Youtube video saved the radio star
A homeless man who has lived on the streets of Cleveland, USA for years, has shot to fame, after a clip of his smooth radio voice went viral on the internet. Ted Williams was filmed by a local cameraman, holding a cardboard sign that read: "I'm an ex-radio announcer who has failed on hard time". Williams is seen in the video asking for money in exchange for a quick blast of his "God-given voice". Now that the video has had millions of hits on YouTube, Williams has become an overnight sensation.
He has spent today appearing on talk shows across America, sporting a new haircut and a smarter appearance than on the clip that made him famous.
Since his story broke, he had received numerous job offers from big broadcasting names including ESPN, MTV, ABC, CBS and CNN and The Cleveland Cavaliers
Williams has been on the streets for years and has struggled with drug and alcohol addiction for years