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Planning chapter 5 7e editie
Chapter 5 "Your world"
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Middelbare school
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This lesson contains
39 slides
, with
text slides
1 video
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Items in this lesson
Chapter 5 "Your world"
Slide 1 - Slide
Do the writing assignment of chapter 4
Go to the site and do the Test Yourself of chapter 4 (only the reading/listening exercises)
Homework: Practise reading on readtheory.org and/or watch Newsround
Slide 2 - Slide
Lesson goal: I can use words, grammar and sentences I have already learned.
Read the mission on page 58
Repetition "plurals"
Do ex 1,2,3,4 on page 58/59
Discuss answers
Finish the Test Yourself
Homework: Study the Getting started vocabulary on the site
Slide 3 - Slide
Reading & listening test theme 3+4
Date: Friday 18th March 2022
Abbreviation teacher: EKC
Write down "A" or "B"
Good luck!
Slide 4 - Slide
A)Lesson goal: I can listen for specific information while watching a video.
Check the Getting started ex on page 58/59
Do the before watching ex 5
Read the strategy 6a
Do ex 6b,c,7+8
Do speaking ex 9
Homework: Study words A on page 96
Slide 5 - Slide
B) Lesson goal: I know names of animals and words for animal body parts, and I can use them correctly.
Listen to theme words "Animals" + "Animal body parts"
Do ex 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 1
6, 17
Homework: Prepare your presentation. Study words A+ theme words "Animals+ animal body parts" on page 96
Slide 6 - Slide
Wednesday 6th April
C) Lesson goal: I can guess the meaning of a word by recognising it from another language.
Questions about the presentations?
Read the before reading ex 18 (page 66)
Read the strategy (19a)
Read "Animal heroes"
Do ex 19b+c
Do ex 20,21,22
Homework: Study words A+ theme words "Animals+ animal body parts" +C on page 96. Prepare your presentation
Slide 7 - Slide
Friday 8th April
D) Lesson goal: I can describe animals and talk about animal behaviour.
Listen to stone 13+14+ theme words "Animal behaviour"
Do ex 23,24,25
Play the game ex 27
Work on your presentation
Homework: Study words A+ theme words "Animals+ animal body parts+ Animal behaviour" +C on page 96. Prepare your presentation
Slide 8 - Slide
Monday 11th April
E: Lesson goal: I know how to make possessives. I know when to use much and many.
Do the find out the rule ex 28
Explanation "much & many" + "possessives"
Do ex 29, 30,31,32,33
Homework: Study words A+ theme words "Animals+ animal body parts+ Animal behaviour" +C+grammar 13+14 on page 96. Prepare your presentation
Slide 9 - Slide
Tuesday 12 April
Presentations: Megan, Noa, Hidde, Zara, Oscar, Femke, Joas
Finished?Quizlet live
Homework: Study words A+ theme words "Animals+ animal body parts+ Animal behaviour" +C+grammar 13+14 on page 96. Prepare your presentation
Slide 10 - Slide
Wednesday 13th April
Presentations: Dyonne, Jedidja, Norah, Lara, Charlize, Esmee
Finished? Quizlet live
Homework: Study words A+ theme words "Animals+ animal body parts+ Animal behaviour" +C+grammar 13+14 on page 96. Prepare your presentation
Slide 11 - Slide
Tuesday 19th April
Lesson goal: I know how to use the present simple+ present continuous
Go to LessonUp
Explanation grammar present simple/present continuous
Fill in the slides
Tuesday 17th May: Test chapter 5 words and grammar
Homework: Study words A+ theme words "Animals+ animal body parts+ Animal behaviour" +C+grammar 13+14 on page 96. Prepare your presentation
Slide 12 - Slide
Wednesday 20th April
Presentations: David, Jort, Nikki, Jurgen, Rachel, Sharwijnie, Elon
Quizlet live
Homework: Study words A+ theme words "Animals+ animal body parts+ Animal behaviour" +C+F+ grammar 13+14 on page 96.
Slide 13 - Slide
Friday 22nd April
Lesson goal: I can guess the meaning of important words in a conversation about everyday situations.
Do the before listening ex (37) on page 80 together
Read the strategy (38a). Listen to "Living in the countryside". Do ex 38b,c,d
Do ex 39+40
Check those exercises
Homework: Study words A+ theme words "Animals+ animal body parts+ Animal behaviour" +C+F+ grammar 13+14 on page 96.
Slide 14 - Slide
Monday 9th May
Lesson goal: I can understand a text in detail.
Read the strategy on page 82 (43a)
Read the text "Campaigning for a fair food industry" and do ex 43b+c
Do ex 44,45,46
Homework: Study words A+ theme words "Animals+ animal body parts+ Animal behaviour" +C+F+G grammar 13+14 on page 96.
