Listening - project 1 - Lesson 3

English class
Week 38 - Lesson 3
1 / 40
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 40 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

English class
Week 38 - Lesson 3

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In class today
- Have you finished LU lesson 2? > Would you cheat in sports? > Have you studied the vocabulary list and the first 10 irregular verbs?
- Listening practice: Sport in the UK
Important dates:
- Set date for the vocabulary & irregular verbs test and the listening test
- Put the irregular verbs list in context: explain the Past Simple & the Present Perfect
Alone (either in class or as homework):
- Reading & vocabulary building entertainment theme
- Practise with the irregular verbs

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Regular verbs in the past tenses

Slide 3 - Slide

Episode name:
Truthdiggers is coming Friday, 13th May 2022
Irregular verbs in the past tenses

Slide 4 - Slide

Episode name:
Truthdiggers is coming Friday, 13th May 2022
Past Participle > Present Perfect
The past participle = het voltooid deelwoord. This past participle is used in a tense called the Present Perfect:

I have lived in Scotland since 2020.
I have eaten a lot of candy since this morning. I'm a bit nauseous.

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Past Simple & Present Perfect

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Past Simple
Something that happened in the past.

Usually add -ed

For example:
wanted, started, worked, asked

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Past Simple
Afgesloten actie uit het verleden -> het is niet meer bezig
Signaal woorden
Last Friday/weekend/year, etc; yesterday; a second/minute/day/week ago / in 2019, etc.
Vorm (bij regelmatige ww)
Onregelmatige ww eigen vorm!
werkwoord + -ed
2e rijtje onregelmatige ww
I talked/she laughed/we watched/they swam/he bought

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Past Simple spelling rules for regular verbs
Werkwoord eindigt in -e
(use, like, live, etc)
Voeg alleen een -d toe:
used, liked, lived
Kort werkwoord eindigt in medeklinker-klinker-medeklinker (plan, stop, beg, etc.)
Verdubbel de laatste medeklinker  + -ed
planned, stopped, begged
Werkwoord eindigt in klinker + y
(play, stay, enjoy)
Voeg -ed toe:
played, stayed, enjoyed
Werkwoord eindigt in medeklinker + y (try, cry, marry)
Verander de 'y' in 'ie' en voeg -d toe: tried, cried, married

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Present Perfect
Something that started in the past, but still has consequences today or when we talk about recent events.

Have/has + verb + ed
Have/has + third row irregular verbs

For example:
has wanted, have started, have begun, has swum

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Present Perfect
Een actie of gebeurtenis begint in het verleden en gaat verder in het heden.
Signaal woorden
just, yet, never, already, ever, so far, up to now, recently, for, since.
Vorm (bij regelmatige ww)
Onregelmatige ww eigen vorm!
have/has + werkwoord + -ed
have/has + 3e rijtje uit het schema met irregular verbs
I have talked/she has laughed/we have swum/they have begun

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Want to know more about this?
Read the explanation & do the exercises on this site.

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Listening practice:
Sport in the UK
Listen carefully to the video on the next slide and answer the questions on the slides following the video, please.

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Slide 14 - Video

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1. Cricket ...
was the most popular sport in the UK.
is not very popular in Scotland.
is very popular in the UK, especially in Scotland.

Slide 15 - Quiz

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2. Cricket can be confusing because...
all the player's uniforms are the same colour.
it's complicated to understand.
the rules change constantly.

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3. Which sentence is correct?
Cricket is only played in the UK and Asia.
England is not always the best cricket team.
England normally beats the other national cricket teams.

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4. 'Rounders' ...
is played in the United States.
is only played by girls.
is similar to baseball and cricket.

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5. Which sentence is correct?
More than one million people practise jogging.
People go jogging in the evening.
Jogging is popular in areas with modern offices.

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6. In the UK,...
there is an important tennis tournament in July.
it's not easy to play tennis because of the weather.
you can play tennis in most parks.

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7. Rollerblading...
was more popular in the past.
is very popular.
is dangerous.

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Reading practise
Read the TV listings.

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What type of programme is on channel 2? Use one of the following choices:

chat show | the news | game show | reality TV show | soap opera cartoon | drama series | talent show | sports programme | sitcom

Slide 23 - Open question

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What type of programme is on channel 3? Use one of the following choices:

chat show | the news | game show | reality TV show | soap opera cartoon | drama series | talent show | sports programme | sitcom

Slide 24 - Open question

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What type of programme is on channel 4? Use one of the following choices:

chat show | the news | game show | reality TV show | soap opera cartoon | drama series | talent show | sports programme | sitcom

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What type of programme is on channel 5? Use one of the following choices:

chat show | the news | game show | reality TV show | soap opera cartoon | drama series | talent show | sports programme | sitcom

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Read the programme descriptions again.

1. Which two programmes have contestants?

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Read the programme descriptions again.

2. Which three programmes have presenters?

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Read the programme descriptions again.

3. Which programme has actors in it?

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Read the programme descriptions again.

4. Which programme asks viewers to participate?

Slide 30 - Open question

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“Big movies on a small budget…”
Scan the article “Big movies on a small budget…” on the next slide. Before you read, look at the pictures and title of the article. 

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What do you think the article is about?
the high price of horor movies
the salaries of famous film actors
a film that was made very cheaply

Slide 33 - Quiz

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Read the article again.
1. Find two examples of very expensive films.

Slide 34 - Open question

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(Read the article again).
2. Find two reasons why it is possible to say that 'Monsters' was succesful.

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(Read the article again).
3. Find four reasons why 'Monsters' wasn't expensive to make.

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(Read the article again).
4. Find the amount of time Gareth Edward worked on the film after filming.

Slide 37 - Open question

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Blooket irregular verbs

Slide 38 - Slide

Time left? Visit this site and expand your vocabulary knowledge.
There is lots to do on this site:
  • A match-up
  • A crossword
  • 3 exercises

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Homework Thursday the 19th of September

- Finish this LessonUp, please.

    Study the vocabulary list and word 11-20 from the irregular verbs list, please. You can find both lists in SomToday.

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