This lesson contains 17 slides, with interactive quiz and text slides.
Lesson duration is: 30 min
Items in this lesson
Modals - Hulpwerkwoorden
Slide 1 - Slide
Ik kan in het Engels aangeven dat iemand in staat is om iets te doen, iemand toestemming heeft, dat iets mogelijk is, dat iemand gedwongen wordt en advies geven.
Slide 2 - Slide
I ... (kon) lift 100 pounds easily, because I was superstrong when I was younger.
Our teacher said everybody ... (moet) hand in their homework in time.
We ... (mogen niet) go to that festival.
Philip ... (moet wel) be somewhere around here. I have just seen him.
Bob the Builder ... (kan) fix anything!
You ... (zou moeten) tell her what happened.
My little sister ... (hoeft niet) do the dishes, because she is too young.
You ... (zou mogen) go out tonight, but only if you are back in time.
I think that sometimes people ... (zouden moeten) be a little bit nicer.
Mum ... (mag) drive a car, because she has a driver's license.
Slide 3 - Slide
could / was able to
must / has to
are not allowed to
must / has to
can / is able to
does not have to
may / might
is allowed to
Slide 4 - Slide
Snap je dit onderdeel?
Ga verder met je weektaak (zie It's Learning)
Slide 5 - Slide
Can & Could
Gebruiken we om aan te geven:
dat iemand iets kan (TT) I can speak Spanish.
dat iets mogelijk is (TT) It can get quite hot in here.
Dat je toestemming hebt (TT) Dad says I can come to your party.
Dat iemand iets kon (VT) I could speak Spanish as a child.
dat iets mogelijk was (VT) It could get quite hot in there.
Dat je toestemming had (VT) Dad had said I could come, but I forgot.
Als je beleefde vraag stelt Could you pass me the butter, please?
Slide 6 - Slide
To be able to
Gebruiken we om aan te geven dat iemand in staat is iets te doen:
Alle tijden:
Tegenwoordige tijd I am able to speak Spanish.
Verleden tijd I was able to speak Spanish as a child.
Voltooide tijd They have been able to access your computer.
Toekomst She will be able to tell you what happened.
Slide 7 - Slide
Can vs to be able to
Kunnen door elkaar gebruikt worden in TT en VT: I can / am able to speak Spanish. I could / was able to speak Spanish.
To be able is formeler.
Slide 8 - Slide
To be allowed to
Gebruiken we om aan te geven dat iemand toestemming heeft (gekregen):
Alle tijden:
Tegenwoordige tijd I am allowed to come to your party.
Verleden tijd I was allowed to come to your party, but I forgot.
Voltooide tijd They have been allowed to buy candy.
Toekomst She will not be allowed to go there alone.
Modale werkwoord:
(zou) mogen/toestemming hebben We were allowed to skip class.
Slide 9 - Slide
May & might
Gebruiken we:
bij (de vraag naar) toestemming
You may enter.
Might we leave our bags here?
wanneer iets mogelijk is
Your keys may be in your room. (redelijk zeker)
Your keys might be in your room. (minder zeker)
Your keys could be in your room. (minder waarschijnlijk)
Slide 10 - Slide
Must & have to
Gebruiken we:
bij een verplichting
You must tell her.
You have to tell her.
We had to hand in our homework yesterday.
wanneer iets zo moet zijn
Your keys must be in your room. (kan niet anders)
Let op!
Must gebruiken we alleen in de tegenwoordige tijd!
Voor alle andere tijden gebruiken we have to.
Slide 11 - Slide
Must not, don't have to
Gebruiken we:
bij een verbod
You must not tell her! (het mag dus niet)
wanneer het niet hoeft
You don't have to tell her. (maar het mag wel)
Slide 12 - Slide
Gebruiken we:
om advies te geven
You should tell her.
We should go home.
om advies te geven nadat iets gebeurd is
You should have told her.
We should have gone home.
Slide 13 - Slide
Verschil in hoe dringend iets is:
wanneer het heel dringend is:
You must / have to tell her.
Het moet!
wanneer het minder dringend is:
You should tell her.
Zou je moeten doen.
wanneer het niet heel dringend is:
You could tell her.
Zou je kunnen doen.
Slide 14 - Slide
You ... (mag) feed the animals in this zoo.
Peter ... (kan niet) come to school, because his sister is getting married.
Dad told me I ... (mocht niet) visit aunt May, because she had Covid.
I know this sounds logical, but you ... (moet niet) steal money.
Our teacher always says we ... (zouden moeten) study our vocabulary.
I have just had my keys in my hand, so they ... (moeten wel) be here.
It ... (zou heel misschien kunnen) start to rain later today.
You ... (hoeft niet) tell Mike, because he already knows.
Slide 15 - Slide
cannot / is not able to
could not / was not allowed to
must not
must be / have to be
don't have to
Slide 16 - Slide
Ik kan in het Engels aangeven dat iemand in staat is om iets te doen, iemand toestemming heeft, dat iets mogelijk is, dat iemand gedwongen wordt en advies geven.