Slide 15 - Slide
Tuesday 10th May
Lesson goal: I can talk about nature & habitats
Check ex 43b,44,45
Listen to stone 15 + theme words habitats
Explanation pronunciation ch/sh sounds
Do ex 47b/48/49+ speaking ex 50
Homework: Study words A+ all theme words +C+F+G grammar 13+14 on page 96.
Slide 16 - Slide
Wednesday 11th May
Lesson goal: I know when to use the present simple and when to use the present continuous
Do the find out the rule ex 52 on page 90
Explanation present simple/present continuous
Do ex 53, 54+56
Homework: Study words A+ all theme words +C+F+G grammar 13+14+15 on page 96.
Slide 17 - Slide
Friday 13th May
Lesson goal: Repeat all grammar of chapter 5
Go to the site and go to extra opdrachten
Do all grammar ex
Go to LessonUp and practise with the grammar
Homework: Study all words and grammar of chapter 5
Slide 18 - Slide
Monday 16th May
Do the extra grammar ex of chapter 5
Check the answers
Homework: Study all words and grammar of chapter 5. The test is tomorrow
Slide 19 - Slide
Tuesday 17th May
Test chapter 5 words and grammar
Date: Tuesday 17th May
Abbreviation teacher: EKC
Write down A or B
Slide 20 - Slide
Wednesday 18th May
Explanation irregular verbs
Watching assignment
Homework: Study irregular verbs 1-8
Slide 21 - Slide
Friday 20th May
Go to the site and do the exercises of chapter 6 getting started
Finished? Study the irregular verbs 1-8!!!
Homework: Study irregular verbs 1-8
Slide 22 - Slide
Monday 23rd May
Lesson goal: I can understand a video in which people talk about their sports and hobbies.
Check irregular verbs 1-8
Do the before watching ex 5 (page 108)
Read the strategy (6a). Watch the video and do ex 6b+c
Do ex 7+8
Homework: Study irregular verbs 1-16
Slide 23 - Slide
Tuesday 24th May
Lesson goal: I know words to do with sports and body parts.
Check irregular verbs 1-16
Listen to the theme words "competition+ body parts
Do ex 10,11,12,13,14,15,16
Homework: Study irregular verbs 1-24
Slide 24 - Slide
Monday 30th May
Lesson goal: I can determine the purpose of a text.
Check irregular verbs 1-24
Do the before reading ex 18 (page 114)
Read the strategy (19a). Read the text. Do ex 19b+c
Do ex 20,21,22
Homework: Study irregular verbs 1-32
Slide 25 - Slide
Tuesday 31th May
Lesson goal: I can use comparatives and superlatives
Check irregular verbs 1-51
Look at stone 16+17 about making comparisons
Do the find out the rule ex 28 (page 122)
Explanation grammar 16a+16b
Do ex 28b + 29+ 30+ 32
Homework: Study irregular verbs 1-42
Slide 26 - Slide
Wednesday 1st June
Do the watching ex (Rhett & Link + Uk's wife carrying race)
Homework: Study irregular verbs 1-51
Slide 27 - Slide
Friday 3rd June
Check irregular verbs 1-51
Do the reading exercises
Homework: Study irregular verbs 1-51
Slide 28 - Slide
Slide 29 - Video
Slide 30 - Link
Tuesday 7th June
Check irregular verbs 1-51
Choose between reading/studying the irregular verbs
Go to the site
Do ex 33 of Countries and cultures (Canada)
Homework: Study all irregular verbs
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Friday 10th June
Test irregular verbs 1-52
Date: Friday 10th June 2022
Abbreviation teacher: EKC
Write down A or B
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Monday 13th June
Lesson goal: I can understand a conversation about people's opinions.
Check irregular verbs 1-52
Do the before listening ex 36 (page 128, F online)
Read the strategy (37a)
Listen to watching sports and do ex 37b+38+39
Do speaking ex 40
Homework: Read on readtheory.org
Slide 33 - Slide
Wednesday 15th June
Take out the reading book
Do a text together
Read the text and answer the questions.
Homework: Read texts on readtheory.org
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Friday 17th June
Waarschijnlijk reserve sportdag
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Wednesday 15th June
Lesson goal: I can understand an interview in detail.
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Monday 20th June
Discuss the test
Read some texts on readtheory.org
Or do all ex of G (chapter 6). That's also a reading assignment
Homework: Read some texts on readtheory.org. You can also watch Newsround
Slide 37 - Slide
Tuesday 21st June
Read some texts on readtheory.org
Or do all ex of G (chapter 6)
Inhalen toets: Joas, Noa, Esmee
Homework: Read some texts on readtheory.org. You can also watch Newsround
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Wednesday 22nd June (last lesson)
Slide 39 - Slide
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