Cambridge lesson 5 B2 first

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This lesson contains 22 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson

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Today's class
  • Questions about homework
  • Starter: story cubes past tenses

  • Main course:
-Reading part 5
-Modal verbs

  • Dessert: writing an article

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Any questions??

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Past tenses

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Quiz: present simple vs. present continuous (zie link in planner)
a plane | a sheep | a text bubble
1. past simple
2. past continuous
3. past perfect simple

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Rory's Story Cubes
Three dices: make sentences present simple first.
Then change them to present continuous.
Give example in next slide.
The sheep stood in the meadow and they were eating grass.
They had been outside before but never in this meadow.

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In drietallen.
Studenten gebruiken drie story cubes. Voor elke story cube maken ze een kort verhaaltje waarin ze de drie narrative tenses gebruiken.
Main course

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Unit 3 objectives
Topics: travel and tourism, transport, festivals and customs.
Grammar: modal verbs, adverbs of degree, dependent prepositions.

  • Reading and Use of English part 1 and 5
  • Writing part 1 : essay (using linking expressions)
  • Listening part 3
  • Speaking part 3 (using modal verbs to speculate)

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Go to page 22

finish the exam task

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Using modal verbs.

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Bladzijde 18 student's book.

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Modal verbs

Can't: something is impossible in the present.
Might: something is possible
May: something is possible
Could: Something is possible.
Must: obligation in the present (by the speaker)

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Modal verbs
Look at the photos and talk about what  might,  may
could, must or can't have happened.


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Reply to comment using modal verbs
  • Lucy looks just like the woman she's with. (MUST)
  • I overslept this morning. (SHOULD)
  • In my last job, it wasn't compulsory to wear a uniform. (HAVE TO)
  • I left my phone on the table and now it's gone! (MUST)
  • I sometimes ride my bike without wearing a helmet. (SHOULD)
  • I'm sure I had some spare change in my pocket, but I can't find it. (MIGHT)

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answers on page 21 teacher's book

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Writing part 2:
page 21
Keeping the reader's attention
Describing and linking

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Creative language with strong meaning
  • Like a lot of people, I was interested in the castle's history. (fascinated by)
  • The city centre is always crowded with people. (packed)
  • His first film was a great success. (huge)
  • A good fitness program is really necessary if you're serious about losing weight. (absolutely essential)

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Key language for articles
  • Catching the reader's attention
 Have you ever......?!, I want to tell you about....It's the best.....
  • Ordering ideas
Firstly, second(ly), finally
  • Emphasizing ideas
What I love/admire the most is.......The thing I like best is.....
  • Giving your opinions
In my opinion, For me, As far as I'm concerned

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-Wordlist unit 3
- Article in write and improve (page 21, hand-in in Teams)
- Listening part 3 exam task (page 25)
- Modal verbs ( assignment 1, 2 and 3, page 26)
- Adverbs of degree ( assignment 1, page 27)

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Adverbs of degree
Go to page 103 and look at the rules of adverbs of degree + finish assignment 5.

Finish assignment 1 on page 27.

Listen to the dialogue (assignment 2) and check your answers.

Finish assignment 2.

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