Session 1 - Introduction

Element 11: 
Special Educational needs and disability 
T - Level in Education and Early Years 
Session 1 - Introduction 
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MathematicsFurther Education (Key Stage 5)

This lesson contains 12 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

Element 11: 
Special Educational needs and disability 
T - Level in Education and Early Years 
Session 1 - Introduction 

Slide 1 - Slide

Learning Objectives
By the end of the session, all learners will: 
Establish expectations of Element 11 delivery. 
Research the SEND Code Of Practice 2015 & the legal requirements to supporting SEND. 
Research and create leaflet to support parents in understanding the requirements of EHCP's.

Slide 2 - Slide

Your expectation 
Element 11 is a unit based entirely on Special Educational needs and disabilities that can be present in Early Years and education between the ages of 0 - 19 years. 

In pairs work together to mind map on the A3 piece of paper, information you would expect this element to cover. 
- Consider type of SEN needs
- Legislation requirements. 
- Strategies 

There is no right answer to this task, it is based on your opinion. 

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Your expectation - Feedback 
Each pair is to contribute to shared feedback on the whiteboard. 
Write 1 or 2 expected areas relating to SEND that you expect to learn through completing this element. 

We will then engage in a follow up discussion to determine why we would expect to learn about this. 

On google classroom 
access your course specification 

Slide 4 - Slide

Why do EYP and educational professionals need to know and learn about supporting SEND in Education?

Slide 5 - Open question

Understanding the Importance of SEND requirements 
Understanding the importance of SEN requirements in Early years is imperative to ensure we are inclusive and aware of any reasonable adjustments that may need to be considered.

It is important we have developing knowledge of how to correctly work with professionals and understand the correct approach to observing expected rate and sequence of development. 

Understanding the different strategies to support children with SEN can help reduce any barriers that prevent a child from learning and developing correctly. 

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SEND Code Of Practice 2015
This legislation is significantly important for practitioners particularly when working with children and young people who may have SEND requirements. 

This legislation informs the policies and procedures in education for all age ranges and informs our practice. 
For any child or group of children who are home schooled, parents or carers will need to work in partnership with the local authority to ensure their needs are met.

In relation to the EYFS 2024, all maintained nurseries and other providers who receive funding from the Government will need to correctly follow the requirements of the SEND Code of practice. (Link to element 1)

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Why do we need to know about legislation?
As a professional working in any educational provision, it is important you are aware to the statutory duties and responsibilities when working with children and young people who may have SEND.
Each table working together to collate a google slides for their group, you will need to research and read the following section. 
Section 5: Early Years Provider - Page 78
Section 6: School - Page 91
Section 7: Further Education - Page 111.

Save this in your drive!

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Why is partnership working when supporting SEND ?

Slide 9 - Open question

Lets Summarise 
  • The SEND Code of practice (2015) introduced many reforms to SEND in education, adoption requirements, family courts and social care. 
  • Co - operative working was held of high importance in relation to this legislation.
  • Some examples to be considered are:
  • The Local Offer - This is a document which outlines the support available for children and young people with SEND in accordance to area.
  • The importance of Educational health care plans, where reasonable adjustments need to be made to support a child or young person with SEND. (Education & health care plan)
  • Preparing and supporting children and young people for adult hood.

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Discussion point 
In the present more children are being provided EHCP plan's due to the increase of additional needs in Early Years.  EHCP's are supported by The Children and Social Work Act 2017.  

One Early Years setting recently shared they have a EHCP for a child as young as 1 years olds. 
There is currently a 2 year waiting list for referrals.

Number of EHC plans at January 2024 - 575,963
The number of EHC plans in place as at January 2024 increased by 58,914 (11.4%) from January 2023.
In pairs, spend 5 minutes discussing your perspective on this. 

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Leaflets for parents  
I would like you to create a leaflet for parents to inform them of the local offer and EHCP's. Use the internet to drive your knowledge and ensure to reference.

What is an EHCP? Why do we use it? Benefits for children? Link to legislation?
What is the local offer? Why do we have this? How does it support children? Link to legislation?

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