Unit 1 - Wake up your senses - Reading

Welcome back!
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 20 slide, with text slide and 1 video.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

Welcome back!

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Introduction to the new course book
  • Why have we chosen for this book?
  • FCE Exam: What is it and why  you need to do your best to pass!
  • How we will prepare for the Exam

Turn to pages 1 and 2
Read through the Unit overview for Unit 1

The items labelled 'Task' will give exam style practice

Slide 2 - Slide

Learning new vocabulary
Write it down!!!
  • Mind map???
  • illustration??
  • Cards???
Tip: Use the back of your notebook to record the new words for each lesson.

Slide 3 - Slide

CAE: (Yanik, Floortje, Bruno, Daniël) Go to Google Classroom and follow the instructions - you can work outside the classroom. Take screenshots of your work and load to Google Classroom, please.
FCE: Page 9 in Gold Experience, we will look at a Reading part of the exam today.

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learn vocabulary using Quizlet
  1. Go to www.quizlet.com
  2. Join the class
  3. Practice using the class sets
  4. When you have practiced enough, we will practice in class

Remember: Learning new vocabulary is the key to learning any language.

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Read the quotation...
I love the buzz of doing something for the first time! 

What do you think is meant by the word 'buzz'

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Get in to small groups to discuss the questions 
Try and give examples or reasons when answering.

Example; Visiting a new country gives me a buzz. It's always exciting to see new things, try new food and meet different kinds of people. 

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Get in to small groups and list some of your favourite activites
Report back to the class
Which would you like to try? Which would you not like to try? Give reasons!

Pages 8-9
The topic of this lesson is trying new activities and the aim is to complete an exam style gapped text.

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Favourite past-times

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Power up

Exercise 1 - in pairs
Exercise 2 - in pairs
 Exercise 3 - explantation of this part of the exam ...
Exercise 4: Individual task 
 Read the blog again, there will be some unknown vocabulary, don't focus on this as the context should make the meanings clear and finding the correct answers will not usually depend on understanding single unfamiliar words. 

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Plenda/Som Today

Homework for Wednesday
Page 8 and 9 Gold Experience: 

Ex 5 and 6 if not finished in class on Tuesday!

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Exercise 5
Get in to pairs to find the the words and phrases in the blog
Exercise 6: HOMEWORK
OK, I know it's early days but so far I've found our challenge fun and actually bit of an eye-opener.
  • Write in one or two sentences why Tom found the experience an eye-opener
  • Compare your ideas in small groups and choose whose idea summarises the answer best.

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Exercise 7: Speak up
Get in small groups and discuss the questions 

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Fun Footer

  1. Give your own examples of something difficult you have done, that has changed you for the better. 
  2. Work in small groups to think of of a challenge - it should have a positive effect on the people taking part: for example... Give up meat for one week
If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you.

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Why are we practicing this??
Part 6 of the First Cambridge exam is always a gapped text, just like the one in the text book.
It is only 6 gaps, but they are worth 2 points each, so 12 points in all.....I think it is a good idea to try to put as much as effort as possible. One mistake could cost you 4 points as if you get a letter wrong, then you will not have it available to use later in the text. 

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Top Tips for Part 6
  • Underline parts of the text that give you the answer
  • In the gaps, you might be looking for a time connection, 
  • Focus on the little words, usually pronouns (he, this, that .... what do they refer to???


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Learn the vocabulary on page 19
Do exercise 1 ( 1-8) Before Tuesday the 26th
Use the set in your Quizlet Class to practice

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