Unit 5 development (4vwo)

Unit 5 development
page.57 of your book
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 30 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

Unit 5 development
page.57 of your book

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For the students that aren't in class today
Do the following: exercise 1,2,3 and 4 on page.57 
and exercise 1,2 and 3 on page.58.
Most of the exercises are speaking exercises. This will be hard as you are working at home. Write down the answers you would had given instead. So answer the question by writing the answer down! write it down in a word document so that you can hand it in on Itslearning. I will create a folder where you can upload the file in.
Make sure you finish your homework before Monday 24-05-2021 and hand it in on itslearning before that time.

Slide 2 - Slide

which words come to mind when you think of development?

Slide 3 - Mind map

Today's overview 
  • Learning aims
  • Starting with unit 5
  • Page.57: exercise 1,2,3 & 4
  • Page.58: exercise 1,2 & 3 

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Learning aims 
  •  After this lesson the students are able to formulate an opinion or have a conversation about different types of development
  • after this lesson the students can at least mention 2 types of development
  • After this lesson the students have a broader knowledge about Dubai

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exercise 1, page.57
Look at the picture on page.57. What type of development is represented in the picture? Choose from the six types of development mentioned in the box in exercise 1

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exercise 2, page.57
A) Match the examples of development mentioned below with the types of development in exercise 1. (2 minutes)

b) we are going to listen to an audio tape. listen to the three speakers and mention which one each is talking about.

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exercise 3, page.57
we are going to listen to the same audio tape again.  What advantages does each speaker mention?
Discuss your answers with your neighbour.

You will get two minutes to discuss your answers. After that I will ask a couple of you to give a summary of your discussion 

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exercise 4, page.57
"describe examples of two types of development from your own experience. Where they positive developments?"

You will get 5 minutes to think of an answer. You are allowed to make notes. After the 5 minutes I will ask some of you to answer the question. 

Slide 9 - Slide

which kind of development do you think is the most important and why?

Slide 10 - Open question

What is a kind of personal development you would like to work on?

Slide 11 - Open question

From reality to fantasy, page.58
The building of Dubai

Slide 12 - Slide

Which words come to mind when you think of Dubai?

Slide 13 - Mind map

Slide 14 - Video

Up to you!
Make exercise 1 and 2 and 3 on page 58.
You have until 5 minutes before the end of the lesson.
Do exercise 1 with your neighbor and keep your volume normal. keep in mind the 1,5m distance rule.
You are allowed to do exercise 3 with your neighbor as well.
If you are finished before the end of the class or if you have a question, raise your hand.

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Thank you for the wonderful lesson
If not finished within the lesson, complete exercise
1,2 and 3 as homework.

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Unit 5 development
page.59 +162/163 of your book

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For the students that aren't in class today
Make the following: exercise 4,5,6,7,8 & 9 on page.59
If you have difficulty with the grammer you can make exercise 1 and 2 on page. 163 as well. If you don't find it difficult you can skip these two exercises.
Write down the answers in a word document so that you can hand it in on Itslearning. I will create a map where you can upload the file in.
Make sure you finish your homework before Tuesday 25-05-2021 and hand it in on itslearning before that time.

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Today's overview
  • learning aims 
  • verb+ infinitive or -ing  explanation 
  • Page.59: exercise 4,5 and 6 
  • Page.59: exercise 7, 8 and 9 

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Learning aim
After this lesson, the students have a better understanding of the infinitive or -ing grammar and can show this by successfully making the exercises of this unit

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verb +infinitive or -ing 
grammar explanation 

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verb+ to+infinitive 
we use to + infinitive after certain verbs. usually to talk about hopes, intentions and decisions.
common verbs: agree, appear, arrange, choose, decide, expect, hope, intend, need, manage, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, want, wish, would like
- I would like to offer you a nice meal
- We plan to move next year

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verb+ someone+ to+ infinitive 
some verbs are followed by an object+ to +infinitive.
common verbs: allow, ask, expect, force, help, invite, need, remind, teach, tell, want, would like
- He reminded me to do the dishes 
- She forced her brother to clean the room

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verb+ someone +infinitive without to
some verbs are followed by an object and the infinitive without to.
common verbs: feel, hear, help, notice, see, watch 

-  she helped her brother become famous
- she watched the children play in the garden

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verb+ ing
we use verb+ ing after certain verbs
common verbs which are followed by -ing are: avoid, can't help, enjoy, like, love, prefer, don't like, hate, can't stand, (not) mind, keep, miss, practise, risk, suggest 
- I enjoy staying in luxury hotels
- I love swimming in the pool

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Practice makes perfect
We will now make exercise 4,5 and 6 together. I will give somebody the turn to answer a question. It is important to know that making mistakes isn't a bad thing. We are here to learn. 

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After the grammar explanation and exercises, I understand the verb +infinitive or -ing

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If you find yourself struggling with this grammar rule, make the extra exercises on page.163. (exercise 1 and 2)

There are also some good video's on Youtube explaining this grammar rule.

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Up to you!
Make exercise 7 and 8 and 9 on page 59.
You have until 5 minutes before the end of the lesson.
You are allowed to work with your neighbor. Keep the volume on a normal level and keep in mind the 1,5m distance 
If you are finished before the end of the class or if you have a question, raise your hand.

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Thank you for the wonderful lesson
If not finished within the lesson, complete exercise
7,8 and 9 as homework.

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