen it used in a workplace?

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What are Belbin's Team Roles?
Developed by Dr. Meredith Belbin.

- A framework that identifies nine different roles within a team.

- Each role contributes differently to team success.

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"The types of behaviour in which people engage are infinite. But the range of useful behaviours, which make an effective contribution to team performance, is finite. These behaviours are grouped into a set number of related clusters, to which the term Team Role is applied."

Meredith Belbin | Team Roles at Work

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Why are Team Roles Important?
  • Understanding team roles can enhance collaboration and productivity.
  • Helps in assembling balanced teams that leverage diverse strengths.

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Role Types
Belbin categorises the 9 roles into 3 groups:

  • Action-Oriented Roles
  • People-Oriented Roles
  • Thought-Oriented Roles

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Action-Oriented Roles
Challenges the team to improve
Turns ideas into action
Completer Finisher
Ensures thorough, timely completion

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People-Oriented Roles
Acts as a chairperson
Encourages cooperation
Resource Investigator
Explores opportunities

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Thought-Oriented Roles
Presents new ideas and approaches
Monitor Evaluator
Provides logical analysis
Offers in-depth knowledge

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Shaper (SH)
Provides the necessary drive to ensure that the team keeps moving and does not lose focus or momentum.

Strengths: Challenging, dynamic, thrives on pressure. Has the drive and courage to overcome obstacles.

Allowable weaknesses: Can be prone to provocation, and may sometimes offend people's feelings.

Don't be surprised to find that: They could risk becoming aggressive and bad-humoured in their attempts to get things done.
Deep Dive into the Roles
Implementer (IMP)
Needed to plan a workable strategy and carry it out as efficiently as possible.

Strengths: Practical, reliable, efficient. Turns ideas into actions and organises work that needs to be done.

Allowable weaknesses: Can be a bit inflexible and slow to respond to new possibilities.

Don't be surprised to find that: They might be slow to relinquish their plans in favour of positive changes.
Completer Finisher (CF)
Most effectively used at the end of tasks to polish and scrutinise the work for errors, subjecting it to the highest standards of quality control.

Strengths: Painstaking, conscientious, anxious. Searches out errors. Polishes and perfects.

Allowable weaknesses: Can be inclined to worry unduly, and reluctant to delegate.

Don't be surprised to find that: They could be accused of taking their perfectionism to extremes.
Resource Investigator (RI)
Uses their inquisitive nature to find ideas to bring back to the team.

Strengths: Outgoing, enthusiastic. Explores opportunities and develops contacts.

Allowable weaknesses: Might be over-optimistic, and can lose interest once the initial enthusiasm has passed.

Don't be surprised to find that: They might forget to follow up on a lead.
Teamworker (TW)
Helps the team to gel, using their versatility to identify the work required and complete it on behalf of the team.

Strengths: Co-operative, perceptive and diplomatic. Listens and averts friction.

Allowable weaknesses: Can be indecisive in crunch situations and tends to avoid confrontation.

Don't be surprised to find that: They might be hesitant to make unpopular decisions.
Co-ordinator (CO)
Needed to focus on the team's objectives, draw out team members and delegate work appropriately.

Strengths: Mature, confident, identifies talent. Clarifies goals.

Allowable weaknesses: Can be seen as manipulative and might offload their own share of the work.

Don't be surprised to find that: They might over-delegate, leaving themselves little work to do.
Plant (PL)
Tends to be highly creative and good at solving problems in unconventional ways.

Strengths: Creative, imaginative, free-thinking, generates ideas and solves difficult problems.

Allowable weaknesses: Might ignore incidentals, and may be too preoccupied to communicate effectively.

Don't be surprised to find that: They could be absent-minded or forgetful.
Monitor Evaluator (ME)
Provides a logical eye, making impartial judgements where required and weighs up the team's options in a dispassionate way.

Strengths: Sober, strategic and discerning. Sees all options and judges accurately.

Allowable weaknesses: Sometimes lacks the drive and ability to inspire others and can be overly critical.

Don't be surprised to find that: They could be slow to come to decisions.
Specialist (SP)
Brings in-depth knowledge of a key area to the team.

Strengths: Single-minded, self-starting and dedicated. They provide specialist knowledge and skills.

Allowable weaknesses: Tends to contribute on a narrow front and can dwell on the technicalities.

Don't be surprised to find that: They overload you with information.

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Complete the Belbin Team Roles Questionnaire

**Time Allowed**
15 minutes.

Identify your preferred team roles.

There are no right or wrong answers.

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Slide 15 - Link

What are your primary and secondary preferred team roles?

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Group Discussion & Reflection
How do these roles align with your experience in team settings?
Have you observed these roles in action during your time with DfI? 
How did these roles influence the team dynamics?

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OCN Workbook - Teamwork
Please complete A.C 1.1 & 1.2

Feel free to ask questions while working through this.

