Tekstverbanden en signaalwoorden

Dogs have other instincts from their wolf ancestors. For example, some dogs will scratch the ground after pooping. But they’re not trying to bury poop. Scratching disturbs the ground. It draws attention to the area. “It's almost like drawing a picture with a big red marker around it," MacLean said. The signpost is meant for other dogs. The dog poop shows they were there. They’re marking their territory.
Tekstverband: voorbeeld
Signaalwoord: For example
Zin: For example ... after pooping.
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo b, kLeerjaar 3,4

In deze les zitten 17 slides, met interactieve quiz en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 45 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Dogs have other instincts from their wolf ancestors. For example, some dogs will scratch the ground after pooping. But they’re not trying to bury poop. Scratching disturbs the ground. It draws attention to the area. “It's almost like drawing a picture with a big red marker around it," MacLean said. The signpost is meant for other dogs. The dog poop shows they were there. They’re marking their territory.
Tekstverband: voorbeeld
Signaalwoord: For example
Zin: For example ... after pooping.

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Reading: tekstverbanden en signaalwoorden 
Je hoeft niet te verbinden met LessonUp!

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

  • Ik heb de tekstverbanden en signaalwoorden herhaald.
  • Ik kan de signaalwoorden herkennen.
  • Ik kan de signaalwoorden koppelen aan het juiste tekstverband.
  • Ik kan een zin correct citeren. 

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Tekstverbanden zeggen iets over hoe zinnen (of alinea's) samenwerken.
  • Opsomming
  • Tegenstelling
  • Voorbeeld
  • Conclusie
  • Oorzaak/Gevolg

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Even oefenen...
Welk signaalwoord zit er in de zin?

Noteer alleen het signaalwoord

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Nu in een tekst...

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

I went to Spain and Greece this summer.

Slide 8 - Open vraag

Why are pets so weird? A dog that loves boxes, a cat that loves socks

Bella is a beagle. She loves tearing into boxes from Amazon. But she ignores other deliveries. Little Bit is a tortoiseshell cat. She is crazy for socks. Little Bit raids the laundry basket late at night. She paws through the open suitcases of house guests. The guests almost always find themselves missing a sock in the morning.
Welk signaalwoord kun je vinden in de intro van deze tekst?

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Why are pets so weird? A dog that loves boxes, a cat that loves socks

Bella is a beagle. She loves tearing into boxes from Amazon. But she ignores other deliveries. Little Bit is a tortoiseshell cat. She is crazy for socks. Little Bit raids the laundry basket late at night. She paws through the open suitcases of house guests. The guests almost always find themselves missing a sock in the morning.
But = maar

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

Old Habits Meet New Learning
Pets can learn behaviors from people. Dogs can be trained to roll over or play dead.  But their ancient instincts from their wolf ancestors are still there. Instincts, or instinctive behaviors, are behaviors done without thinking. They don’t have to be learned.

Signaalwoord: But

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

But = tegenstelling

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

Dogs, for example, often "make their beds" before sleeping. They paw at their doggy beds. They turn around a few times. Then they settle down. This probably comes from the instinct to create a safe, warm place to sleep.

Signaalwoord: for example
Tekstverband: voorbeeld

Dogs, for ... before sleeping.

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

Je kunt nu een signaalwoord herkennen, maar hoe moest je citeren?

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

Zoek het juiste signaalwoord bij het tekstverband
Dogs have other instincts from their wolf ancestors. For example, some dogs will scratch the ground after pooping. But they’re not trying to bury poop. Scratching disturbs the ground. It draws attention to the area. “It's almost like drawing a picture with a big red marker around it," MacLean said. The signpost is meant for other dogs. The dog poop shows they were there. They’re marking their territory.
Tekstverband: voorbeeld
Signaalwoord: ?
Zin: ?

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

1. Scan door de tekst op zoek naar signaalwoorden.
2. Onderstreep ze eventueel.
3. Noteer het signaalwoord.
4. Citeer de zin (eerst twee/laatste twee woorden)
 waarin je dit hebt gevonden.
My sister was extremely angry because I stole her Airpod case.
Signaalwoord: because
Zin: My sister ... Airpod case.

Overzicht nodig? (laatste blz. boekje Reading)

Slide 16 - Tekstslide

Citeer nu de zin 
Dogs have other instincts from their wolf ancestors. For example, some dogs will scratch the ground after pooping. But they’re not trying to bury poop. Scratching disturbs the ground. It draws attention to the area. “It's almost like drawing a picture with a big red marker around it," MacLean said.The signpost is meant for other dogs. The dog poop shows they were there. They’re marking their territory.

Tekstverband: voorbeeld
Signaalwoord: For example
Zin: ...

Slide 17 - Tekstslide