3 practical tips to create a safe classroom environment 

1 min.
Thomas Courtley, ex teacher and LessonUp education specialist

Thomas Courtley

Education Specialist

Cover image blog_ 3 practical tips to create a safe classroom environment

Social safety in the classroom is essential, yet not something you can take for granted. Students, as all people, have to feel safe to be themselves: to say what they think, and express their personality and beliefs without being judged or picked upon.

At LessonUp, we are very concerned about this topic. We believe that our platform can support you with the very foundation of a positive teaching environment: safety. Hereunder we list three practical tips to help create a safe classroom environment.


Offer a podium to your silent student/s

In a traditional classroom setting, when you ask a question, there are always a few students eager to raise their hands and answer. However, it’s often the same students competing for your attention. If you look beyond the raised hands, you’ll notice the silent ones—students who would never dream of raising their hands during your lesson.

How can you change this classic classroom dynamic? By creating an atmosphere of safety and reducing social pressure, especially for your quieter students. Not everyone likes to be at the centre of attention. Some have valuable insights but prefer to interact from the sidelines, without their peers listening.

With LessonUp, also your quieter and more hesitant students will feel seen, heard and understood. That can be challenging for them during a physical lesson. Digitally, they might find their voice, and surprise you with lengthy answers to your questions. By implementing an open question or a mind map, for example, you give them the opportunity to express themselves.


Keep your students anonymous

During the interactive parts of a LessonUp lesson, you often have the option to show or hide students' names next to their answers. Allowing anonymity can make students feel more comfortable and less anxious.

LessonUp offers numerous interactive features that protect student anonymity in the classroom, encouraging engagement without revealing names. For example, while working with a mind map or an open question, you can decide whether to display their identities or keep them anonymous.


You are in charge of who participates in your lesson

It could happen that one of your students shares the LessonUp lesson PIN code with others, leading to an unexpected number of participants. It can be frustrating to discover that 75 students are following your class instead of the usual 25. 😬 Some of these 'anonymous' followers might also answer your questions with disruptive words, creating chaos and undermining the safety, motivation, and enjoyment of others. So, what can you do to prevent this?

Fortunately, we have an easy solution. In teaching mode, click on the student PIN code at the bottom left-hand side of your screen and select 'Close for new participants.' This action seals your lesson, preventing any new students from joining.

The PIN code remains valid even after closing the lesson. If you decide to reopen the lesson to new participants, your students can still use the same PIN code to access it.

Ensuring safety in the classroom is crucial for closing the attainment gap in education, as a secure environment fosters better learning for all students.