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Closing Thoughts

  • Understanding your role in a team can enhance both personal satisfaction and team performance.

  • Consider how you can apply this knowledge in your current or future teams.

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Session 2:
Goal Setting for Teams and Individuals

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The Importance of Goal Setting

Clear goals are the foundation for team success and personal growth, driving focus, alignment, and achievement.

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Introduction to Goal Setting
Team Goals

  • Goals that are shared among team members and align with the team’s overall mission.
  • Ensures everyone is working toward the same objectives, fostering collaboration and accountability.
Individual Goal

  • Personal objectives that contribute to individual growth and support the team’s success.
  • Helps team members focus on their personal development while also aligning with team goals.

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Why Clear Goals Are Crucial
For Team Success

  • Alignment: Ensures all members are working toward the same outcomes.
  • Motivation: Clear goals keep the team focused and driven to achieve milestones.
  • Accountability: Makes it easier to track progress and hold each other accountable.
For Personal Development

  • Growth: Helps individuals identify areas for improvement and track their development.
  • Focus: Provides direction and a clear path to achieving personal and career objectives.
  • Confidence: Achieving goals boosts self-esteem and prepares individuals for future challenges.

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How often do you set specific goals for yourself?

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Understanding SMART Goals

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Practical Application of SMART Goals
In groups (6 Groups Max), take a vague goal and transform it into a SMART goal

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Write your SMART Goal here.

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Understand DfI’s Mission and Objectives
The Department for Infrastructure (DfI) in Northern Ireland aims to develop and maintain a sustainable, safe, and resilient infrastructure that supports economic growth, environmental sustainability, and regional development. 

Their goals focus on improving transportation, water management, and public services, while promoting innovation and addressing climate change challenges.

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Setting Team Goals
  • Why was the previous slide important?
  • There will be many departments and teams within DfI, each with different specialisms
  • To set goals:
  • Clarify the team's role within DfI
  • Use DfI’s strategic framework to guide goal-setting.

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Setting Team Goals
Generate ideas related to the team’s specific function (e.g., transport, water management).
   - Encourage creativity and assess feasibility.

Discussion and Refinement
Critically evaluate ideas in terms of impact on DfI objectives.
   - Prioritise based on urgency, alignment, and potential impact.

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Setting Team Goals: Achieving Alignment
Reaching Consensus
- Engage in open discussion to finalise goals.
- Ensure team-wide commitment to the selected goals.

Aligning Goals with DfI’s Objectives
-Directly link each goal to DfI’s strategic objectives (e.g., reducing emissions, improving safety).
- Ensure goals are measurable and adaptable.
 to the selected goals.
. Communication and Monitoring
- Clearly communicate goals within the team and across DfI.
- Regularly track progress and adjust as necessary.

Feedback and Adaptation
- Incorporate feedback from stakeholders.
- Adapt goals to meet changing conditions or new DfI priorities.

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Individual Goal Setting 
1. Ensures Cohesive Progress

   - Individual goals aligned with team objectives help ensure that all efforts contribute to the mission.
   - Increases efficiency and drives collective success within the team.

2. Enhances Personal Accountability

   - Aligning personal goals with team goals fosters a sense of responsibility and ownership in a new trainee.
   - Encourages proactive contribution to the team’s success.

3. Supports Career Development

   - Helps trainees build relevant skills and experience that are valued within team.
   - Aligns career growth with meaningful contributions to departmental priorities.

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Balancing Personal Development with Team Objectives
Set SMART Goals
   - Ensure personal goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
   - Tailor goals to both personal development and team contributions.
Communicate Regularly
   - Engage in open discussions with mentors and team leads to align expectations.
   - Adjust goals based on feedback and changing team needs.
Focus on Skill Building
   - Identify skills that enhance both individual capabilities and team performance.
   - For a DfI trainee, this might involve learning project management or technical skills relevant to infrastructure projects.
Prioritise Time Management
   - Balance personal learning and team tasks by effectively managing time.
   - Allocate specific periods for personal development without compromising team responsibilities.
Seek Continuous Feedback
   - Regularly review progress with mentors to ensure alignment with team goals.
   - Adapt and refine goals based on feedback and evolving DfI priorities.

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OCN Workbook
Please complete A.C 2.1 & 2.2

Feel free to ask questions while working through this.

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Who provides logical analysis in a team setting?
Monitor Evaluator
Resource Investigator

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Which role in a team encourages cooperation among members?
Monitor Evaluator

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Who ensures thorough, timely completion in a team?
Resource Investigator
Monitor Evaluator
Completer Finisher

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Which role in a team presents new ideas and approaches?

Slide 39 - Quizvraag

Today we covered:
  1. Team Roles - An Intro to Belbin
  2. Goal Setting for Teams and Individuals

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Do you have any questions?

Slide 41 - Open vraag