Mari TM lesson 1

Welcome to Teaching Methodology
formative assessment
1 / 31
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TaalHBOStudiejaar 4

This lesson contains 31 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 100 min

Items in this lesson

Welcome to Teaching Methodology
formative assessment

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Question before we start:
Who is looking forward to this course?
Can't wait!
Only here because I want to pass
Don't know yet

Slide 2 - Poll

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Who am I?
Mari Varsányi
English Language & Lit, teacher training
DENISE, curr. coordinator, IPC/IMYC, AfL

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Name cards + who are you?
Write 3 adjectives or a saying which describe you as a person.

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trapeze artist
tight rope walker / acrobat
ring master
snake charmer

Name, level at which you teach, how many lessons a week, how many modules to go before graduation?

Slide 5 - Open question

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Today's programme
  • Clarifying expectations (also in terms of assignment)
  • Formative evaluation -what you already know
  • Learning Aims and Success Criteria
  • Reflection on learning

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Main assignment

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What do you already know about FE?

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Collect evidence of learning
Collect evidence of HOW students reach the aim.
C4Us = Checks for Understanding

Analyse evidence of learning
Describe and explain observations of the collected evidence of learning. What went well? Why? Where is room for improvement?
Discuss findings/analysis with students
Providing students with feedback. Informing them about your findings. How do you do that so their learning can benefit from your feedback?
Improve your teaching and the students' learning
If you had to teach the same again, what would you do differently? Why?
Aims and success criteria (SC)
AIM(S) = WHAT do you want your students to learn?
SC = HOW will your students reach the aim?

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Learning Aims & Success Criteria

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Is this an example of a good AIM?
Students can write a story in English.

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Which aim for a single lesson is SMART? (think-pair)
Students can write 5 sentences in English.
Students know how to tell a funny joke.
Students can use the past simple correctly when talking about their latest holiday for 2 minutes.
Students at A1 level can discuss their political preference for 8 minutes.

Slide 13 - Quiz

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Aim for this course
At the end of this course, students can design, carry out and reflect on a lesson series based on the 5 cycle loop of FE in a 3000-word paper or a 15-minute vlog.

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Set a Learning Aim
Think about what you're currently teaching in your class. Write down one Learning Aim that is SMART.


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Choose a Learning Aim
Share the Learning Aims in pairs/ groups of 3

Decide on one Learning Aim that you all agree is  SMART


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Share a SMART Learning Aim (one person per group)

Slide 17 - Open question

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Revisit your  Learning Aim
Adjust your Learning Aim so it's even SMARTER


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Success Criteria (SC)
  • Success criteria are the steps or mini-aims students must   master to achieve the aim of a lesson (series). 
  • Success criteria ALWAYS show student learning. 

Do not confuse SC with (task) instructions, like 'write 200 words' or 'work in groups' or 'use the internet to look up information'.

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Example of aim+SC:
Aim: At the end of the lesson, (A1) students can use the present simple correctly in 10 sentences about themselves and their family members.

SC: Students can explain when the present simple is used.
SC: Students can recognise the subject of a sentence as he/she/it.
SC: Students can identify the ending of the stem of the verb as ss/ch/sh/x/o 
        and add -es after the stem.
SC: Students can identify the ending of the stem of the verb as consonant+y
        and change the i to y and add -es after the i.

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Remember: SC show student learning!
Use action verbs when formulating SC so the students' behaviour is observable. Use Bloom's taxonomy. 

Remember:         define. identify. describe. label. list. ...
Understand:       explain. describe. interpret. paraphrase. summarize. ...
Apply:                    solve. apply. illustrate. modify. use. ...
Analyse:               analyze. compare. classify. contrast. distinguish. ...
Evaluate:              reframe. criticize. evaluate. order. appraise. ...
Create:                 design. compose. create. plan. ....

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Which SC is suitable and correctly formulated for the aim:

'Before the end of the lesson, (A2) students can talk about 3 different activities they did during their latest holiday for 2 minutes.'
Students can make correct sentences.
Students can use 5 regular and 3 irregular verbs in the past simple to describe holiday activities
Students understand how to use the past simple in sentences.
Students know time phrases in the past.

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Which other SC would be suitable for the same aim:
'Before the end of the lesson, (A2) students can talk about 3 different activities they did during their latest holiday for 2 minutes.'

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Suggestions for SC
SC: Students can use 10 words related to travelling and holidays in sentences.
SC: Students can use time phrases in sentences in the past simple.
SC: Students can use Subject-verb-direct object word order.

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Aim for this course
At the end of this course, students can design, carry out and reflect on a lesson series based on the 5 cycle loop of FE in a 3000-word paper or a 15-minute vlog.

In groups of 3 (or in pairs), discuss suitable SC for the aim of this course 
Success criteria (SC):
- ?
- ?
- ?

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Your suggestions for suitable (SMART) SC for this course:

Slide 26 - Open question

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Suggestions for suitable SC:
SC: Students can explain the theory of all 5 phases of Guliker and Baartman's 5 cycle loop.
SC: Students can describe their learners' needs
SC: Students can put the theory of the FE loop into practice in their classroom.
SC: Students can use self assessment, peer feedback and teacher feedback when discussing what went well and what needs to be improved when using the FE loop.
SC: Students can explain the theory of all 5 phases of Guliker and Baartman's 5 cycle loop.

SC: Students can describe their learners' needs

SC: Students can put the theory of the FE loop into practice in their classroom.

SC: Students can use self assessment, peer feedback and teacher feedback
Suggestions for SCs

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What have you learnt today and what would you like to know more about?

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For next class
check Brightspace and do the readings:
  • success criteria
  • FE and motivation

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Question before we end:
Your thoughts about the course now:
This could be useful
Only here because I have to pass
Don't know yet

Slide 30 - Poll

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Try FE elements out and share with your peers!

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