Lesson 6 - Speaking & writing assignments

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EngelsMBOStudiejaar 3

This lesson contains 30 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 60 min

Items in this lesson

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Today's plans
  • Lesson aims
  • Taking a last look at the assignment
  • Speaking
  • Writing
  • Rounding off 

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Lesson aims
By the end of today's class, you...
  • will know more about how your assignment will be assessed
  • feel more confident when speaking/writing in English
  • have practiced with timed speaking/writing exercises

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About the assignment!

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Er zijn in totaal 20 punten te verdelen. 

Je moet hier 14 van behalen voor een 5,5

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Assignment instruction
Working on speaking and writing to get a view on how these skills will be covered next year.

1. First speaking

2. Then writing
But first...

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How confident do you feel about your speaking abilities right now?

Slide 9 - Poll

How confident do you feel about your writing abilities right now?

Slide 10 - Poll


You have 25 seconds to prepare. After the beep, read the text aloud in a clear voice.
Your neighbour listens carefully.

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You have 25 seconds to prepare. After the beep, read the text aloud in a clear voice.

Elephants are the largest living land animals. They are known for their large ears and long trunks. They live throughout Africa and Asia and prefer to be close to water. They have long life spans and can live for up to seventy years in the wild.

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You have 25 seconds to prepare. After the beep, read the text aloud in a clear voice.
Your neighbour listens carefully.

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You have 25 seconds to prepare. After the beep, read the text aloud in a clear voice.

Anna has worked in the fashion business for many years. She hopes to open her own shop one day. That is why she is doing a course in business management.

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Describing a picture.

You will see a picture.

You have 25 seconds to prepare.
Describe the picture in 25 seconds yo your neighbour.

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Describing a picture.

You have 25 seconds to prepare.
Describe the picture in 25 seconds.

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Describing a picture.

You will see a picture.

You have 25 seconds to prepare.
Describe the picture in 25 seconds yo your neighbour.

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Describing a picture.

You have 25 seconds to prepare.
Describe the picture in 25 seconds.

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Read the passage on the next page.
 After 30 seconds, the passage will disappear. Rewrite the passage in your own words. You have 90 seconds to write your response.

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Susan sat at the train station, reading her book. When the train came, she put her book down. She got on the train and sat down with her sister.  When she looked out the window, she saw her book was still at the platform.

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Rewrite the passage in your own words.
You have 90 seconds to write your response.

Slide 21 - Open question

Read the passage on the next page.
 After 30 seconds, the passage will disappear. Rewrite the passage in your own words. You have 90 seconds to write your response.

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Richard sat in a restaurant, waiting for his girlfriend, Amy.
They were going to have lunch. When  Amy arrived he stood and gave her a kiss. They sat down and ordered lunch and drinks. The waiter brought a beer for Richard and a glass of white wine for Amy.

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Rewrite the passage in your own words.
You have 90 seconds to write your response.

Slide 24 - Open question

  • Read the statement. 
  • Write your response in 10 minutes and use 50 - 75 words.

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Students should be allowed to use ChatGPT however they like
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Use 50 - 75 words
Type your response in teams and send it to me when the timer is finished!
I will give you short feedback after class.
Finished?  --> Quietly work on your reflection assignment or another subject.


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How confident do you feel about your speaking abilities right now?

Slide 27 - Poll

How confident do you feel about your writing abilities right now?

Slide 28 - Poll

Lesson aims
By the end of today's class, you...
  • will know more about how your assignment will be assessed
  • have practiced with timed speaking/writing exercises
  • Feel more confident when speaking/writing in English

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Thanks, everyone!

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