Chapter 2 - Lesson 1

Chapter 2 Crime - Lesson 2
Chapter 2 Multimedia & Design
Lesson 1
1 / 27
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo t, mavoLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 27 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

time-iconLesson duration is: 80 min

Items in this lesson

Chapter 2 Crime - Lesson 2
Chapter 2 Multimedia & Design
Lesson 1

Slide 1 - Slide

Today's Lesson
  • The English Language
  • Exam year – different skills to focus on
  • Reading - Put the paragraphs in the correct order
  • Chapter 2 - Multimedia & Design - p. 74
  • Getting started - exercise 1 up to 3 - p. 77
  • B Theme words - exercise 10 up to 16 - p. 80

Slide 2 - Slide

Slide 3 - Video

Tongue twister
  • First, try this simple, but difficult tongue twister. Say it as many times as you can
    (at least three times).


Now, try this trickier tongue twister. (To minimise the risk of injury, I'd just say it once, if I were you.)


Slide 4 - Slide

Today's Lesson
  • Exam year – different skills to focus on
  • Reading - Put the paragraphs in the correct order
  • Chapter 2 - Multimedia & Design - p. 74
  • Getting started - exercise 1 up to 3 - p. 77
  • B Theme words - exercise 10 up to 16 - p. 80

Slide 5 - Slide

Exam year - What to expect?
  • Focus on different language skills
  • Listening
  • (luisteroefeningen – Kijk en Luistertoets CITO)
  • Speaking
  • (Gesprekken oefenen – Taaldorp)
  • Reading
  • (Teksten Stepping Stones/examenbundel/ – short stories – Leesvaardigheid CE)
  • Writing
  • (schrijfopdrachten/Email schrijven SE/sollicitatiebrief/CV/examenidioom)

Slide 6 - Slide

Put the paragraphs in the correct order
  • You will receive 10 paragraphs of a text.
  • In duos you are going to put them in the correct order.
  • After 5 minutes you will compare your order with a different duo.
  • You will have some time to make changes if necessary.
  • Some tips?

Slide 7 - Slide

Put the paragraphs in the correct order
Work like a detective and look for clues to help you. These tips will show you how.
  • Read all the paragraphs before deciding on the correct order.
Ga op zoek naar verbindingswoorden die het volgende uitdrukken:
  • the same idea: too, also, furthermore, in addition, what’s more, etc.
  • a different idea: however, but, nevertheless, on the other hand, then again, while, whereas, etc.
  • reason and result: so, as a result, consequently, for this reason, since, as, because of this, due to, etc.
  • sequence or order: firstly, first of all, initially, then, secondly, finally, eventually, in the end, etc.
Ga op zoek naar verbindingen tussen de alinea's. Verbindingswoorden kunnen linken naar dingen eerder of later in een tekst. Voornaamwoorden (pronouns) kunnen daar ook bij helpen.
  • personal pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they)
  • possessive pronouns (my, mine, your, yours, his, her, hers, its, our, ours, their, theirs)
demonstrative pronouns (this, that, these, those)


Slide 8 - Slide

Put the paragraphs in the correct order
  • 10 Mrs. Knowles and her three sons were driving from Perth to Adelaide in the early hours one morning in 1988.
  • 9 When she saw a light flashing on the road ahead, she slowed down thinking that it was a traffic signal
  • 2 Suddenly, a strange light seemed to be on top of the car, sucking it up off the road before dropping it down again.
  • 7 Feeling terrified and out of control, the family noticed a black powder seeping inside their car and smelt a horrible stench.
  • 4 In a state of shock, they drove to the nearest town and reported the incident to the police.
  • 5 Thinking that the woman must have been so tired that she was dreaming, the police gave her a cup of tea hoping to calm her down.
  • 6 Finally, the police agreed to inspect the car and when they did, they saw the dust, smelt the smell and also noticed some small dents in the roof of the car.
  • 3 Meanwhile, a local lorry driver following the same route as Mrs. Knowles confirmed that he has also seen the strange light in the distance.
  • 8 This story was quickly taken up by some people as proof of the presence of aliens on earth.
  • 1 Other people who prefer to believe in a scientific explanation have suggested that electrical forces in the atmosphere caused this and other incidents.

