Seminal vesicles and prostate: add sperm fluid to the sperm cells
Semen = sperm fluid with sperm cells
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Fertility in girls
Approx. 400,000 oocytes present from birth.
Egg cells begin to mature at puberty.
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(28 dagen)
An egg matures in one of the ovaries
The uterine lining thickens
Ovulation = release of an egg from an ovary.
Follicle = vesicle surrounding an egg
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Oestrogen has three effects:
prevents other egg cells from maturing
the uterine lining starts to thicken
if there is a lot of oestrogen present within the blood (the first peak in the graph of figure 10) the pituitary gland gives a signal to start ovulation.
Progesterone stimulates further growth and saturation of the uterine lining
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1. The pituitary gland releases FSH. FSH stimulates the growth of the ovarian follicle.
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2. Growing follicle mainly produces estrogen before ovulation.
- inhibits the production of FSH, preventing new cells from maturing.
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3. Due to a lot of estrogen in the blood, the pituitary gland starts to produce LH (luteinizing hormone).The ovulation occurs.
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4. After ovulation: LH ensures the growth of the empty follicle (corpus luteum).
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5. The corpus luteum produces progesterone.
- inhibits the production of FSH and LH
- egg cells do not mature, ovulation does not occur.
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6. Egg not fertilized: production of estrogen and progesterone decreases. Uterine lining breaks down (menstruation).
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Make: 11.1 assignments 4, 7, 8,16-18, 20, 22, 24
In your (online) book. Choose: whispering or listening to music on your laptop. Make worksheet assignments in your notebook.
Raise your hand. If he/she is not listening to music, you may ask your neighbour first.