Online les V2 week 1, future, woensdag

Welcome class V2A
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 33 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

Welcome class V2A

Slide 1 - Slide

Today's lesson goals:
- Refresh your knowledge of 'will', 'shall' and 'going to': 
Stone 12 and Grammar 12
- Practise your knowledge about future tense 
(toekomende tijd).

You need: Stepping Stones work book & text book

Slide 2 - Slide

Future tenses 
(allebei toekomende tijd):
1.) To be going to
  • iemand is in de toekomst iets van plan (of juist niet) 
  • je hebt bewijs voor een voorspelling (het is zeker)

2.) Will: 
  • je hebt geen bewijs voor een voorspelling (het is onzeker)
  • aanbieden, beloftes, aankondigingen, besluiten

Slide 3 - Slide

Future: to be going to (NL: gaan)
Als je:
- wilt zeggen dat iemand iets in de toekomst wel of niet van plan is
- een voorspelling doet waarvoor je WEL BEWIJS hebt.

VORM: to be + (not) ging to + infinitief / hele werkwoord
I'm going to visit my aunt on Friday (it's in my diary).
I'm not going to visit her on Wednesday.
Are you going to visit your aunt this month? (to be vooraan in de zin) 

Slide 4 - Slide

Future: will (NL: zullen)
Gebruik je bij:
- een voorspelling waarvoor je GEEN BEWIJS hebt
- aanbieden, beloftes, aankondigingen, besluiten

VORM: will (not) + inifinitief / hele werkwoord
He will call me tomorrow. (belofte)
He will not / won't call me tomorrow.
Will he call me tomorrow?  Shall I /we call him tomorrow? (will/shall vooraan)

Slide 5 - Slide

Homework check:
- Translate Stone 12 into Dutch
- Study Grammar 12, p. 61

Slide 6 - Slide

Translate to Dutch: 'The winner will compete in the regional championships next month.'

Slide 7 - Open question

Translate to Dutch: 'We're going to practise indoors today. Our coach just told us.'

Slide 8 - Open question

Translate to Dutch: 'What's Fatima going to do at the weekend?'

Slide 9 - Open question

Translate to English:
'Zal ik je morgen bellen?'

Slide 10 - Open question

Why 'going to', 'will' or 'shall'?
1. The mayor is going to welcome us at the town hall later today. 
2. He won't bring his wife.

3. Will you come for tea after?
4. Sure, I will. Shall I bring cake?
5. I'm not going to visit my parents today.

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To do (5 minutes):
Make exercises 27, p. 97 work book
Use Grammar 12, p. 61 text book


Slide 12 - Slide

Exercise 27. (1) Our national football team ________ play an important match tomorrow.
is going to

Slide 13 - Quiz

Exercise 27. (2) Joshua __________ run that race. he has broken a leg.
isn't going to

Slide 14 - Quiz

Exercise 27. (3) __________ we come over and help you?
Are we going to

Slide 15 - Quiz

Exercise 27. (4) ____________ arrive by bus
They are probably going to
will probably

Slide 16 - Quiz

Exercise 27. (5) You ___________ have to cycle a bit faster, otherwise you ________ there on time.
are going to / are not going to
are going to / won't
will / won't
will / are not going to

Slide 17 - Quiz

Exercise 27. (6) Do you think it _____________ rain today?
is going to

Slide 18 - Quiz

Exercise 27. (7) Tomorrow there ________ be heavy showers.
are going to

Slide 19 - Quiz

Exercise 27. (8) Look! That girl _______________ fall off her bike!
is going to

Slide 20 - Quiz

Exercise 27. (9) _____________ you have your football training tomorrow?
Are you going to

Slide 21 - Quiz

Exercise 27. (10) ____________ come and see me next week?
Are you going to
Will you

Slide 22 - Quiz

To do:
- Make exercise 28 on page 97-98 of your work book

Slide 23 - Slide

P. 97-98, Ex 28 (1)
My sister Andrea ___________ to take part in the next Holland's Next Top Model.

Slide 24 - Open question

Ex 28 (2) It ___________ be fantastic!

Slide 25 - Open question

Ex 28 (3)
Yesterday she received the letter saying that she __________ be admitted into the contest.

Slide 26 - Open question

Ex 28 (4) You _________ support her, right?

Slide 27 - Open question

Ex 28 (5) __________ we go to the studio where the series (6) __________ be recorded?
Will / will
Shall / will
Shall / are going to
Will / are going to

Slide 28 - Quiz

Ex 28 (7) Just fancy, seeing all those celebrities there. We ___________ be able to ask their autographs.

Slide 29 - Open question

Ex 28 (8) Do you think they ____________ give one if we ask for it?

Slide 30 - Open question

Ex 28 (9) Anyhow, it __________ be quite an adventure for us if we go.

Slide 31 - Open question

Ex 28 (10) And of course I hope Andre ___________ win!

Slide 32 - Open question

Do you have any questions or remarks?

Please type them in the chat.

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