5 ways to use ChatGPT to stimulate active learning

ChatGPT is a conversational software that uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) to respond to your questions. In a matter of seconds it scans texts and databases from all over the internet and gives you human-like answers. This is all very interesting, but I can hear you asking yourself 'Can I use it to assist me in activating and engaging my students? If so, how?' 👇
Looking for a more teacher-centred AI tool?

1. Ask ChatGPT to create targeted open or closed questions
You have your lesson ready in PowerPoint or in LessonUp slides and you are very happy with it, but can’t come up with enough activating questions around a topic? Ask ChatGPT to help you. In no time it comes up with as many questions as you want. You can even ask it to create questions that stimulate active learning, engagement, or critical thinking skills. Select the ones you prefer or modify them based on your knowledge.

2. Ask your students to analyse an essay written by ChatGPT
Are you worried that your pupils might cheat by using ChatGPT? Maybe it’s time to turn things around! Ask them to write an essay by using the chatbot. That will take them about 5 seconds… and then? Then ask them to check if the essay is factually correct, well structured, if it mentions resources or examples, and more. Giving feedback to what it writes, and editing it, could be a great learning opportunity!Â

3. Use ChatGPT as a brainstorm partner to find inspiration
Brainstorming with your colleagues is great! Yet you and your colleagues don’t have that much time for it, and that’s real pity sometimes. Why don’t you try a brainstorm session with ChatGPT? Just type in what you would like to generate ideas about, and see what it can find on the internet. Most probably it will surprise you with creative ideas for your next lesson, or with ways to activate and engage your students.

4. Ask the chatbot to create discussions about relevant topics
You enjoy classroom discussions with your students, but it is not always easy to think about different points of view concerning a topic. ChatGPT could help you find opposite sides of an argument to stimulate classroom debates and critical thinking. You could ask your students to picture both sides by working with pro and con grids, or divide them in teams and ask them to come up with arguments for each point of view.

5. Use ChatGPT to provide feedback to your students
You are the greatest provider of feedback to your students: AI won’t change that. Sometimes, however, it would be nice to have an assistant. Especially if you have to provide feedback to a classroom of 28 students… In many countries there is a shortage of teachers and assistants, so why not ask ChatGPT for some help? It would allow you more time to connect with your students and implement an active learning culture.
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