Reading TK2

Please, take a seat...

Put down your bag...

Take out your books and notebook...

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo b, kLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 11 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson

Please, take a seat...

Put down your bag...

Take out your books and notebook...

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Learning goals chapter 1:
  • Use words to talk about travelling, holiday activities and the weather. 
  • Understand a text about things that go wrong on holiday(TODAY)
  • Talk about holiday experiences
  • Write about what happened in the past.
  • Give your opinion about holidays.
  • Ask questions about the past.

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Today's goals:

  • Discuss homework 
  • Understand a reading text about things that can go wrong on holiday. 
  • Learning how to use reading strategies 

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Discuss your homework
LEARN: Theme words B Travelling + Packing your suitcase p.70
LEARN: Theme words A Watching p. 70​
READ: 'Reading' (lezen) tot en met punt 11 p.194, 195 en 196
DO/FINISH: Exercise 14, 15, 16 + 17. (p.37, 38 and 39) ​


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READING Strategies 
You can read in different ways...

  • Exploring a text  (Oriënterend lezen) -> idee van wat er in staat: titels + kopjes, foto, inleiding 
  • Skimming a text (Globaal lezen) -> belangrijkste info: oriënterend + eerste en laatste zin per alinea
  • Scanning a text  (Zoekend lezen) -> specifieke informatie: zoek de tekst die je nodig hebt: tussenkopjes, lijstjes grafieken, cijfers, namen, gekke woorden, symbolen
  • Intensive reading (Intensief lezen) -> alle informatie begrijpen: lees de hele tekst

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READING strategies
Preparing for reading:
What is the topic? Titles, pictures? What do you know about the topic? 
Read the exercises! Underline Key Words. 
What kind of reading do you need? idee? belangrijkste info? specifieke info? alle info?

During reading:
Look for key words. Underline difficult words.

After reading
Look up the difficult words + do the Check-Exercise

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Reading p.41
W- Exercise 18, before reading...  ​

H- In class ​
H- Help? 1-> classmate, 2-> Teacher​
T- Time: 5 minutes​
U- you've prepared yourself for reading ​
K- READ: Theme words C: p.83 

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Reading p.41
W- Listen to me, I'm reading the text. 
W- Now read the text yourself and do Exercise 19. ​USE THE STRATEGY!!!

H- Work individually ​
H- Help? 1-> Classmate, 2-> Teacher​
T- Time: 10 minutes​
U- You have found key words + you underlined difficult words.
K- Look up your difficult words. 

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NEXT CLASS: Review reading strategies + Speaking and Stones

LEARN: Theme words C (Reading) p.71
REPEAT: Theme words A + B p.70. 
DO: Finish 19, 20 and 21 p.40

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