Extra session - Talking about your own primary school experiences

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This lesson contains 19 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson

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Today's plans
  • Lesson aims
  • First task
  • Vocab
  • Second task
  • Rounding off 

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Lesson aims
At the end of today's class, students...
  • can tell about their experiences at their own primary schools
  • know vocabulary that helps them describe different things at their primary schools
  • know vocabulary that helps them describe opinions

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1. Talk in pairs
Je hebt allemaal een kaartje gekregen met daarop een vraag.

Binnen 2 minuten stel jij je vraag aan je buurvrouw en stelt zij haar vraag aan jou.

Na afloop van de timer schuift 1 rij steeds 1 plek naar voren.
Dit doen we 3 keer.

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Get ready...

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Round 1

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Round 2

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Round 3

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Vocabulary - Subjects

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Misschien kan ik hier een handout voor geven? Zo kunnen studenten de vocabulary wellicht beter onthouden en toepassen in de volgende opdracht

Vocabulary - Fill-in-the-blank
1. I study plants in __________ class.
2. In __________ class, we learn how to play the piano and sing songs.
3. The teacher showed us a world map in __________ class.
4. We play football and run during __________ class.
5. In __________ class, we act and pretend to be different characters.

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Vocabulary - Opinions

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Vocabulary - Fill-in-the-blank
Is het handig om hier een fill-in-the-blank te doen, of is het effectiever om de studenten deze zinnen gewoon direct te laten toepassen tijdens de volgende opdracht?

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2. Express your opinions
Maak groepjes van 3 of 4
Denk na en discuseer over de volgende twee vragen:

"What was the best thing about your primary school and why?"

"What would you change about your primary school if you could?"

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2. Express your opinions

What did you talk about?

What new vocab did you use?

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Lesson aims
At the end of today's class, students...
  • can tell about their experiences at their own primary schools
  • know vocabulary that helps them describe different things at their primary schools
  • know vocabulary that helps them describe opinions

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Heb je vragen over de stageopdracht?
Stuur me een teamsberichtje!

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