H2 Gaming as a job - klassikale les

Gaming as a job
1 / 28
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 28 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

Gaming as a job

Slide 1 - Slide

1. What is your greatest fear when you game?
Not knowing things!
Being alone
I fear nothing!

Slide 2 - Quiz

2. What is your favourite gaming reward?
Extra points
Virtual food and drink I can share with friends
Secret clues that reveal things

Slide 3 - Quiz

3. What type of character would you choose to be in a game?
Gun slinger
Fearless explorer
Helpful elf

Slide 4 - Quiz

Doel van deze les
De leerling leert om zich voor, tijdens en na het lezen bewust te worden van de juiste strategie om een tekst te leren begrijpen.

  • Voor: Voorkennis activeren /  Voorspellen
  • Tijdens: Vragen bedenken
  • Na: Visualiseren

Slide 5 - Slide

Group Green
1. Klik op de volgende slide voor de A2 tekst.
2. Gezamenlijk uitleg lezen.
3. Maak daarna de groene vragen 4 t/m 8 op je apparaat.
4. Klaar? Huiswerk + gezamenlijk les nabespreken.
How? Individually
  • Dictionary
  • Extra Uitleg or
  • pages 136 + 137 (Textbook) 
  • Raise your hand in Zoom
Time? 20 minutes
What are we going to do this lesson?

Slide 6 - Slide

Slide 7 - Link

4. Predict - Voorspellen
You are going to read a text. Before reading you can make a prediction. This helps you to think of what you already know. Look at the title, the picture and the headings.

Slide 8 - Slide

4 a. What do you think the text is about?
b. What do you already know about the

Slide 9 - Open question

5. Generate questions - Vragen bedenken
When you read a text you often have questions about that text. For example:
• What is this piece of text (paragraph) about?
• What is in the picture?
• What is Esport?
• How did they become millionaires?

You can make questions that start with the words: who, what, where, why, when and how. These questions help you to understand the text better.

Slide 10 - Slide

5. Generate questions - Vragen bedenken
  1. Now, read the text.
  2. Write down one question for each paragraph.
  3. Als jij mocht kruipen in de huid van een Cito-vragenmaker welke vragen zou jij verzinnen?
  4. Tip: Good questions often start with wwwwwh-words: who, what, where, when, why and how.
  5. Write the questions down on the next slides.

Slide 11 - Slide

5 a. Developer
My question during reading is:

Slide 12 - Open question

5 b. ESports
My question during reading is:

Slide 13 - Open question

5 c. Business skills
My question during reading is:

Slide 14 - Open question

6. How much money did
the video game industry
make in 2017?
$36 billion
$30 billion
$35 billion

Slide 15 - Quiz

7. What kind of business
skills do developers, streamers
and players need?

Slide 16 - Open question

8. What does the professor in the last
paragraph mean by saying: ‘There are more
people working in the industry supporting
music rather than making money as
You can earn money without being famous.
You can only earn money if you are famous.
You can earn more money in music than in video games.

Slide 17 - Quiz

Did your prediction match the real text?

  • New words
  • Reading strategies
  • Information about the text
  • Write it down in the wordweb on the next slide.
What have you learnt?

Slide 18 - Slide

Slide 19 - Mind map

Group Blue
Group Green
Group Purple
1. Ga naar de link in SOM of in Itslearning. 
1. Ga naar de link in SOM of in Itslearning.
1. Ga naar de link in SOM of in Itslearning.
2. Lees de uitleg.
2. Lees de uitleg.
2. Maak de paarse vragen 1-6 op je apparaat.
3. Maak daarna de blauwe vragen 1-6 op je apparaat.
3.  Maak daarna de groene vragen 1-6 op je apparaat.
3. Klaar? Vul de Exit card in.
4. Klaar? Vul de Exit card in. 
4. Klaar? Vul de Exit card in.

How? Individually
  • Dictionary
  • Extra uitleg
  • Pages 136 + 137 (Textbook)
Deadline? 31 May

Slide 20 - Slide

Extra uitleg
  • Voor het lezen: THIEVES

  • Beantwoorden van vragen: Lees de vraag eerst en kies of je gaat Skimmen, Scannen of Intensief lezen.

  • Tekstboek: pagina’s 136 + 137

  • De drie websites na deze slide bieden je handvatten om beter te worden in leesvaardigheid.

Slide 21 - Slide

Slide 22 - Link

Slide 23 - Link

Slide 24 - Link

Extra uitleg
  • Voor het lezen: THIEVES

  • Beantwoorden van vragen: Lees de vraag eerst en kies of je gaat Skimmen, Scannen of Intensief lezen.

  • Tekstboek: pagina’s 136 + 137

  • De drie websites na deze slide bieden je handvatten om beter te worden in leesvaardigheid.

Slide 25 - Slide

Slide 26 - Link

Slide 27 - Link

Slide 28 - Link