To take the Pig Personality Test, you will need a blank piece of paper and a pen or pencil. Here are the steps to follow:
Draw a pig on the piece of paper. There are no rules or limits, so feel free to draw anything that comes to mind.
Note where you drew the pig on the paper. If it’s at the top of the page, you are positive and optimistic. If it’s in the middle, you are a realist. If it’s at the bottom, you are suspicious and have a tendency to behave negatively.
Observe the direction in which the pig is facing. If it’s facing left, you believe in traditions, are friendly, and good at remembering dates. If it’s facing right, you are creative, active, and don’t have a strong sense of family. If it’s looking directly at you, you are direct, enjoy playing devil’s advocate, and neither fear nor avoid discussions.
Pay attention to the amount of detail you put into your drawing. If you have a lot of details, you are organized, methodical, cautious, and distrustful. If you have few details, you tend to be emotional and naive, care little for details, and are a risk-taker.
Count the number of legs you drew on the pig. If you drew all four legs, you tend to be secure, stubborn, and stick to your ideals. If you drew less than four legs, you tend to be emotional and gullible, care little for details, and are a risk-taker.
Finally, observe the size of the ears you drew. The bigger the ears, the better listener you are.
If you drew a tail, note its length. The longer the tail, the better the quality of your relationships.
The Pig Personality Test is a fun way to learn about yourself and others. Enjoy! 🐷