E2.2 B1 Speakout unit 3B. Questions: Decisions.

SpeakOut lesson 3b: Decisions
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EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

This lesson contains 31 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

SpeakOut lesson 3b: Decisions

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In this lesson, Ss read and talk about making decisions. The lesson begins with Ss talking about how good they are at decision making. They then read an article about the art of making decisions. Next, Ss work out the meaning of, and practise using, words/phrases related to decisions that feature in the article. They listen to two people talking about decisions they have to make and focus on tenses and verb forms used to talk about the future. This includes a focus on the weak forms of are you and going to. Finally, Ss prepare and give a one-minute talk on their future plans and ask each other follow-up questions.
Think 40 seconds.

Talk 40 seconds.

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Today's class
Read an article about making decisions.

Talk about future plans and intentions:
present continuous, going to, might and will.

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Stand on the left if you like coffee.
Stand on the right if you like tea.
Discuss in your group why you made that choice. 
Discuss the questions in English!

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Exercise 2A
Predict the main message using:
- headline
- paragraph headings
Write down your prediction.
Read the article.

Exercise 2B
Read and answer questions in pairs.
Exercise 2C:
per table

Which ideas do you agree with?
Which ones are a bad idea?

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What is a paragraph?

2C: Make a summary of what you think about this in your group. Then I will ask  what the outcomes are per group. Rollenverdeling: voorzitter, notulist etc 5 minuten

Reading 2a: predict the main message using:
- headline 
- paragraph headings
Exercise 2a. Reading: predict the main message using:
- headline
- paragraph headings

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Give Ss around 20 seconds to read the title and paragraph headings. Check their understanding of consequences and gut instincts. It is likely you will need to explain the latter. Put Ss into pairs to predict the main message before they then read the three options and choose the best one. Check the answer as a class.
Reading 2a: predict the main message using:
- headline 
- paragraph headings
Exercise 2a. Reading: predict the main message using:
- headline
- paragraph headings

Correct answer: B.

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Give Ss around 20 seconds to read the title and paragraph headings. Check their understanding of consequences and gut instincts. It is likely you will need to explain the latter. Put Ss into pairs to predict the main message before they then read the three options and choose the best one. Check the answer as a class.

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Ask Ss to read the questions and predict the answers in pairs before they read the article. This will help them to read with a greater purpose. When reading, Ss should ignore the words in bold for now. Ask Ss to check their answers in pairs before checking them with the class.

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Finish assignment 3a + 3b

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Listen to exercise 4A together
Check  4B and 4C

Explanation in next slides.

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Grammar: present continuous
Present continuous

going to for future
will for decision
might for a plan

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Grammar: going to and will
Present continuous

going to for future
will for decision
might for a plan

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Grammar: may and might
Present continuous

going to for future
will for decision
might for a plan

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Exercise 6A
Prepare one of the four topics.
Make notes.
Make sure you can talk for one minute long. 

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Exercise 6B
Pair up
Talk for one minute.
Other member is going to ask questions after the minute is done. 
Switch roles!

Student A
Student B

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Talking about the future
I am going to start university next year.

I am starting my course in September

We will meet you at the station.

I might see you at the restaurant this evening.

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1. Intention of future plan (Be going to +infinitive)
2. Plan has already been made (present continuous)

Talking about the future

I am going to university next year.

Ik heb dit besloten: het is iets wat ik wil gaan doen.

be going to + hele werkwoord

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Talking about the future

I am starting my course in September.

Ik heb dit besloten en dit ga ik doen!

be + werkwoord + - ing

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Talking about the future

We will meet you at the station.

Ik heb dit niet gepland. Dit is een last minute beslissing. 

will + hele werkwoord

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Talking about the future

I might see you at the restaurant this evening.

Ik weet dit nog niet zeker maar het is een voornemen. Het staat niet vast.

will + hele werkwoord

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Pearson Speakout:

Unit 3B

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To finish
Please get ready to finish this lesson together.

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Exercise 6b
Do you have big plans?
Share your plans!

Will ...
Going to ...
Might ...

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Exercise 6b

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