3 ways to present information effectively with hotspots

Thomas Courtley, ex teacher and LessonUp education specialist

Thomas Courtley

Education Specialist

Some features help you present your lesson in the most effective way. LessonUp’s hotspots, for example, are digital buttons that reveal key information gradually. They prevent cognitive overload and activate learners' natural curiosity. By using hotspots, you foster engagement and present information progressively in an interactive textbook experience.


1. Foster learners’ natural curiosity

Hotspots can effectively foster learners’ natural curiosity by engaging them in an interactive experience. As students click on hotspots, they uncover hidden information or insights, making the learning process more exploratory and exciting. This method encourages active participation and keeps students intrigued, as they are driven by the desire to discover what lies beneath each hotspot. Active engagement makes learning more enjoyable, and deepens understanding of the material.


2. Present information gradually

Gradually presenting information through hotspots helps manage cognitive load. By revealing key points one at a time, educators can prevent students from feeling overwhelmed by too much information at once. This step-by-step approach allows learners to process and absorb each piece of information before moving on to the next, promoting better comprehension. It also provides a structured learning path, ensuring that students build knowledge progressively and coherently, improving their overall grasp of the subject matter.


3. Offer personalised revision guides

Hotspots can be used to offer personalised revision guides, catering to individual learning needs. By clicking on hotspots, students can access additional resources, explanations, or practice questions tailored to their performance and areas of improvement. This personalised approach ensures that each student receives the support they need to succeed, fostering a more inclusive learning environment. It allows students to revisit and reinforce specific concepts at their own pace, ultimately leading to more effective learning outcomes.

Experience the benefits firsthand – try using hotspots in your next lesson!