14 lessons
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Les 3. Vragen die Ertoe Doen: Gewone Vragen en Levensvragen
- Lesson with 22 slides by ATMT
GodsdienstLevensbeschouwingMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 1
Lesson 2. The birth of Jesus
- Lesson with 16 slides by ATMT
Religious educationUpper Secondary (Key Stage 4)BTEC, GCSE
Lesson 1. The Angel Visits Mary
- Lesson with 24 slides by ATMT
Religious educationUpper Secondary (Key Stage 4)BTEC, GCSE
Les 3. Jezus en Zijn bediening
- Lesson with 31 slides by ATMT
GodsdienstLevensbeschouwingMiddelbare schoolvmbo, mavoLeerjaar 1-3
Les 6. Nietzsche's Wereld: God is Dood en de Wil tot Macht
- Lesson with 25 slides by ATMT
GodsdienstLevensbeschouwingMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 4-6
Les 2. De geboorte van Jezus
- Lesson with 16 slides by ATMT
LevensbeschouwingGodsdienstMiddelbare schoolvmbo, mavo, havo, vwoLeerjaar 1,2
Les 5. De Rustdag: Sabbat
- Lesson with 30 slides by ATMT
GodsdienstLevensbeschouwingMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 2
Les 3. De Wijzen, Herodes en de Vlucht naar Egypte
- Lesson with 15 slides by ATMT
LevensbeschouwingGodsdienstMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 1,2
Lesson 7. Islam as a World Empire: Spread and Cultural Influence.
- Lesson with 34 slides by ATMT
ReligionFurther Education (Key Stage 5)
Lesson 3. King Herod and the Wise Men from the East
- Lesson with 14 slides by ATMT
Religious educationFurther Education (Key Stage 5)Higher Education (degree)