Slide 9 - Slide

Today's Lesson
  • Exam year – different skills to focus on
  • Reading - Put the paragraphs in the correct order
  • Chapter 2 - Multimedia & Design - p. 74
  • Getting started - exercise 1 up to 3 - p. 77
  • B Theme words - exercise 10 up to 16 - p. 80

Slide 10 - Slide

After this chapter, you can:
• understand when people talk about life at school
• use words to describe school and use ordinals (rangtelwoorden)
• talk about the time and timetables (lesroosters)
• make yes/no questions and negative sentences
• talk about likes and dislikes
• write sentences with the correct word order

Chapter 2
Multimedia & Design 

At the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
 * use words about art and design
* talk about creating something
* make sentences with linking words
* ask for and give an opinion about media and design
* talk about designs
* compare things with like and as and one and ones
This chapter's mission:

Slide 11 - Slide

korte woorden
lange woorden
(3 lettergrepen of meer)
Comparisons - Exercise 3

Slide 12 - Slide

Slide 13 - Slide

andere spelling
verandering -y

Slide 14 - Slide

Class work
  • Getting started - exercise 1 up to 3 - p. 77
  • B Theme words - exercise 10 up to 16 - p. 80

Slim stampen - Grammar --> GS grammar a en b
Slim stampen - Vocabulary A & Theme words B


Slide 15 - Slide

4B/4A Homework
Friday the 30th of August
Getting started 1 up to 3 - p. 77
B Theme words 10 up to 16 - p. 80

laptop/stepping stones A  
Vocabulary Theme words - p. 114

Slide 16 - Slide

Getting Started - ex 1 and 3
  1. creative industry
  2. invent
  3. develop
  4. user-friendly. 
  5. compact
  6. brand new
  7. calculate 
  8. to manufacture 
  1. happier
  2. sharpest
  3. larger
  4. better
  5. most important
  6. closest
  7. nearest
Getting Started - exercise 1 and 3

Slide 17 - Slide

Today's Lesson
  • Examenbundel - Oriëntatietoets
  • New Chapter - Chapter 2
  • Getting Started
  • B Theme words 
  • C Reading
  • A Watching
  • Quizlet

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C - Reading - page 84
  • Do exercise 17 - use your laptop to find the info
  • We will read the text together
  • Do exercise 18a/b/c and 20

Slim stampen - Grammar --> GS grammar a en b
Slim stampen - Vocabulary A/C & Theme words B


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Getting Started - ex 1 and 3
  1. c
  2. c
  3. c
  4. b
  5. a
  6. a
  • His Then (…) social media.’ paragraph 1
  • ‘Since then (…) his work.’ paragraph 3
  • ‘New followers (…) added daily.’ paragraph 4
  • ‘I could (…) the world.’ paragraph 4
  • People enjoy taking a trip down memory lane.
  • Photos are shared on social media a lot. 
C Reading exercise 18 and 20

  1. smashing/masterful
  2. publicly
  3. smashing/masterful
  4. integrate
  5. delight

Slide 20 - Slide

Today's Lesson
  • Examenbundel - Oriëntatietoets
  • New Chapter - Chapter 2
  • Getting Started
  • B Theme words 
  • C Reading
  • A Watching
  • Quizlet

Slide 21 - Slide

What does an influencer do on social media?

Slide 22 - Open question

Would you ever buy something because an influencer recommended it?

Slide 23 - Poll

A - Watching - p. 78 - strategy
STRATEGY Social media and influencer marketing
On social media you see a lot of influencers. Influencers can be a big inspiration to their followers and almost feel like their friend. That can benefit companies! A lot of companies really want to work with influencers, so that they can promote the company’s products. This is called influencer marketing. This can also benefit influencers because the more followers they have, the more money they earn.
 As an influencer can feel like a friend, a sponsored message can feel like the influencer is helping you make your choices. What they are actually doing is advertising.YouTubers have agreed on a social code. They have to let their followers know if they get sponsored or not. They do that by showing the name of the company or product at the beginning of the video or in the description below their post.
 Sometimes, an influencer acts as if they aren’t promoting something when they really are. This is called covert advertising (sluikreclame). There are a couple of waysthis happens:
– The brand name of a product comes into view.
– Products are tested and the influencer gives a positive review.
– An influencer visits a place, for example a shop, and gives a positive review.

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A - Watching - page 78 
For your homework you will do the A - Watching - exercises online. Watch the videos and answer the questions. 


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Today's Lesson
  • Examenbundel - Oriëntatietoets
  • New Chapter - Chapter 2
  • Getting Started
  • B Theme words 
  • Quizlet

Slide 26 - Slide

4B Homework
Friday the 4th of November
B Theme words - online

Vocabulary Theme words + A watching 
p. 114

Examenbundel - p. 21 t/m 34 
Kennis van land en samenleving

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