Make English lessons interactive

Looking for creative ways to engage your English students? Whether you're teaching Shakespeare or another topic, bring interactivity into your lessons in a myriad of ways. Easily create quizzes, drag-and-drops, mind maps, and more. Short on time? Use our free, ready-made lessons, tailor them to your classes, and don't miss our on-demand webinar on making Shakespeare interactive!


Webinar: Make Shakespeare interactive

Is this a Smart Board I see before me? Watch our on-demand webinar on how to bring Shakespeare into the modern classroom using LessonUp's range of interactive features.

Discover how to engage your learners with interactive activities that go beyond static PowerPoint presentations. Whether you're teaching primary or secondary students, this session will equip you with practical strategies to make Shakespeare accessible.

Grab this opportunity to engage learners with Shakespeare!


Bring Shakespeare's Macbeth to life

We have an ever-growing library of resources, including a complete series of lessons for Macbeth. Deliberately made with a broad consideration of UK specifications, you can easily adapt our lessons to suit your learners and teaching needs.

Your students aren’t allowed devices? No problem! Activities like board games and quizzes can be adapted for offline use.

GCSE Macbeth: interactive online lessons

Boost your GCSE English Literature curriculum with interactive resources like these Macbeth lessons


Female characters in Othello

In this interactive Shakespeare lesson Othello takes design cues from near future dystopian movies and video games. Othello brought right up to date for the 21st century—no ruffs and stockings and quill pens here—the language and power of the play brought to life with animations and AI. Among the quiz slides and mind maps, you’ll find a ‘digital roleplay’: a chance for every student to dive into an interactive Shakespeare lesson.


Inspire learners with creative writing

Get your learners writing with lessons on writing reviews, autobiographical writing, travel writing, dramatic monologues and short narrative fiction. You’ll find a wide range of activities including writing randomisers to banish writer’s block, and ways to encourage peer review and reflection.

Teach carefully structured lessons with engaging images that progressively increase the challenge with each slide. Help your students practice drafting and redrafting—without them even realising it! Get them writing individually and in groups, inspired by videos and visuals. Built-in assessment for learning ensures both you and your students get the most out of every session.

A-level creative writing: interactive online lessons

Support A-level students with creative writing sessions, all designed for minimal prep.


Take terminology onto the smart board

One of the biggest challenges in teaching English is making a vast range of terminology stick. Here at LessonUp we have a range of interactive terminology lessons that make metaphors memorable, poetic terms permanent and revision remarkable!

Breaking down the mental barrier to studying poetry can be tough. Our interactive poetry lesson helps secondary & A Level students approach poetry with confidence. It starts with the relatable, meme-friendly Michael Rosen and then guides learners through the challenge of Poe’s 'The Raven' using videos, clickable buttons, quizzes and drag-and-drop activities.

A-level English terminology: interactive online lessons

Enjoy a range of engaging English terminology activities that make metaphors memorable and revision remarkable!

Having all learners join active sessions was exactly what I needed. I could easily incorporate high levels of interactivity, which translates to high levels of engagement.
Kevin Chatten
Head of Computer Science and Virtual Learning - The Garibaldi School

Want to make your own online lesson? Give LessonUp a try!