5V unit 11+12 (4 lessen)

5V unit 11+12 
7th June: PW unit 11+12
1. Vocabulary
2. Grammar (blue boxes)
1 / 28
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This lesson contains 28 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson

5V unit 11+12 
7th June: PW unit 11+12
1. Vocabulary
2. Grammar (blue boxes)

Slide 1 - Slide

Grammar p 104
ex 1
  1. gets
  2. get
  3. got

Slide 2 - Slide

  • informal
  • dynamic
  • an action
To do: Grammar ex 2 p 104 + 
vocabulary ex 1+2

Slide 3 - Slide

ex 2
  • 1 While she was crossing the road, she got hit by a car.
  • 2 The man got taken to hospital by ambulance.
  • 3 My bike got damaged when I got hit by a car.
  • 4 I got shouted at for cycling on the pavement.
  • 5 My jeans got ruined when I fell off my bike.
  • 6 We didn’t get hurt in the accident.

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ex 1
Getting angry: had a go at; shouted at; loses her temper; gets worked up; letting off steam; bit my head off; bit my tongue (feeling angry but not expressing it)
not getting angry: keep her cool; stays calm; keep the peace; bit my tongue (feeling angry but not expressing it)
saying something: had a go at; shouted at; bit my head off

Slide 5 - Slide

ex 2
  • 1 kept; cool
  • 2 loses; temper
  • 3 keeping the
  • 4 get worked
  • 5 tongue
  • 6 let off

Slide 6 - Slide

p 105: Grammar: causative have
ex 1
  • 1 &3 

                                                                             ex 2
  • have + object + past participle
To do: ex 2 + 3 + 4 p 105

Slide 7 - Slide

ex 2+3 p 105
  • 1 having my hair cut. > planned future action = pres. cont
  • 2 had it repainted.  = past simple
  • 3 ’m having my motorbike fixed.  = planned  future
  • 4 Have; had something valuable stolen = ever = up to now > present perfect
  • 5 to have my blood pressure checked.

  • unwanted: sentence 0 and 4

Slide 8 - Slide

Go to the online platform

unit 11 > grammar > more on the passive + causative have

Slide 9 - Slide

Grammar p 107 
ex 1
  • 1 remade
  • 2 thrown
  • 3 tried
  • 4 rescued; turned

Slide 10 - Slide

ex 2
  1. 1,2,&4
  2. unknown, could be derived from context

                                                                           ex 3

  • be
  • have been

Slide 11 - Slide

1. object of sentence becomes subject
2. look for modal > past or present?

3.  use correct passive voice structure

To do: p 107 grammar ex 3 + vocabulary ex 1+2
     present: modal + verb
     past: modal+ have + pa pa

Slide 12 - Slide

vocabulary ex 1
1. upcycle = to make new furniture, objects, etc. out of old or used things or waste material
2. download= to copy or move programs or information into a computer's memory, especially from the internet or a larger computer
3. upload= to copy or move programs or information to a larger computer system or to the internet

Slide 13 - Slide

4. upgrade = to improve the quality or usefulness of something, or change it for something newer or of a better standard
5. downsize = to make a company or organization smaller by reducing the number of people working for it, or to become smaller in this way
6. update = to make something more modern or suitable for use now by adding new information or changing its design
7. downgrade = to reduce someone or something to a lower rank or position, or to cause something to be considered less important or valuable
8. downplay = to make something seem less important or less bad than it really is

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vocabulary ex 2
1 upgraded
2 download
3 update
4 upcycled
5 downsized
6 upload
7 downplay
8 downgraded

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ex 3
1 More information can be found on our website.
2 New ideas might be thought up.
3 These things should be re-used.
4 You could have been hurt.
5 Your bike must have been stolen.
6 It may have been put here on purpose.

Slide 16 - Slide

Go to the online platform

unit 11 > grammar > grammar + vocabulary

Slide 17 - Slide

Unit 12 
Can you name 10
Why are they called superheroes?

Read the text and complete 
ex 5+6

Slide 18 - Slide

Answers 5+6 reading
5. Possible answers 
A Kicking off for a better future
B Street hopes
C Learning for change

1 opposition journalists in Iraq
2 young Iraqis who participated in the initiative
3 the favelas or shanty towns
4 children from the favelas
5 the Orang Rimba (Forest People)

Slide 19 - Slide

Future perfect; future continuous (review) (p.112-113)
  • Future perfect - will + have + past participle
    An action/situation that will be finished before a certain time in the future. 
    For example: I will have gone to bed by then! 

  • Future continuous - will + be + present participle 
    An action that will be in progress at a certain time in the future. 
    For example: I will be working the entire day next Saturday. 

  • Over to you... grammar complete ex. 1, rule, 2
                                  vocabulary ex. 1, 2

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Answers - grammar p.112-113
1 future perfect
2 future perfect
3 future continuous
1 present participle
2 past participle
1 ’ll have gained
2 will have had; ’ll have made
3 ’ll have done; ’ll be waiting
4 ’ll have bought; ’ll … be driving

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Answers - vocabulary p.112-113
1. 1 officially suggest
2 suggest
3 choice
4 choose
5 convince
6 have a chance of winning
7 reduced 

2. 1 put herself forward 
2 is in the running
3 campaigning 
4 nominated 
5 shortlisted
6 voting for 
7 elected

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Future in the past 
  1. FORM Would
    [would + VERB]

    I knew you would help him.
    I knew you would not help him.

  2. FORM Was/Were Going To
    [was/were + going to + VERB]

    I knew you were going to go to the party.
    I knew you were not going to go to the party.

When we talk about the past, we sometimes want to refer to something which was in the future at the time we were speaking. We use past verb forms to do this:

The last time I met her, she was leaving for a new job in Italy the following day. (past form of She is leaving)
They rang to say they would be with us by ten o’clock but then their flight was cancelled. (past form of They will be with us)
[a novelist writes about a house where he wrote his novel]
I saw the house that I was to live in for the next six months. (past form of I am to live in this house)
He said he was going to see the match but it was cancelled. (past form of He is going to see the match)

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Over to you...
Reading ex 1, 2
Vocabulary ex 1, 2 
Grammar ex 1, rule, 2, 3

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1. the young mother who wrote the second text; she wanted to thank the nurse for saving her son’s life.

1 because he thought he had failed his GCSE exams
2 He decided to go back to school and work harder.
3 She had a cold.
4 a sweet
5 She thought she would be made fun of for not having a
bus ticket.
6 One of the boys who she thought was laughing at her paid
her fare.

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1 a 2 h 3 f 4 d 5 g 6 c 7 b 8 e

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1.  1 going to 2 would 3 was 4 wasn’t 5 would

1 would; be
2 was going to be
3 wouldn’t be able/wasn’t going to be able
4 were going to meet
5 would/was going to
6 was going to be/would be

1 She wasn’t going to leave the country, but then it became
too dangerous to stay.
2 He thought he would teach the children to read and write
but he hadn’t really thought it through. / He was going to
teach the children to read and write but he hadn’t really
thought it through.
3 They were going to use football to give the boys more
confidence, but then they decided to set up basketball
teams instead.
4 She was going to set up a charity to promote the values
of tolerance and unity, but so far she hasn’t been able to
do so.
5 They said they would off er free healthcare to children,
but then it became clear that the government had
other priorities. / They said they were going to off er free
healthcare to children, but then it became clear that the
government had other priorities.

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Digital exercises
 Complete grammar and vocabulary (unit 11+12)

Slide 28 - Slide