Can Could Should

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Middelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 16 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 15 min

Items in this lesson

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1) Readtheory-> Reading at your own level (10 min)
2) Grammar Explanation (5 + 10 min)
3) Individual work - I Writing & Grammar (10 min)

A1/A2 I can silently read English text for 10 minutes.
A1/A2 I can use can, could and should

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First things first...
Start with Readtheory...

Work quietly :-)

Question? Raise your hand!


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Goals Theme 2:
1 Vocabulary: New words: doctor's visits, injuries and health conditions, to give tips and advice
2 How to: Give advice and reassure someone
3 How to use: Can, could, should
4 How to talk about: Things that happened
5 Write and Talk: About how you feel and about what happened.

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Today's goals

I know the meaning of CAN / COULD / SHOULD
I can form sentences using CAN / COULD / SHOULD

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Introduction: Can you explain the difference?
How to say in English? Take out your notebook + pen and stand-up

Mijn broer is een dokter. Hij kan je onderzoeken.
Je mag naar de wc
Je zou een infectie kunnen krijgen als je vies verband gebruikt.
Je moet veel water drinken, hoor! Dat is goed voor je.

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Introduction: Can you explain the difference?
READ THE 4 sentences below:

My brother CAN examine you. He's a doctor.
You CAN go to the bathroom
You COULD get an infection if you use dirty bandages.
You SHOULD drink a lot of water. 

What is the difference between CAN, COULD and SHOULD?

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Introduction: The difference
Can: kunnen, mogen (toestemming)

Could: zou kunnen, kon (verleden tijd), mogelijkheid in de toekomst

Should: zou moeten (advies geven)

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Introduction: Can you explain the difference?
My brother CAN examine you. He's a doctor. -> VAARDIGHEID: iets kunnen
You CAN go to the bathroom -> TOESTEMMING: iets mogen

You COULD get an infection if you use dirty bandages. ->ZOU KUNNEN

You SHOULD wash your hands before dinner. -> ADVIES

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Can: kunnen, mogen (toestemming)

1. She can run really fast.
2. I can go watch the football game! My mom said so!
3. Can I go to the bathroom?

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Could: zou kunnen, konden/mochten (verleden tijd)

1. She could run fast when she was younger.
2. I couldn't see the football game because I was sick.

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Should: zou moeten (advies geven)

1. She should study if she wants to pass the test.
2. We should drink water every day. 

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Don't get it yet? I'll help!                  Get it? Then get to work :-)
DO: Ex. 57a+b; Ex. 58a +b. p 112+113 Read carefully what you have to do!
DO: Ex. 6a p.183

Finished? Write sentences of your own:
2 sentences with CAN + 2 with SHOULD and 2 with COULD
Finished? Raise your hand, I'll check. OK? then Presentation
Outcome: a little extra help from me / you already get it


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Next class
Watching and Listening
Study Vocabulary F p.118

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Learn: Grammar 4
Learn Vocabulary G p.119
Study Vocabulary F p.119 + make a list in StudyGO

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