Week 46-1 Prepare SE writing: grammar and errors

By the end of this lesson you
  • have checked you Chromebook settings for Test Week and done a small test
  • know how to use "conditials" and can apply them
    (you are able to discuss hypothetical situations)
  • know how to use the possessive "s" and can apply it
    (you can talk about possession)
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 12 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

By the end of this lesson you
  • have checked you Chromebook settings for Test Week and done a small test
  • know how to use "conditials" and can apply them
    (you are able to discuss hypothetical situations)
  • know how to use the possessive "s" and can apply it
    (you can talk about possession)

Slide 1 - Slide

Oefenen met exam.net
  • jullie hebben een mail gehad van school hierover
  • je hebt een Chromebook nodig
  • het Chromebook moet beheerd zijn door school
  • Claroread/Textaid? Dan: oortjes met draad

We gaan zo een oefentoets maken om te kijken hoe het werkt. Volg de instructies stap voor stap. Succes!

Slide 2 - Slide

By the end of this lesson you
  • have checked you Chromebook settings for Test Week and done a small test
  • know how to use "conditials" and can apply them
    (you are able to discuss hypothetical situations)
  • know how to use the possessive "s" and can apply it
    (you can talk about possession)

Slide 3 - Slide

Grammar: conditionals
  • conditional > from "condition", voorwaarde
  • watch the film clip
  • 0, 1, 2: most commonly used; 3: might be interesting for arguing purposes >
    If we had been more careful, we wouldn't have a climate crisis now.
    mixed: feel free to ignore for now

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Zero conditional
Facts, always true.

If present simple,    
present simple

If you walk in the rain without any protection, you get wet.

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First conditional
Real or possible situations in present or future.

If present simple,    
will + infinitive

If you hurry, you will be on time.
If you prepare for the test week, 

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Second conditional
Unreal situation in present or future, hypothetical

If past simple,    
would + infinitive

If I had a million, I would buy a new house.
If I won the lottery, ........

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Third conditional
Past hypothetical situation. It't too late to change anything. 

If past perfect,    
would have + past participle

If they had left early,  they would have been on time.

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Now finish these
  • If you study hard, ............................................... (pass the test)
  • If he forgets his books, ............................................... (teacher get angry)
  • If I won the lottery, .......................................................
  • If I had all the time in the world, ...........................................
  • If you had listened better, ...........................................
  • If we had been more careful, ...........................................

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Possessive Form of Nouns (see reader)
Living Things
  • singular: 1) add 's 
    The boy's bike. Charles' s friends.
  • plural: 1) add ' , 2)  add 's for words not already ending in s.
    The students'  books. The children's bedroom.
Things not living
  • use of
    The roof of the house. The colour of the car.
Time expressions
  • add 's/' or inser - for duration
    It's a four hours' drive. It's a four-hour drive. This morning's lesson.

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Give it a try: check the sentences and correct if necessary
  1. I really like my fathers car.
  2. The girl's phone is pink.
  3. It's a five hour drive to Paris.
  4. Is this the mens' bathroom?
  5. I'm going to the butcher's.
  6. We are looking forward to the holiday of next year.
  7. The students answers were mostly correct.

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Practise (click item to activate the link)
Would you rather practise writing in general?

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