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4B (4T) #6 CHP 2 Like and as + vocab recap
Chapter 2 - Multimedia and Design
1 / 22
Slide 1:
Middelbare school
vmbo t
Leerjaar 4
This lesson contains
22 slides
, with
interactive quizzes
text slides
Lesson duration is:
45 min
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Items in this lesson
Chapter 2 - Multimedia and Design
Slide 1 - Slide
What do you need in this lesson?
Stepping Stones workbook A
Pen and paper
Reading book
While you are waiting get your reading book (leesboek) out and read. Do NOT log into LessonUp!
Slide 2 - Slide
Today's goals
- I can use like and as in a sentence
- I can use multimedia vocabulary correctly in sentences.
At the end of class:
Slide 3 - Slide
- Lesson goals (2 mins)
- Like and as
- Spelling
- Goals achieved
Slide 4 - Slide
You will need pen and paper
Slide 5 - Slide
Translate these words to English
1. Illustreren / toelichten
8. Indeling
2. Tentoonstelling
9. Vooral
3. Wazig
10. Kenmerken
4. Samenstelling
11. Blij maken
5. Sjabloon
12. Mening
6. Personaliseren
13. Uitleg
7. Aanpassen
14. Worsteling
Slide 6 - Slide
Translate these words to English
1. Illustreren / toelichten
8. Indeling
2. Tentoonstelling
9. Vooral
3. Wazig
10. Kenmerken
4. Samenstelling
11. Blij maken
5. Sjabloon
12. Mening
6. Personaliseren
13. Uitleg
7. Aanpassen
14. Worsteling
Slide 7 - Slide
Write one sentence for each of the below words to show you understand their meaning
1. Appearance
2. Imagination
3. Replica
4. Integrate
5. Come of age
6. Express
7. Demanding
Slide 8 - Slide
Write one sentence for each of the below words to show you understand their meaning
1. Appearance
The famous actor made an appearance at the premier of his latest film
2. Imagination
Surely you can use your imagination and come up with an interesting English sentence
3. Replica
The painting was an exact replica of the one in the museum
4. Integrate
These two pieces cannot be seamlessly integrated in the main piece unfortunately
5. Come of age
The plot of the book is largely about the antagonists coming of age.
6. Express
I cannot express how disappointed I am that some of you do not take my English lessons seriously.
7. Demanding
Our English teaching is very demanding.
Slide 9 - Slide
and As
- "Like" gebruik je om mensen, dieren en dingen te vergelijken
- Gebruik "like" na (zintuig) werkwoorden als:
to look, to sound, to feel, to smell, to taste
Slide 10 - Slide
Like and
- "As" gebruik je samen met een zelfstandig naamwoord om over iemands baan of rol te praten
- "As" (x 2) gebruik je om twee dingen te vergelijken
- "As" gebruik je in een afhankelijk zin fragment om te laten zien dat iets op een vergelijkbaar manier doe.
Slide 11 - Slide
He sounds ........ Michael Jackson
(like or as?)
Slide 12 - Open question
That milkshake tastes ...... banana.
(like or as?)
Slide 13 - Open question
I work ...... a janitor.
(like or as?)
Slide 14 - Open question
I do the same work ...... a lawyer.
(like or as?)
Slide 15 - Open question
She is not ...... talented at singing ..... I am. (like or as?)
Slide 16 - Open question
...... already communicated, this work needs to be redone. (like or as?)
Slide 17 - Open question
In class work
Complete ex. 51 and 52 (and 54 if not yet done) on p. 108 - 109
If your partner is finished, complete ex. 42 and 44 on p. 100 - 103 - speaking
This is in class work. Aim to finish these exercises during the lesson.
Slide 18 - Slide
Goals achieved?
- I can use like and as in a sentence
- I can use multimedia vocabulary correctly in sentences.
At the end of class:
Slide 19 - Slide
If not finished complete as homework
ex. 51 and 52 (and 54 if not yet done) on p. 108 - 109
Slide 20 - Slide
Slide 21 - Slide
Like and As
Slide 22 - Slide
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